<br />{ r ~
<br />L have. rtxeived at this timean itemizatipn of the Amount Finan~
<br />~ SMUdty: I am givin€ a securip~ interest in:
<br />n
<br />•~i}~f 4~e'..t •''
<br />"" T.the guods.setvtcesand property being punhased.and
<br />.
<br />' }.iy. payment :schedule will::bt:
<br />~ 2, my real estate and improvements, including m)
<br />j
<br />ri ~rt+ner of Payments f Ymount. of raymeart ~:wnen Payments urc.nue
<br />. ---- house, all at my' Addxes~' de renaied aMve
<br />,____ ~
<br />- &strmatad~=u be .,_.~.~- days after the date
<br />t t Payment 1
<br />of the Crnnpkhon 4'artificate.
<br />- ._ ,
<br />S FilinPfReeording fees $ ~------
<br />'
<br />~ All subsequent installments on the same day of
<br />id in full
<br />in
<br />al
<br />i
<br />h
<br />~ I,ateCharge: lf:a paymenfis more than t8tl OD) days
<br />r
<br />an
<br />pa
<br />ve rttt
<br />t
<br />~ ~ each consecut
<br />`
<br />' J.OO or 5% of the payment.
<br />date 1 will be charged $
<br />-t
<br />--~---- ~' ' whichever is.-ess, or m lieuof the preceding charge,,in-
<br />Iro-uraett *
<br />Credit life insurance andcredit disability insurance. are ndrequired utobtain credit, and will
<br />~
<br />' teresr may Fxcollected on i each delinquent installment
<br />upuC paid, not exceeding the contract rate of Ili%:.ptr
<br />pay the additional cost:
<br />not hr pro~~idedunless lsign and agree
<br />to
<br />__
<br />annum
<br />ts~ 1 Aromtom 9gnaturc
<br />twant credit life-------,
<br />~
<br />.
<br />Lif
<br />di
<br />C
<br />~
<br />~
<br />Prepayment: if f 1. av off early. { willnot have to pny
<br />re
<br />e
<br />t
<br />'~`
<br />~=
<br />`;~~y
<br />-~
<br />~~~
<br />- I rnsurance" '~f.-~ "' a-penalty.::nd J nay be :r-titled to a refund of pan of
<br />as
<br />t/
<br />Sg `" Y the finance charge
<br />j
<br />,~ I g mm
<br />
<br />-----1--
<br />t -
<br />'-~ 1 wtl4 revteu other por ons of thi - ,ntraU
<br />.
<br />' Credit Acciden~ I want credit accident,. ~ ~sr~.'
<br />' for addmonaf mfottnauon abaut roe pa} mein, default,
<br />& }leaith j ~ and health insurance.
<br />' ~ mrc ~ any required repayment m full h ~ the s: heduled date
<br />j ~ `~
<br />j and prepayment refunds and penalties
<br />Prorxrty-insurance is -requ±red. but I may .obtain this. property insurance from anyone 2 means an estimate.
<br />:.: [want. If f obtain this insurartce.Shrou€h you, t will:pay $
<br />COMMEtiCESFENT OF TFIE FINANCE CRARGE: The finance charge.(intemsq is e,umatedao start oo'. - --
<br />(insen :he datej except in theevent. that you complete .the installation of thegoods and ,ervtces on another dote,-then the finance'charge (nteres4 will be¢in
<br />to nqt on the date that I shalrsgns Completion .Certificate The amount offinancecharge imterest)'may be morepr less thanthe: amount disdosvf depending
<br />on theamount.: I pa} you and m}~ timeliness in making !payments. :
<br />PRSPAI"t4F1hT:: map voti,ncrrify pre av the amount l owe you, m full or: in part, at'an} ~ mr ff t make a pama! prepays .rn .mist ~ortmue .o make
<br />my sgula: paymrnts until I love paid all :+mounn owed- ~.
<br />REQUPS'C FOR FULL PAYME?sT: If 1 ,lo Zot ~'.' when. due, you. can: declare. wttkout giving notice to me; elf that I o e under ch t~ contract pay able.
