<br />PREPiYi^ FAT arU ACC.RCtAL OF THE F IhA\CF. CFIARCEa £ven though I.do not have to pay mare than •he n-'aloe scnrduitd monthly payment, t have the right
<br />u prep v" !- .tnx_+unt owing ti. v u n f a! and nme or in pan from €ime to t{mr.. if the irndinprnsiimtion of tymk th~tyaws my rnnttvtt computes the finance charge
<br />yanv. I ~ ~,i .+ :'~ Hance cfiar~e utJ4 be Iess:I {make an early paynxnt. and tt u+ii hr higher if [ pav lath; [ alsorxagmzr that env ntcessaryadjastment to my tarsi f hence
<br />ism ~! i s r ~'lettcd to my t:naI Sill a also kmrw hat the arnounu shown an the reverse Side for tier ~nanm Ghsrge, Total iif ltaymenis; andtht Total Sale Price are cart-
<br />nv t a.~ hesssuntptiaa that yuu sits receive each of the paytttents exactiyan its due date: and {.know chat there wdJ br no refund tf 1. ptnpxy because there is nothing
<br />tt rr: n+~ ,. E ++ =horsed +n ndaiJi~ ha is, It the lenAmg utstituncm ar hankdaes not cennpvtr the fmarna charge duly, and if Iprepxs rho whale amount, you wilitefund
<br />m n late une=toed Ix~rttana(tha nnanee charge tmrercstt by)he atcounnnF procedure knowrsas the anuasial method; and the amount pf myy rehate will Lx figured on the
<br />schedmsddatra xtid smcurts rf my axont}aSvpap:rnent amI not an the attuaT dates and amouhta of thcprcpayments that Ipnyto you. 1 know thatarefundof less than $F.AO
<br />i!nct he m..dr.
<br />" tb)Iw~itFand sheuid road: in derail. the separate"I.{At1T£-W,ARRAh"'CY"which accampanirvthis rontt•~te.{t explains the conditions and circumstanct,~n which
<br />thi`trt>Ma`,#rx¢red praduers..urill lx tepattrd nrreplaoed. Itakenotiee of the bmttnti+.:ns an;hc warranty, andlparticularlyiecognize that anyimplied warranty which appiie,
<br />totheguocfslastsantyaslongasthewarrantyor<orvicaoritrsct.
<br />SPF.C:IAI.-tlRDER Ce(?ODS: 1 know thatyc?u hnyerneasurcd my house and it+openings so that you can makethe prnducls to tit my particu{ar hcwse: I take nvu e that the
<br />g ~atlstltst are manufactured forrny pectin hr~ure probaibJ, ~ >'til n K tisany` aNar houses and under sutPi candihrns, ! know that t cannot rancor t?iiscantracr t :in,; time
<br />atser i{tepcnad of time grvtn to rcte, by Iaw: •.n whrc', .~vi s nc:., After that Iegat parted r+f utne; I knowthat i have the nbtigatian tdpay you infull the amount owed.
