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<br />NOTICE,. ~Z""~~! ~ e~ t5~ ~. ~ ' <br />This credit contract finanFea a purchase. All legal-rtghta wh~h the Buyer has against'the Seller ariaing <br />out of this transaction, including all Balms and defenses, are oleo vaild against any holder of this contract. <br />The right to recover money from the holder under this-provlsioh is IimRed to the amouret;paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />- A claim is a legally vdiid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally aalid reason far not paying <br />the Seller A holder Ia anyone trying to collecffar the purchase.' <br />- 7NSL'RANCI: CASCE[.i..~iTION: Ir I hes c requested insurance in tfiispurchase, I may uancel Stich request fot'.insurance for any reasonwithinfiftecn (15j days from the <br />date of thi, neract by notityme you er the holder of this contract in writing. i knowthat tht cancellation bfmy cavemge wiH tx arranged with the insurance camurt s) and <br />eful!rrfuniC_n~oree~ nni sj:onaher with applicabTefinaneechnrgewitl bec~edittd to thiscon[ract. <br />PIb4Sf;SUTE. 1,-lh -quc-t zli r,utccmthis ppunhast.l wiHmceivt within thirt~(ipj }sarrntficate of insurance morefuilydescnFitog th insuranc~~wrrage. : <br />I F;ne v teat het is an ^-~t n t x. coverage or [he language of the ceniFcare of in nce'and rh r~lfowing Notice of Proposed Insurance that 1 am covercA only ro <br />,Ix zxren!a.n.ed~~[tx fo(los i.g Nonce of P{pposedlnsorance.talso know thatltiacc ins sole .:oserag-Qtly Shave beenchargtdfari[. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />I rake notice thal either Credit Life ur Credit Accidentand Health Insntartce, qr both, will be applicable to this Sales ContraMon the rz~xrsc side only if l hove chosen <br />t5 going the request torsuchiusuranca. Tkisirisurancewill only cover the person signing the requ~..t the cost for each type of insutatx,eshown. Subject to acrep~anee <br />h} mc. insurance campem: . the insz~rance well tie effectiveas of today and well continue only ~fnr the number of months after thr effective date rqua! tothe. number of <br />^tonthty payments. (understand chat this particular insurance may not ordv[detoverage for rn}' but few Qaymens. and that donne that pencidof time [will nut have any <br />i n,uranct cover~ge.All bene£rsand zeds of the insurance will be paid [o vou:orto a rinanciafinstituuon or abank if it pputchasrs tht Sales tenvact to the extent of i:.a <br />mrerests and any balance wll be pays to to me_ The initial'amoum of Credit Life Insurance rs thesnioun[ roquiretl to repay thelotal of Payments; thereafter, the insurance <br />aeu'eases b}'the atnourtt of tech mortthlypayment on a schtduled 30 day:basis. If I am jointly otiFigated on the Sales Contract wtth a Co-Buyer and a~e hay e Nth signed the <br />rrctqquese for CtediCLife Insurance:dtath tie payable only wuh rcspecrtaihe nest one ofus to du. Subject [o exclusions, tliminations or waiting peeler stated <br />i'nthe insurance policy or certificate, Credit Accidentat[d Heahti4nsurancesforthe benefit amqunfof l'3fkh of eac~montti's payment foreach day th:~tlam totally disabled <br />dot to vn injury or sickness whilel owe any paymentiQyau; however, a understand ttiaz 1 have to be-prevented"from working due [o suchfotal disability for more than four- <br />teen (14) consecutive days before the msurartce: benefit t, paid back tothe first day of my totaldsabtlity. Ialsoknaw thaCl:cannpt obtain any-~iwracee from youif I <br />am aver 65 years otage today, and I also know that the insnnace coverage provided to me may contain a maximum amoaot orrnverage which will not pay it some <br />cases, the entire amoanY thatIOwryoo.t)ueto them. um amouncofcoveragestated in theinsuranet policy:7know.ilia[any unpaid amount in excess of the insurance <br />coverage will still have to be paid; ff theSales Conga -. ~ .zaid m.full prior to the las: payment dace. an).uriearned,insurancepremiumswill he refunded u> me in the man- <br />. nerprescribed by IaweWitbin ttitrty Stn days. I w ih .« the certificate of Insurance more fully descnbingtny insurance coverage. 7!`thc insurattce I ~.r,ot accepted b}' <br />the msurance company. l wil}neeeice a rerund of rh insur-an..~e premiums I have paid _ <br />BLYF3te'il,ertexttwoparagraphs~araaenwarrne~esralatire:othissalegivenbyustotheFinarcial~~s~tuuor,o:baakinon:erFor;ttobu}'t'niscontrset. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRU$T,AND INSTALLMENT SALES COI~'fRACT , - <br />pOR ~' 4LUE RECEIvFC Seller I-crcby c 1's sans mvry~s, transfers and delivers to ~-:~° ' ~~`~~-'~-"-r ` '~ ~ ~ ~ "`~~y <br />(Assignee) all of iu riettts. tith-. ,utd mteresr In sod t~th Iked at Tra'st amt tnstalhnem'Sales Contract, togetherwith art hens exisnng to secure tspi~ dthe propem~ <br />encumbered hereby s icnce a hercM• vbsniuled as Benefiaan ondtcttte Deed of"I'rvat ptnvisions of this conlrau. Jrller wa~anis and represejtil; (] It has the right to <br />_, make this assignment; t2) Allstntemetits and figures in this contract and inthe Buyer?sstatement are materiafiyaue artd cortccr. (3) kris convactarose from the bona ttde <br />sal~ofthe~cxxls and senices'described ?xreic; (3, Ili ash down payment shown tnthiscaniraet was aetnallypaidby Buyer and nopatt of said downpayment was loaned <br />dttcctl~ or mdirectl}' by Seller to Buyer 5-I Eac~ Buyer i .egad} ..,n>petent to contaact; (6) This contract is na and wi6mt be subject toms chum, defense, demand or <br />nest ~f off,et;i7i The ez ,c.uttoa of t6ts c..n[racl.n the undcrl me>alas transaction giving risethereto did noYviolate any federal or start Liu .ueuic, rule or reguiafion <br />sow in eft~tt; (8) in the es err that this contra.[ or the u~der~q rg salts transaction is subject toe righ[of rescission or canctitation h, the Buyer, saih7e:eission or cancella- <br />t;onpenod hascxptrcdanuneithtrihesaleno-thy.cent,rte;hastxencaitcelledarrcscinded.TNl$C~IITRhCTIS~~~flltSE[LERWVT-IUUTRfCUUB$E. <br />1 V TFSf l)10N1' tA'}lERF01 , tie undcn z red , - n authorized repo ntativeof the Seiler and has sigaod below oo behalf oP the Seiler ur. th's _.___._ <br />~' <br />"Ctn° £arepoing instruro~nt , as act ,w <dgr i h-t ~-r ~-~r o _ PACESET3ER PRODUCTS,>INC~(s~uar) <br />~- r, • r <br />i ,. ~ <br />_/~ Rv -'_-- ~- <br />by the,authcvized agent at Sel ter who is '^ ~" ~ ~~-0~ -~ ~' `° ~ ' <br />My' ~ t <br />6£tlktY(~Mfatr-Ststs~arlinds ~ <br />~, ^ 1M. wm"m. a~ii9.~x 77t"t'___.~~-~.r..~_:_.. _ }'ub,~c <br />LI~ <br /> <br /> <br />tr_ <br />