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<br />~2 -^~'.3 ~ 3 3 -~ ~ ~oDlrl~ ~~RMS <br />PREPAYV4ENT AND ACCRL'~AI. OF THF. FINANCECHARGErEven though 1 Ao not have to paymorrthanibe regular scheduled monthly payment, ] havet}ic agM' <br />to prepay the whole amount owing to you in full at any ti me ur in pan from timeio urste. If i}elending insituport or bank thatbuys my contract computes the finance charge <br />dotty, ikbo~. my finance charp~e will 6e less if I make an early payment, and it will be higher if 1 pay late; I afro raogttize that any necessary adjustment to my iota? finance <br />charge will h• reflected in my.hnal btll F also know that tfieamounts shown on the reverse side fa the 1=lnance Charge, Tota{ of ayTttenes,.and the Total Sale Price alt esti- <br />mates bace6 on the assumption that `you willreceive eachof thcpayments exactly petits dtx-date;.and1 know that them wit{ be no refund if I prepay because theft tstitHhing <br />to refund it 3 amcharged on a @ailyy basis-.If the lendingfnstitunon or bank doesnof compute the finance char¢edaily;:andif [prepay the whole amount. you willrefund <br />to me.the unearned portion of ttie £nancechnrge (interest) by the accounting procedure known as the actuarial method and the amount of myy rebate will be figured on the <br />scheJuled datzs and amounts of my-monthly payment and riot otr the actuaidates. andamouuts of theprepayments that 1 pay to you: 1 know thata refund of less than S1.40 <br />will not t+e made_ .. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />(a) We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES; EXPRESSED OR:YMPLIED; OF MERCHANTA- <br />BiLITY AND FITNESS FOR A'PARTlCULAR PURPOSE ON ALL...GOODS I1ND SERVICES iJNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE'WRITTEN LIMRED`WARRANTY OR: SERVICE CONTRAC7;AAADE BY SEL- <br />LER ON ITS OWN. BE4IALF (WHICH, IF MADEy-ACCOMPANIES' THIS'CONTRACT).' <br />;b11 will and should read; rode:ail,ili~eparate.''LIMI'I'EDWARRANTI"'which accompanies this convact.Itexplains the corxltioos and ~:ircumstance:: in which <br />thcmwnvtaetttrttiproductsw~ilfberepairedprreplacedItakenoticeofihelimitationsonthewamanty:and9patticularlvrecognizethatanyimpliadwarrantvwhichapplies <br />to the goods lasts linty aslongac ilia warranty or service contract. <br />SPECIAL-ORDER:GOODS:a krww that you have measured-mv houseand its openings so thatyou can makethe products to ftt my particular horse. I take ootice chat the <br />goods that are manufacaurtd fur my specific house probably wdl not fit any otherhouses, and under such conditions, E know that I cannot can tJ this cnnvacr nt any time <br />afterthe'penrd oftimegiven to me,:by law,in which to canoe: Aftertha[aegal periodoftime: iknow thatIhavethe obligationao pay youfdfuh theamountowed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAININGTO MY-REAL ESTATE:I::Iprnmise to keep myhouseingood repair andtokeep it insured for at ]cast BOr%.: of its replacement value <br />by buyingafireand extended coverage tnsurance policy,The insurance company must be approvedby you,andthz p~ilicy musthaveastandard wst decd bencficiarv clause <br />which says that you'are to be id'if there is gloss. The msuraneacompany mustagree that it will rot cancel i4y polio ~ without f rst telling you. t authnn>ethe insurance ' <br />company;to pay you directly foccany loss. Ypu can choose",louse this insptantx;. payment [o either repay any.amount 1 mve you cr to repair myhouse. '_- I alw promise t}rat <br />]will notaltow anyone else to place any lienti on m}'real estatewittiout your written permtssion,3: Ipromise to pa}alitlxzs, assessments and other charges on my real esurte <br />whendue: 4. i promise to eimelymake.ali payments on my~ prior loans secured'.by myreal estate:lalso pro t i,e that [will not eatend, renew or change prior loans without <br />your written pemrissior.. 5. if Ydo not insure my'hr~ase or fulfill my otheEobligationsto my real estate then v nu can do it far me tt you wan[ (but you do not have [ol. if you. <br />do pay any of these obligations for me, I agree (o pay you'back oa demand plus interest at an annual race three xrcentage pn"nr; 3?