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<br />OG'°+v E;i t5 3 ~ ~ ADDITiUNAI_ TERMS <br />PREPRYSf F,NT:4Ni) ACCRliAL OF THE FINANCECHARGF,: Eventhough [ donor have to pay more th8nthe reggulru~ scheduled monthly payment, have [fie tight <br />to peepay the whole amount owing to ou irrfull at any time or in pertfrom dine to brae. ifthe lending institution orbank that buys my contract computes the finance charge <br />daily, I kkrtdw my £nanee,chargewill.~ less if I make. an earl}' paymem, and it wil!'>e higher if 1 pay late; Talso recognize that an necessary adjustment tomy totai:finance <br />charge will be refkcted:in my tinalbill, 1 also know that the amounts shaven on [hr, neveee•ssa side for the Finance Charge, Total of Payments, coil the Total SaR Pt{ce tiro esti~ <br />mates based on the assumption ihatyou will receive eachof thepayrnen[sexaetly on its due daro; andlkrww that there will be norefu»dif T prepay becausethereisnothing <br />ao refundif I am charged on a doily-basis. tf the lending. institution or bankdons not compute the finance charge daily, and if i prepay the'whole amount, You veil I reftmd <br />to methe unearned. portion pf the'fi~nance charge {interes0 by the acrounting: procedure known asthe actuarial method; and the amounfof myy rebate wilFbe figurzd on the <br />- scheduteddatrs and amounts of my monthly payment and not on the actualdates and amounts of the prepaymentsthatl pay to yov. I know thaiarefuntl ofless than c LOQ <br />.will aotbe made. .. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />((a) We as SELLER HEREBY DiSCL-AIM AL4 WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR 1MPLiED, fJF MERCHANTA- <br />BILITY AND FRNESS"FOR A PARTICUIJIR PURPOSE ON-ALL C,OODS AND.:SERVIGES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH',A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR'SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SEL- <br />LER ON ITS OWN BEHALF(WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS:CONTRACT). <br />i bl 1 wi II and shouldruad, indetail, the separate"LiMITED WARRAiy'['Y" which accompanies [his contract. It explains the conditions and circumstances in which <br />'themanufactwed products will lx repaired orreplacedatake noticeofthelimitationsonthe warranty; andlpartieularlyreeognize tFatemimphed warranty which applies <br />to tfiegoais Ltstsonly n long tie the wa[ranty or sen•icecon[rnet. <br />..SPECIAL-ORDER COODS: I know that you have measuredmy house audits openings so [fiat you can make theproducts to fitmypanicular house 1 take no[ice that the <br />goods [Elul ;tee tufa lured for my specific house probably will not tit anydtl[er houses, and under such oonditidns, iknow that t cannot cancel this convect at any time <br />after the period ~t t:nte evven to me: by law in which eo cancel:Afterthat legal period of[ime:fknow than havetheobliganon idpay you iii full the amountowed. <br />-0BLiGAT[OPS PERTAINING TO MY REAh ESTATE: 1. I promiseto keepmy house m goodrepair andto keep it insured for at least 30° of its replacement value <br />by bu}loge tie aid extendedc>verage nsurance policy, Theinsurance ctxnpanymusrbe approved by you, and thepolicy must haveastandaid trustdxd bcnehciarv clause <br />whtchsays th t y ware t~ ba pa;d if then i, a Doss. The insurance company must agree that it will'not cancel my,policy withoutfirst telling you. Y authorize the insuraice <br />company tbp ~>u direct y'oram Ira 1'nu ranphoose[u use this insurance paymencto enhc~tepay,any ambunt5i owe youo[to repair myhouse. ^_.Iulsopromisc the! <br />lwillnotutihwa yoneelsetoplace~nvhensonmyrealestatewithoutyourwritten~emisstnn a lpromisetopapalltaxes, assessmentsanilotherchargesonmyrealesta[e <br />.when due. 4. 