<br />8 ~~
<br />- ~ 7. Assipnment_t~f kents. Buyers agree that this Agreement shall
<br />constitute an assignment ,.f rents to become effective at cloning and that
<br />upon default: the Seller may collect yenta from any tensnts-in possession
<br />snit apply. said rents to ang unpaid balance.
<br />8. *tiscellaneous Provisions.
<br />a. Buyers sha73 keep; the premisss'.in good-repair at all times
<br />during the term of'this agreement.
<br />- b. Cisk of loss to`the date of posse sion shall:'be borne:
<br />by the Seller, and-thereafter shall be `borne bu Buyers.
<br />c. Until delivery ~f nossession,,the Seller agrees to
<br />maintain the improvements located upon: the real estate in reason-
<br />able condition and ;ar.v work or services rendered to keep the i.mprave-
<br />gents, lr, sueh condition shall be at the 'Seller"s expet:se.
<br />d. This `~c,reement recite+.,' all of the terms, canddtionsand
<br />covenants under ,aisfch the real .estate is being sold by .tiler to
<br />$uyers,and _r- eyed representaticns whatsoevethavebeen madE that
<br />are ncitcoataicnd hereinand that noalteratxons, amendments'or
<br />modi:ieatiors ,if the tetras hareo£ shall he ',indin~ unless first
<br />reduced m ~friti.nr and 3gnesi byaLL the parties her2EO.
<br />z. 8ua_rs and Seller iesgeet_~ely hind their weirs, executors,
<br />ad~ir.istratcrs aria ass~2ns .: the ,~t7fit2 performance aF the.: terms'
<br />~.~f '.:his AKreereent .
<br />t:;is ~,g,rec ,e.nt :s •~ot assignable ~V the Buyers without the-
<br />prior writtec ~-or.sent ~;_ !fie ;tiller, inc?udi:,}; ttte right to determine
<br />the prospecti~-e ss p.rees :financial status, and ~.i•:ers iurthez agree
<br />riot to encvcaber ,he ai;evt-described red: pre*pcaXty fir. any wayiluring"
<br />the tern or t!:~-s A~recm4•:it c,r <tltezwise utt,•mpt to se-13. assign, convey,
<br />rx>r C, .ge, nc;;:nbe: or tr,r:.,t~r paid prrTises in any manner whatsoever
<br />to any otY:e: ~art,r, r+itiu~nC the ~~x[r~~ss cr~n5ent, fn wr3t3ng,aE the
<br />:;eiitrs. ..~._er .a~rets chat such ~o~~-tot .>ttiail.nat be~unreasonably
<br />withheld.
<br />The llartie t,e~rr;, .:uCUal;.y aurae to execute all ins~ri, ±~nCs
<br />necessnrp to :fecCUSte th~~ inCt~nt ofthis ~gteea~nt.,'
<br />h. Ic is aEre~r7 'oetweer~ tine ,,actlcs hereto that time s'txa11 taa
<br />_. the cssei-.a .. th execution ~- .-:°is Agreement.
<br />i. ihu .-_~1es cF the ,,aregraphs cE this 4greer~ntare tnse~ted
<br />onto as a matter of <<,nticr_ e ce. sod or referetac~ end in no c~ae defi.rre,
<br />l~r.~t or describe tyre cope ~f c}iis ;xgreernerlL of r.e %ntent _~ ,
<br />~ro-aislons hereof.
<br />;. 1t is he rs lr: :rgr~ ~ betwc.. _he parCie~ tat theLand C,~ntra~^t
<br />Agreement sha11 be- at the ~pc:ae of the a~yers.
<br />n_ The 6u:•ers have ..~~ relied epu:: :ani e:ac~. impliecr
<br />.~pr~~ercatzens .! tht Seiler as to the r,e ~n.:..~a:,ility o: .ie-:r.ss of
<br />~.~ ~.
<br />this pro~~erty .~..~ >u}tits a:e ~nrch .,lag .~-is ~ p - in "as ..
<br />condition :as has depended ,~,lel~- p~.a tetar own ~~rcxwied~,e ant _..esr-
<br />igaticrs. Farther _he ^ar~irs can ccstaad anti ~re*~ tbat thin- in~astaietit.
<br />is :u<3ce 'gyp x-~n i5u t~ and Seiler for ~.ze prasp~ct of ~resenC <r future::
<br />profit to be made.
<br />..d_
<br />