<br />~~-
<br />THIS 1G$EEM£I~ is entered into this t-._' ~ day of ~x.c.~ , 2982,.:
<br />ov and hs~t•.~een •iLR.HA L. h'RO1,1KOi15K1, SELLER, aad DOUG CO NED R ~ttd KAREN
<br />C'ODNFR, ~'us6lnd and Wife 'as joint tenants with rights of surviYOrship;
<br />BLTERS .
<br />:+'IT~TES5ETA:
<br />S`esler agrees to sell .and canveg to Buyers .and Buyers agree to
<br />purchase frou3 See er the following described real estate hereafter referred`
<br />to as "the. resl estate":
<br />A tract ~f land comprising a part of the southwest
<br />quarter. or t?ie southwest quarter (SkT~SW;*_} of Section
<br />?~renty-er~~ ("?1), Tvunsh:ip Ten (10} North, Range
<br />Elevcr. {i';.) t3est of the 6th P_}i., in Eis11 County,
<br />`:ebraska, more garticularl_,~ described as fol3ows:
<br />3e4~i;z,in~ at'the Southwest corner of said section
<br />t+.~ r.t;.-one (21,J;' thence northerly= along and upon
<br />...'.;eat line of said`:Section-Twenty-one {21 )', A
<br />,listance of t•.~~o harndred-eighty-onet'.2Si.O} feet;
<br />-hence deitect.in,g right. $$° 38` and runnan~ north-
<br />easterly adistance of four hundred thirty-ctic:pt
<br />and .I,va tenths feet {438..0 feet; 'hen~~ a~~:e ns;
<br />~`tt 92° 59' and running souttaest2ri• a :list.:nce
<br />t:,c 1,un3red ninetc-one and our tenths 5291,.41
<br />feet, ~~ ttte south Ine of said section twent•-one
<br />(1'_): t;tiac_e tvnr.ta~~c~a~terly along.;asid upon Lhe
<br />st7ut`~ :ire cc safe -ectior, tzaa~ntc=-cane (22), .t des-
<br />tancc ~: four hu^dr~d thircq {L3p.U),feeC 'to the
<br />~,L ~e :,t _ ~gin;li;t~ and c tcsinLng 2.~5 acres, more
<br />or e5s, o: vF;ich ~i. ;i ct res» amore or ess, are
<br />pres~.:tl v~~csai~d b~ ,~,u::Ly read right-of-way.
<br />excepting-therefrom a.cerealn tr~ar_t of fond more
<br />particularly described."in a t)uitclaimUeed recorded
<br />in Book 164 page 3Lt~.
<br />?'urchase Yrfce end ?~naer of Payt~ent. As- the purchase price
<br />for Seilec!s interest in the real estate, Buyers agree to pay, to Se11er and
<br />Se11er ygrees taaccept'tc, Su,rrs cne sum ofTen ThousrndFive llundxed
<br />($1U,5Q(7.OCi) Dollars,. to be ,aid :a~ follows:
<br />a. The .sum o; Tvu `;h:usa~a rS?,UUO.UO) Dollars as a dawn
<br />Ra,r:aeat to bepaid ugt~n $~iud sr;:iah of this Agrezcnent, receipt
<br />ai: which is ackcuvledged 'av. C-11r~.r.
<br />b. P:^.e balance of ,igP;t :'?~cusand F•~a r.undre~ CSB>540.OC1)
<br />Dollars and accrued icteresc aa'_]. be pai4-or, ,priL LS,-.3983.
<br />:merest ~Iia11 accrue or, sae? balance at t:e rata..:of lbs.:per
<br />a:.nu~`ro-~. c'r.~ date a closing ;,ntil" :lpril'15, 1983. Sal,d
<br />pa;n:,o;it tit:;:'- i be void direcx y to seller at 13412 Merr_ury
<br />Street, ..~:ha, Ste.braska6$I38,
<br />c. ?t i~.agreed between the..partesheretotltat there ,sf.all,:be
<br />ac prepa-..eat penalt}.assessed against the:.;Buyersherein:.in theevent.:.
<br />thzt °or.tract is pad in fuL:L print -to the balloon, pa°°~ent.
<br />_. 'faxes and Assessments. Sal:ler agrees to nay all tr:xes an:l
<br />asses: Tit-r.:s un t: a:d includicg the yea> 19$1. Buyer r,hall flay 1482 .:t.-. .
<br />Bu',~er e~.ures. i, ak re~~s tc assuate and pay a12 real estate ta:~.cs for the:. .,a r.
<br />~93~ ~ subsequent ceat& _tnd ta~urtofsh Solleg t :t`.. nfid re:t:-pta ;rri.or try
<br />Ctrs de; .uquent dales. ~;uy~rt, ~:;r?e pay a17 spa _~~1. n.,se•-s:a<- ;ts s+fiic',n :n,~},
<br />be levee.:; z~ai,: t the zyr;~y:er_v ar ter she date of tie ez_~u: _oe, uE tFxi
<br />I~;reft ,3cnt.
<br />