<br />ANNUAL FyNANGE Amount Total of Total Sale Price
<br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments tn~ total ~os+ of my purchase
<br />;f1,AgE Thedoilar anasunt the. Tht amount of cmdit The amount }will tan credit, including my
<br />7ht cost of my:tredet as etediii+~ithcust rtse,... ;srovided.m me ur on have paid after 1 dawmpaymem. of
<br />a x•t_~IY talc my hehat(. h ve nwde all paYrnrnts
<br />,
<br />.. as scheduled. S _._, .. --
<br /> ~
<br /> e ~ e
<br />I hair c~i,~ed a' Ni, nrtx an itetni?ration of tht:Amount Finanzeti. St~curih':Iam giving a security: interest ih
<br />uy pay moot schedule will be; i, the goods, servkes and property being purcha.ed, and
<br />~a~.,~r 'r<'r sax. sCo~ F_, .,.. , ti'ren Poymenh xrcITrc -~.._~ -.`
<br />'~ ~ ?. my. real zstate and impmvemenn. -inriudnp my
<br />h
<br />"
<br />"
<br />--,- -_. -'-'-------^
<br />e
<br />'
<br />'~ das lnatrd c
<br />ose.
<br />house.all at my
<br />Address
<br />davs after tht dar
<br />I F i n.ded to be
<br />~
<br />it Pe >r t
<br />,. ~ s f dt Com(iltuan Cert+fitax
<br />~ ~ .
<br />FilioRlRetordinRfees S-__.:~~ ---_
<br />~ -
<br />v
<br />f
<br />u
<br />h
<br />d
<br />- n IE (IQ) i
<br />:
<br />e- same
<br />ay , n
<br />!
<br />ent mctallment un t
<br />. All ,uhs2q
<br />eazh umsecutive monitiunal paid in full,
<br />• ~ ~ I
<br />1 _.s
<br />more tha
<br />fate-Charge If a payment is
<br />o
<br />I:+te, 1 utll tx tharged ~5 ~0 or 5/e tt'tht payment.
<br />.
<br />- ~- - '1; ,
<br />(ro~r~ whichet er is less; ar m hzu of the prc.cedm~ har.e i -
<br />oce
<br />rrvdit Ile i c ~u1 ~rc „ahdtty 3nsurnr+tz ure not requirtd [u nhtain ercdtt, and-wit! terest'may be epllected aneach dehnqutnt mstnllmem
<br />nrv M orc.ided un,a_ s 1 .,-,~, „n~ aa.*te to pay the additional cost
<br />~
<br />: until paid. not esceedmg the cantrac[ tale ^f lfi b~ per
<br />~
<br />.._____ ._..
<br />..
<br />T`yc F _.._.~Srfi tur_ ._ _... _. annum;
<br />, ,
<br />r ~~ ~ -~ I want arWit life
<br />Credit I t
<br />~~
<br />r Prepayment: If 6. pay off early. I wtH npf ha _~ pay
<br />.
<br />i. insurance.
<br />A~~~~~
<br />~ a pznalty, and 1 may be zntiiled to a refund i,t psut or
<br />a
<br />:, ~ _ ((//~f [hz finance charge.
<br />
<br />_~ ` _ ."_ .
<br />~--.-.-.-----~-~-- - I
<br />C~edn \c dcn! ~ t wan[ credit arirdem
<br />~
<br />G~ 1 wdl `rtvtew other port+nns of th tract
<br />
<br />tar iddinnnal infartnatmn aMut nan-pavmem d ~ault,
<br />
<br />and health insuranet.y_.~ _ ,.~
<br />4raith I
<br />a
<br />~~R
<br />anv regmred rtpaymem m full lxfore the-scheduled cafe,
<br />_ ~ - ~ ~ ~ and prep"gyrnenx. refunds and penalties.
<br />F npcm .. suran..c rc„uncd, but 1 may ahtaia this }iriptriy insurance fmm anyahe a means an"estimate.
<br />I want If . r~nutn H;~s iasoran.:e ihrwRlf ynu, I -n iilpay S ~ -_.
<br />C U!NNF\iCENF:NT OF THE flha\IC£ CHARGE.: hhz rinxrtct charge;(inttrest} is esunwxd tq'stan nn '
<br />(inw•n the utz~ es~ep+ ;n the e.rnt that qqu uamzta the mstaitatioa of dre noodr and services on anoffier date, then the finance ~hargt {interest) will-6eein
<br />to run ort the bate thrt I shall sign n Compiet+t n Qrti:Swte. l'he anaiuni of ~tinance chargd(interest2 rrtay. by more.or less than t}ie amount disclosed dependir
<br />+m the amount I psy ~•au and my timellncsi an mal:rne payments.
<br />PREPAYM£NT: I r.ay vnluntaril r~rap the amcu•u I ;,we you, +n fell nrin pan. at anv timt. Tf 1 nudtz a panml prepayment, I must eantihue a; make
<br />nn- rckular peymm~ts umit I Faoc. piiJ 9~ anuun wcu.
<br />RF,QUF;ST FOR FL'l.L PAt'?At\T: If f ~-, opt pa} when Jut. eou .an dzciare, wrthaut. going collet to me, all that I tswe under this ~onnan payable
<br />at otx~e. I agrcc t..~ tray gnu mtere,t ~,n mat amount nq tgaxceed. tbt f)~gheat lawtulcoi+trartmx. of ib4.untileither tht artwunt .Bowe you _ brought.