<br />t)41i.]GATtO~iSPE'RTAIh'l:kG TO M1 RF.iI FrTiTF.:I Iprom~setokrtpmyhrwsc in good rtparrandta keep ninsureQ feral least 80~o nf'.its repay .relent s~a{ue
<br />by buv'ingatire and exec:+Aad cos^erag i .r -tt-. ~.++rance company must he approvod by you. anS the lx l+ry musehaveastattdacd tr st dee3 t*.net+i.ian clause
<br />w{ticb. stiys that y<wart to:l+e paid if there i - Y h,~ n . once cornnnn must agrre that tt all Hat cartel my policy without first tel{ing ~ )u 1 -ih+, a tto ituuranct
<br />sampan}•: to pay your directly €pr any Jas, ~., ~:. xse Q.,. in2ut3txe payment to etcher repay env amounts i owe you or to ttpairmy h u -, '_. I I s ~ promise that
<br />I will Hat a1Jmu anyone else u? place an hr n a ~ tart nh+w[ your wnnen ptrn Caton ~. I pmm+uto pxy all taxG;as'.sesartttnis and xh r hurEr. n mt e:it estate
<br />~ when Que. J..2 ptnmiu to timely mak al' t , ~ r ,., an ppr~ior kun, secured by m}~ real estate: ( a3sa pprotnise that 1 will not extend, ronaw or h Inge o c r I ens w ithour
<br />y'+ur wrsrsen ixmttssinn 5 tf { ;ki nca mane .~+ hau>e sr tvit{{ my othtcobJ:gatians mmy real asca[e, thtn youcan do itfor me tt yew wtutt but you do n n ha e,xr~ If y~urrs
<br />y da p ana t these >h eau ,ns tarp me F agate .ep y you tiatk nn dtmanQ plus Rferest at an annua{ rate three pterctntage points t3 i era r than the annum Cora e
<br />l •ar h, n n the .uu ale. Until t pny you ixxk. these acs+crunts w+ti be ceded «t my debt !a You which is tizcared by my reial e~ ntil.l~ov~e. i knou th tt if you chid
<br />soh s ~+u arc the. aaQ. not have ra obratn any haxrteawnu or liabt to msuranrr z
<br />A
<br />~ JA[.£Op ~t)HOLS} Ipmm,=mx rauH,..Iease or gtve~}htxst to anvane. unhl7have tullyrepauS my debts ou, s. untitlc~an ~wlmen perm sson-lG['tipuld
<br />cuhmluo ax. _t kmoccrt{ttscomr~t_t agreet6atyou mnv review thctr9usliRcanemc if you approvgS th~tcant~neax+~~i~t tree for han~ing Ak{rb~l~krds.~~`
<br />~. t ot+esnsl - res. its c ,t rate an ihrsraniract by sv math as the taw allows, tf.}'qu do, eau agree not m r6e respanaible : tr His dctn ~ ~ ~ a w ~ ; ~
<br />n..' P'st o 5 p
<br />Tx~ UFF~1l"TT i '•:~ dcta u~c4et the ruraettf t a ~; ~' .~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ h
<br />F i .+ei.c rw inrn~whe 3ur.,K l_ '~ t
<br />_. ~ '+ rn pre ".,e ! ,nuk t - h c mtracr, er G ~ n\ D r- > ! ~ m
<br />~,•t",, k r +ett mg I ha~yxns t h ~ a.rvc ou m!xiieve an gaud forth that I da tax mtexsd topay you as prn+r~ A r = N
<br />~4 ~ i¢+>n ,b, ~,etn t n 1 nmmg my horrse 35 coilatersl; or ea > s ~~;•!s~i~~..1111 N
<br />~~; a, k ,rhm{; +ugoe. tom nuw. i:ch threattttc yaurrxghts, d;anv tun ~ -~ I - ~ "•a
<br />-~ [F l a~Q ~ h DFF iCl 7 ~1 h a era1 c 1 c~~s c be x7Jd h :au .o pav my debt to y;n,. Before my Ito a is sa m tl do c4l~v'h: n¢~at '+c to eywres ~yonc
<br />Can guc.h a •ns M+v-+c ~ d c t ,+ is he to ~ ingvnu and • •a can give the putchrueru Trttsue , f tdrauf an} nn 4~Inwr er u uqr .that voy^~t..
<br />!~ writ rvr~t v!7 n+ toner .text r_ai est%m I px, +iI cniue naa m t -^+tsrect anydtfaait before t}~ sale.. Ux. v u have. the ngl i t ue >< 1 c I ro this amt a I a~ ~ ~
<br />t wax e - .tgagp. ll ou h xc .ux antxne, r .+v ~ t~~ ~ n u.c w, to sue mt, ur. to pttttea your ngh~ . J agree io t vv y of ti. r ,cur rear Haber auorncys tees ~
<br />-.~ and lor:>+hrr rriaail eRpc yr-such cw+n c.nrs 4e ... ne ncf rl vu es~rxledmprotca my!+rn:~- -
<br />r. OTHEN R1GtfIti:~.tic~r iwau dirt u~enta ~l .hr fight u.r. hncan[t;+rt as ten as we wantwtthuw lo~a+a„gthem.Ck.wer.+r. Uel~~}cniomng env of the rights
<br />wjth~mi h~>u~c thcor W_c~n :J w,use anyrsghr.in ,het u~g t.r ~. us by taw.