~l erexter than the annual penentage <br />rate shown oo thereverse side. Umillpavvobback,these amounts wiltbe addedaomy debt to youwhich is secured by my rral ccrate and house.lknow that if you decide <br />tobuyinsurance#ormetha[youdonothavctoob!ainanyhomeownerorliabilityinsurnnce <br />SALE OF AIY HOUSE:lpromtse rwtto sell, lea roive my houseto anyone untiU have fullyrepaid my dcotmyou,or.untiil obtain your wri [tan pennissiun. [fl would <br />submi[to pousameoneio take overt}atsepntrac:.t 'reuthatyou may review theicqualifications.Ir you approve them,•;ou can charge measervice fee for changingrecords. <br />Yoacan also increase the interest rase en this contrr tt.y os much as the law allOyvs;rf}'nu do; yoti a¢rec noiroholdn e-esponsible for [hi.~debt. <br />DEFAULT:] willbe in default under thrs cenvaa if: - <br />1 I don'! make a pac'men[ when due; or '. <br />_ I break any promise 1 made to you in this Contract' or. <br />_. Sorrything else happens which causesyou to believers goodfaith that] do notiptend [o pay you aspromised; or <br />d. Idefnulton any obligationsforwhichlam using my home ascollaterai; of <br />:. Something happens to mvhcuse which.[hreatens yourrights, ifany;iail <br />[F I AM Iti DEFAILT: M}-house and real zstatecan be sold by you topay my deb[ [o voaBefore my house issold; you will do everything that the law requires. Anvooe <br />:,an pun he my horse and real estatz at the sate,, and, you can-give the purchasers Trustee's D'eea without ^m~ warr ntizs H >.vever, you a rea that you <br />N--ill not ;ell n -house s7d rea! estate ' I payalkoverdue paymentcand correct any default befost the sale..Or, wv have the right to ,ue m • and tbreclose .hip contract as <br />if it was a mortgage. if you hire an aztomeytdasstsi youto sell myhouse, oq-tosuesne, tx,.to prdtect yourrigAts, 1 pay you for your r,.awnablt attorneys' fees. <br />: and for aherrelated expenses such as court a>sts.titlcsearches and moneyyou expended to ptotcct my house. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: Wccan choose not to enforce any of the rights uuder this contract as oaten as we want without losing rlxm. Or, we wn delay enforcing any of tht rights <br />without 3esing them. lVc can aso useaay rights now ortntliefmun; giveat~usby law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use yourbestefforts to insta0 the products t ampurcfiastrs n my house, but t also understand that ir. some situntioos you mayencoumer <br />delay hhat are -,used 6y strikes, wra.hcr conditons, de}ayc you have in obtaining mate-isles or for other reason: that are txvnnd your ~cn[rol. [ understandthat you will <br />not be liable for such dela~s- <br />ARB-TRATiON: If ] have a dispute or claim wtih you concemrng thcquanuty. quality or per,Portnattce r,i the products. ] understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />and ~euled ac'oru'ing to the mediateon-arbitration program that Wray have developed inmy coirimimi[~ r by the Lxal Aener 9usmess $ureau. I also know thatany 3ecision <br />made by an arbitraturfs)would be entereA'ibthecoutt havingjunsdtctionover me acid you. <br />~ „ <br />SALVAGE VALUE: 1 k. ow thy: the •+~ndow"s, woodwork; and rahermatcriars[hat haveio be rem ~"ed by .~ _., t r tt -s mstallminn hay-eNU salvagevaiue: When you rr- <br />move them,you cut have thcmforHhatzverputpose you-wan4 ~ :;. - <br />SPECIALSITliATIONS:Duero the uroque>kss of some ofthe products thatyo,. szil,Ianderstand thatin apcci;il siumtions that your Regional Office may have to review <br />and accept this conract. f also understood that this sale oecmredan my home and mat you and i may not have had all the con ce[ information importan HO this RansaCri on <br />at our fln~enrpslgiveyou my consentto correct any Obvious errors that may ha~eu:carzed w`neu the blanks in this c~,ntrau were completetl. <br />IH V ALID PROVlSiO~B: It,anyy,provisioo of this contract violatestht taw and is unenforceable, ttr_ rea of the -onttact vr,ll be valid. if any pan o6this convaet reyuiros <br />payme nt of more i merest than ilre law. pennits,ihen you will only hxce the right [n col let'[ from me [he am~autt of intere}t which the law.allows youto Collect. <br />COMPLETENES'S OF THISCONTRACT: I cannot revoke the taus+. that 1 have emoted by this cm,ract-This. contract can only be changed if bothynu and me agree in <br />writing.. <br />The tmlo ~ing notice ~ri~ggss"to my attention the rights that] have even when thisc>lvactasold toahnancialinstitution orabank,andlshowdnotive~thattheintpor- <br />lanceofthis provision rs stressed tipitsappearancc to ton pomt, bold#aceiypr: <br />L~ <br />l___ <br />