1 promise to ~me'v make all payments on myy ppride loans secured bymy :'cal. tat . lalso promtsetliat[ wilt ndtextend, renew'or chance prior lours without <br />your icnnen permission, 5 It ] do not insure myhouse or Culfill`my other obligations to m} r al estate, then you caa do itfor meif you want (but }roe do not have to>. [f you <br />do gay any of these obligatoni for me 1 i¢ren topay you back-bn demand: plus interest at an mmuai~iate Ihree:percentage points (356) greater than the annual percentage <br />-.rate shown do the reverse side. Umil I pay vnu backk, [here amounts will he added to my debt to you which is secured by my real~estateandhoase. fknow that if you dxide <br />to buy insurance fir the that you do not h eve to obtain any homedwneror I iatiiiity insurance. <br />SALE OFMY HOUSEi l pprimise not to salt, lease or give my house to anyone until i have rutty repaid my debttoyou, or, until i obtain yourwritten pemtission. i f I would <br />submiuo you someone totakeover this conirac[,I.agree thatyoumay review iheirqualifications. if you,approve them, you can charge measervice fee for changing records. <br />Youcanalsoincreaseiheant~restratesnshiscpnt~a~tbyasmuchasthelawallows;tfyoudo..youagrcenottohQldme~esponatblefortfiis.debt. <br />DEFAULT7wiB be in detaulrunder tats comract if: <br />`:Idon'tmakcaeavment witrn~due or'. <br />_ 2. 7break any promiselmade to you in this cbntracc or <br />3: Something else happens which causes you totx!ieveia good faith thatldo not intend topayyvu as gromised: or <br />4. Idefautl on any obligations{or whicfi Tarn using my home as eollatetat: oc <br />~. Something happcnsto my house which threatens ydurrightc, ifany, in ii:' <br />[F T AM iN DEF 4iiLT: Vty ho se and real estate can bt sold by you to pay my debt to you. Beforemy house is sold,you will do ~-rything that the :aw requires.:~nyone <br />>can purchase m house and real estate at the tale, xlud'mg you, and, yovcan give the'purchasera Trustee's Deedwitfiout coy trtanties. tfo e~ cr you agtcr [hat you <br />wd1 not sell m ~ house env real csiate if i t s all rverduepayrnents and correct any default befwe,thesale. Or, vodhave the r~ht t -ue me and t_realose this contract ac <br />if n was a mortgage.. it you hire un atmmr> to Assisi you td-setlmy house,br,, to sue toe: or, to gcotect your rig(tts; I gr_c .o pay , u Ior cone masonuble attorneys' fees <br />.and l or char related cxpensessueh a court cchls, ~ i tk searchesand moneyyaaexperrded to protect my house. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We canchwsenotl><nforceanyot[herightsunder~hisconf~a~taspftunaswewantwuhuutlosiugthem.Or,tvecundelayr-ntorcinganyofther,gh[s <br />wlthoutlsutq thane-Wecan:ilso use any ri ehts now onnthe:funuegiven [ova by law. <br />DELAYS: 1 k t [het ~~ou veil u c you ~x, t rffcxu to tnstalEthe producLS lam purchasing on,nyy house, but I also urtderstandthat m comes matiCm you may encnwger <br />d I s inet ar c.wse. i by strikes. weathe ~oi diticns, nelay5 you have in obtaining materials, or far other reasonsthat are beyo:id }ourcontmt. 7 understand [fief you w ill <br />n ttx.Iia Gle for such delay.,- <br />ARIIITRA.TIO'~: If[ha ~eadtspute or claim wth uconcerning the yuaniity. yualityor performance of the pprdduets,Iunderstand that my dispute may be suhnuttedw <br />and ettl ~.dau tinge the edr ti marbitranon pr ,gramthafmay have deve]oped in mycommunity er by tltelocal Better Business Bureaud a]sa knowthat any. decision <br />t our h;en:.rbrratorsl wt uldhrnicrrd n the cane[ havingjurisdwnon overme andyow <br />tiALYAG}. VALUE-: I kn w that the edou s. w,gdwork, and other materials rha[-havat<. Crcremoved by you lord is-irtswllntion haveN~ s !va¢c value. When you rc- <br />meve tlxm, you can have them for whatever purpose you want. _ - <br />SPF.CIAh SITUATIONS: Duc to the uniyuene,as of so me of the produeG tlwt roe sell, I underswnd ihaz Ir, apr.ial simaucns that wur Regional pffice may have u, revrew <br />a rd inept ihi ntract. I L r deruand th- t [h sal c - ~>ed m r v h mr: d [n~ r v ea no 3 uiav n. i ha e h td ail v ~t infdtmation irn fx,riant [n this uansacrion <br />m nurfingertil Ignt }oum cnnsenuoxreu ar}~bv;ous [ernes thane ay have«;curred when tnablankn ~n lnis umvau were completed. <br />INVALID PROVISIOFS: 11 arts pn , 'ion o(this nrraa vioP t s the law=-and is unenfor.eable, the r ,t of the con[raci wilt be valid. Ifany part of-this connect rcyuires <br />onyrt e~tofm arc interest than the law pcnnhs, diun}'ou will only t- e uhe:ighu --II -,freim me[he etnount ofimerest which ebe law allows you to collee[. <br />COMPLETENESS OF THISCOMPRACf: i cannot revoke ttte trv,. that [have e*eatcd by rhi_e contract. This contra.! man only be changed if both yogand me agree in <br />writing. <br />The tolkwin6 n xtce btinK tc m n mutton the ngltts [hat 1 havz even when this conrcac[ ;s sold to a f-i l+ani;ial insumtion iirabank, and [should nonce thaffhe impi r <br />~rti:. o,n.. ~ .... ~ .A v ,. nn'lu+id tar <br />L.~ <br />i <br />~_. <br />