<br />lll,LAti v f ra. tha+ r e: w,l? use y<*ur tx,+ r t ~ r t II hr 1 am purshusmt m m_ house. but3 al.,ro umierstand th ~ t •+, ~,nt suu.un -s m encounter
<br />Qelas. ire i tr _-xuoe+l by mkt,. w¢.rtluru,nbd .a+„ do a, ~ e.Y ~t. ._ rntg nmten..l. er te+r rHhrr tea ons drat are t,cyarrcl }ur. <vna.. ~. [ " ud: .tend wst you will
<br />1 t.. ~l:af f .]z'
<br />`~ aRNC)'RiCI()\ 1.1h ~wtt ur ~wv E `x auaru ytaliv mtance of rite prcx{~cts,Iurn{er;,tnnQ that my disputtn vhe 46 Mined to
<br />nJ K~nte rd z t i t ,ur ~ arh ira.ic P r" ih ~ r" ~c do fitpcu i, .,n t.utyoi by theSocal $ettu Business $urcau. I also kno ~+ ta, ..nv decision
<br />rrLn;i b ~ tfi V.il -n iil K enLertli c ~ .. M Vtf rrk arw )Y
<br />SA1.vat,b. SALLF, +krx++ch~+.nt w+r~~w. x,.1~~,d,ml:xtrer~t,a[r+inlstn:n{yve ut be removed by you far rhea rmta{{atton hnvaM~sa{vagtvalut. When ycu re-.
<br />„c hr .a~ h~+c ,nevi t... r -r.~ ;.urn,. c _
<br />SPtt:IAI 5! 1 f.-ATI(?hti; Iktc t.; ih:.. cryuen s t x ~ c + -. ~ ih u.scl{, I un<{l`r5lalhl that+n ;ptctal silnattpns that vane Regional t)ffiee may have to rc ew
<br />,- ,xv l ,x- rr,t th+ t tea.. a tv r ~ t t- at * i z : ti ~ S n tv u t you and f may Hat have had alt rite correct nforrnxt mprntant to this vans. a un
<br />e.r ur~inti.er+C.,f,isn ,u mrY...xa.n +. rr.. n nh.:rru h-t rn h cte .cared whenilx biankx to ihisconYr~.i wt ccampie[ed ".
<br />t Lf~AI. DtRItA ISit)~h It ~ ~ .~ 1 r ~~ ds.umdorceabie: die rest afthe contract wiilh t if t noiuh +_on[ract reyaves
<br />t*aarrrt.:r~ car ~,cre,t ., w+rrte hu tv.rm:~,.t've ;+u au..mv a ,. :pc n+. iC.o0.ect frarn mctheamount of int~stwmch..i.. n u, sou >uu cnilw.
<br />~'7 C(T11P1. FIl?NF_S.C OF "1'H1S COA-CRACT :car. r rc+~.,+:~ r.,c ae..>t tJ ai t h t~r cr and by ins., eomr'aK.'11cis caMrxet cart only be ci+a;+ged i'r ~aoth you and me agree in
<br />"lJ ' Lrtg„
<br />"fFr in,. m> ~ - g w r,y .,[tent a3 the nghn Tat I ix: ;ve ,aheq..f:. -, n, ...t ., , >td to a finnrutal insirmtion ore bank. and I Should notice that the rmpor-
<br />tcnxof tM,pro term is v:~.ad b}s.wota[anca in1cn~yai tL..~...c (vpt
<br />r
<br />J
<br />_.__.i
<br />