<br />ar once. I agree to pay you interest oo dot amount na to exceed the highest lawful contract rate of 16% until euhec the n roust 1 ,.we you is 6roo€ht
<br />cuttent or until you sell my house if I hate given you a Deedof TtusL.-:i understand the definitions bath of'.whata "defauli' Is and what ;our pn;wer
<br />is: to-SCII my house under a Iked of Trust.
<br />COl.I,ECTION COSTS: Ir I am in de~faul[ of this cantract andyou demand full payment. [understand [hat you may send t t. n ~,m. rnes for ::ollecuon
<br />and~.enforcement. If you do so. 1 ^gree is pay your reasonable: attorneys' fees plus angcoun costs and expensesincurzed h}' 3~u. that is. it .?u are allowed
<br />[o collect such amrwnts by law. . _.
<br />DEF.D'OF' TRCiST 4s securin for this contract. !cram bargain, sell, eonvey and confirm to Thomas P, Egah, Jr , of Omaha. `Debra. ka end a ~a nhrr
<br />bf the..\ebraska Stag. Aar. as Trustee. in rrtur with the fvawerw sell, a deed to my real estate and improvements on it:.ind d- m h us -il ct h-ah
<br />is cnmmonlyretcrred to and {s h>cated at m}' °.4ddre-: designaced on ,the [op p~ttaon:. of this contract. This: Lied of TNS[ prat 'u y u if Ido not pa}
<br />this coneracras promised or if T break :+ny other promise Wade on either sideof this eon[rad. ,
<br />REVERSE SIDE: I understa»d that die additional terms and ptovisipns. printed on the reverse side of ahis Installment Sales., Contract arc :+ part of this [ns!all
<br />anent Sales Contract and that I am Mwnd by them in the same.~nanner as if ¢hey were printed on-the front of this very• Installment Sales Contract.
<br />t. F do rot love to sige thiscomract before I read it nr if any of thtspaces ioteetleddor theagreed termsio [he extent o[ then arailable information
<br />are left blank.:. I am entitled to a ropy of this conrractat the time I: sign it: 3 I may pay off the full balance dee undo'this contract at env
<br />tune, and a so I should be eelitiedto a fall rebate of the tntearnedtittttttce and ioauraoce ch~ es tit ao 1. 4. I MAY CANCEL THIS ABREEMENt
<br />IIOTICE OF R16NT iD CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPUNATIOM OF THIS $16NTJ 5. I°uedersland hat this esttvmeneisbased upon a horse wuritation
<br />sole and that this imtrnreent Is not ~negotiabk. 6. It shall ltd be legal for you to enter my premises tmlawtully or cammil any beach of the peace
<br />to rePosaese Roods prrtita-xd under this contraq.
<br />COPV RECEIVF,DC~ acknowledge receipt f a%completely lilted in copy of_thts contract along with two !?+ cop~r~ of ine \,~u~e of.Ri~ i~ C'.;ncel 1 orm-
<br />Iri WITNESS W}F£?~>F the; [ked~o~~f Trust~fn~~[[~pp11~11 ment Sal ~nvacr has been signed on this .day ok --~ ~ I y -
<br />at pity) ~"~ ^~~ i~-~{ -"- i'r~~~atc of Nebraska. (~ _ /~ - f-.
<br />~f
<br />PACESETTER FrR ~ S, INC. ,yiER-sey~ctn vi - ~ ~ '~~ ,G:},~s~.ll~~ -
<br />/ aL~R `~RllS R ~
<br />~.~~~7 ~G~~ ~
<br />By its agent ~ - ~~~ -.
<br />c s 'i-e~is~olT- ~ -
<br />State. of Nebraska ) ss The foregoing instrument was acknowled€e afore me on this ~
<br />County of -.i .i ~ '. ~ ~ ) day of 19 ~2 by'the above
<br />i~~ dust€nated Bu (s) - T or(s). -
<br />Il,t~lMIMItM~ >M.t..ttwww. ~~~ F.,~.-„r.~o
<br />p(ISSEILDrEVANS Votary Public -.1~.~<'..l'43,
<br />~My corALntssion e<ptre> ~~g{-tyg5-~ -
<br />5-101-NE-AfH6 - ---
<br />
<br />
<br />