<br />c
<br />urrcnt o u tit ~-u soli my hiw,e hear :; t.-n you + Deed of Trust. I ~undr~tamtthe datimtions both of what a"detau, ' n and. what your power.
<br />, to seal my hoanc v.tder e (kesl of fiasi_
<br />i
<br />f:U1.LECt10!s Ct~STS ii-tan n drfauh i t ntratn and:vntr dtmand=full paymtn[, 1 undtrsttwd that ytmmay send ~t m m ant+m t •lectton
<br />aid cntan.cncnt. It ss,n du 4 , ! agroe a, pa .,wr rcx.onabie hta+rneys' fees-Plus any ccwn costs and xxptnses incurred b. so. -that +s 'd ,nu urc alinwtd -
<br />l ::.dtett a h urh,uni, be w,. ,.
<br />Dk£D OF TRUST: v c only th n t 6 ~ r , h rgatn- szt7, canvty anal zontirat o Chan at f t ,n. Jr , of Omaha Yehr;tska a .i member
<br />ut !tic Nrhre,ia Stet Hat -cs 'pmt i , :v i th ih? mower to seH, a detd: n my ...aleuax a d :n P crnents an r4 mcludmb tn} ho i of u•hieh
<br />is comnu,nn referred m erxi .~ ¢a ed < 4ddrts, 'e,tgnated an thews noon t,f th ~ ,rcr_t. T'Ms lyeed of Tnuipro[ects-you tt i. k. not pay-
<br />tef5.etsn[r' ~ . , , r. r f h ~ ~` p. :. ~ r Jt m cithtr side. ,~~ tfi _,traC., _
<br />RF.VFRSF. SLUE; 1 wnle.cuand m+i mr ~;dd:, m.u ier is a 'signs pnmecl on n,, ~ ' •,i ih„ In,tnlltnem Sakes, ( onuau are.. apart ~t tais Snstall-
<br />nxnt Sxte> ('tint-aa a-rd dim ; .,t `~ ,na nv tl r n ~ 'h: oar trot as +f they w to ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ,~ m:, very ins[aiLra:nl Aaic, C:ontracr_.
<br />I: i dq~ not hrve to silo this awtrr<t hrt+r-e 1 rrrd 't nr If any o[ the spaces inteudrd [or ihr agn~td tertns. to the extent of then pvailaWrinfortnaliod `.
<br />arc left Hank. :. t am rntitied to r cnl+y of this convret at the time Lsign it. ;i:.1ma. payoR the full: balance 'due under this eootraet at an .
<br />time, rod Lt >,+ 1 should be twitkd W r futl rrlutte uF the utaan+ed tlnance cal iosurant~e cha (if ~>~ 0. 1 MAT CANCEL TNIS A6REEMEN~
<br />NOTICE Of RICMT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AM E7lPLAMATION OF TIIIS'R16NT.) 5. 1 m+derstand thrt ittis eristrumenf ifi-based upon a hamc°wlieitrdon
<br />sale red that this frtstruteent is tar negotiable. n. It dull oqt he texrl foY.ytw to cntrr my premises unltsarfullyar. commit any hreachofthe peace
<br />to rrpassess goods purchased coder fhb enntr-act
<br />COPY RECEIVED: I :~:knr~wlcdge receipt o: a u_raplarly [dtzd m ssl. +~f ii~. _~_rua etr-c~ ., t t~ l?1 espies of the Vase ~f f2ighi to Cancel I. ~
<br />l~~ 0.'IT~~C55 LL~7i EREOl. th!s Ikcd ,+t I ruc~ arv; immLmc ~, vie. Cnnu a_[ leas tarp ~, p :.C e~ th , _. ._ day vi _ ____. ___ .lo _ _.-.
<br />pACESETTIEfl P,ApDUCTS INC. , ~ ~~t•~, t~,~,t
<br />~~,> _,
<br />By eta: agent __ ' F.1LC-~1.. ~J7-i _ - ~,.~ ~.C G' ~_'7' ._ " ~////
<br />ids _.! ..+_ :,,,J¢/~`//,^j
<br />State of \ebrrska i-l. '.: :.~ s`C%~' ~,f~_ _.:~
<br />i ss. fht taregomg +ns ntent wns ac u Its. eJ bzture mz un Ius
<br />~. p
<br />County u[ _~~~_.~_-_. _..._.. ) day af'. _. ._ _ -__.._ 19 .1Z__-i.. by thz atwve
<br />designstzd crts):-- Truswr(s}.
<br />TfEtr[Mt ~RfMY-34n atNWW
<br />?Vls ctilmmtssHtn expttts, '..:= ~ •:.......I ~• I:YAM~;_,.__ . tii>uuy l'ubirc __._.T •~_._.°'•;_~?i ~...e~y
<br />5-IGI-vE-: a:HB >h Ce~a b4. lYl~ 74
<br />CU!Vfit-,ENi;fit :i':v.`t FI~IFi.;+i';IAL .i'v~Xl7E;7!,l'; ::v%'Y
<br />
<br />