<br />
<br />Z.2 C:^~ it3E NEE+c OF SAIa`7 SECTION, 241..E rF.ET i0 THF. ACTUAL P0I:3T OF
<br />.r.4"('si~~iSNv.
<br />:.fC.,."..i.G ^'tiF.:',":~Gt~t CEI~ H3:3 '4ACS v ,`,;; . :3E ..x~TZCuLARL`~ ~'r.St, .ic ll
<br />d 'rin:?'tL~Js1' :,QED ~CGRi~EU ~OUit 23`? ~ 2y~ r'1EG Ft"r.ltiRiti U~ :1$~;'"+ >>F:ItS
<br />+.:s'CG~DFu It; ~OOf: 14 a''Air; 49? .~'.O?u PA _ ~ .,^.~.; ,~a~S::~LxiaL".D AS .'OLLGI?
<br />tiorthea~st quarter o= the
<br />traces of land 2acated ir. pa ca. ~ ~' ~ ~ g 'atest a :':ie
<br />A iaw Li :earth, :~3n-~
<br />''artheest yuarCar ab 5ectior. 33,
<br />kith ?.'~., ::al' Cour_ty, :sbrask2, cesc ~c as f021aws, Re''e riz,~ to tha
<br />.,~ ~ ~ -; ce sauther2Y on »ha was 23rn of
<br />artcCast caner o- sa..- Sact_or. 3. 4.
<br />;.e :sorthrast Ciaartar a: thQ lorthe~ ;.er O>' said Sectlor. ;>>
<br />i:5La:«Cz.' a~ ~.3.uq iEEt; tIY6 Cs2 w25'G$ ~~ t.. t_ i.°..2:C^ "3,~ I'~L't'~. .4611thti2;~ PrOIA
<br />:;~, t.z~st Duarte `af tre :~orth~exst
<br />~: ;,~: a',~lel to the ;tier h 11: e of s~ ,. o,^ be~ir .1n,T' t!-.encu contin-~-
<br />si ~art~r a distance Of 's~.0 feet to +. ~ -~ ,
<br />,r. wc;:;terly or. tine lest aeseri5ed a ; rodLCed s distance of 34x.0
<br />-':ti3:CL southerly QA..'S:3~.U Mic&t
<br />:eel o a ,ooirt ar. t?xe 'nest proemsart, _.. f
<br />,:.rope ^ty 11;.z a cistarce o.^ 15 . s fee ~ : ~ =Ce es.ster2y a: distsr:ce o. 220. k
<br />feet to a point y.3 r,~ ~.id .tarty.. moire; thence ..ortherly
<br />1i" feet sou..Y:erl,t .. :rom Bald :earth
<br />20.0 :eet. to a po,:rt ~ :ect souther~~
<br />ti aiat€~: ce o. _ o feet sOUth-
<br />2i e; thence eastGr':y a distance ar __.u :"ee:t to a pa::.^.: act.
<br />r 2 feet t0
<br />Grl;,r .:om said .forth Tire; thence 3oi...:;e iy a d..st:;zce o_ G3.5
<br />., pai:.t k0,0 feet westerly frara SG~a v~~~ 2ir_e; t eree aasteriy a d_star,Ce
<br />of 7.0 .feat to a poir:t 33.4. feet wes ~ ..:~°rom said vast,2lre; thence
<br />:.art~r1;~ or. a iir;a 33.u feet westr~r , A': am and ~ara22e1 to ssio i::ust
<br />':iv y dista.^.ce Of 20c~.0 feet to tl~e :u...t of be~lnnir.F:> cortainin~;'
<br />t a areas. :.aret~y aecurHa.
<br />~,522,4~ aquare feet, :core or less, .-.
<br />"^her~ w1::2 be r:o ir.~3rnss o _ .3 over ta..e a0ave aeacr cscu eruct
<br />ora0 r,e~rt~t~sinin~ fends of tYze Qra. _:. .- _~c:ept eve rs:c. ~a ~.r=crc ~~
<br />e,-; ;.. a..ces .:.ot tc exceed ~"1 _''e~t it ~=~4 to proviue 's >,rus.~ a.,d a t~.~ to
<br />:'a~e::y" of t:la owner $G .Of.,G +•`~ tae' _ .3ifi. Cam.";}i.r~x.i,C n1+. ar _i•r'.
<br />:C1L"':+.««. .t.'w.`3iS:e3~ $~'T.YJit1C$ $«'S `G~'lt7',( C: :. .. :.:1~'. CCT:T.Cal~.;C':'t O`« "riC3iC MtroTiO
<br />~e '.oc~tad 129.b °eet, ar:d X50.5 fca,`.. .: HeSteri,{ tram ,n ~rs~u .,1,.e
<br />of oaf.. :~OI'ri:3 Ri$BCM :1$S'Ltl2' fit L:4s MO L:.~ .L ~.:~..~`.ttr d.s Aeu arr.d. u. a,i„
<br />e~:.~:~riin~r off' Chg. h1gh~+ay a: 0 220 .~ . 4e v ~a..:..~rly `'. arr~ t..+. :Ortiz ,.,rv a~'
<br />s~ia «artheast Q;t~crte; of the :~orthn~.:t •,u~°te.~ as :~ats~ured a2or.~; ti>c
<br />::~ssstlnb of sii3.d :~or'~h~8st G4r$s"Car of t 0 lorthvasC ;;u~rter."
<br />A~3U
<br />~~ :raft ,.An Page ~ 2.
<br />~ .
<br />
<br />