<br />the sitm~ secured by this DtedofTrusE shallcontinueunimpaired. Upomsuch payment andcureby`Borrower, [his [?eed of
<br />Trust and the obligations securedFiereb~ ,hail remain-infull forceand'etfecl ~~ Efno acceleration'had occurred.
<br />20: Assignment of Retits,• Apptrinlment of Receiver, Lenderin Possession. AsaddiEional security hereunder, Borrower
<br />hereby assigns to Lender the rents of the Property, rovidcd that=.@orrowcrshall, prior to acceleration tinder-paragraph 7R
<br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to-collect and retain such'rentS as they. becnmedae an8-payable.
<br />,. ~ Upon acceleration under paragraph !R hereof tit abaixionm•_nt of the l'roperty;Lender; in pe [son, by agent or by
<br />judicially appointed receiver, shall he entitled to enter upon take possession of and manage LhePr'oix:rtyand to collectthe '
<br />rents of the. Property including those,past due. All rents collecte:i by Lender or the receiver shal,lbe appliedfinC to payment
<br />of the costs of management of the Aroperiy and collection of rents, including, but notlimited-to; rceetver's !feea, premiums-
<br />on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fces.:tnd then to the sums ,ccured by, this Deedof Trust. lender andthc
<br />r'.eeiver shall he liable to account onlyfor those rents acm a!h rcerved
<br />21. Future Ad+~ances. Upon request of Bo.i ~s.er, L nd~r z¢ Lenders .~puon, prior to full reconveyanceof the Property
<br />by Trustee to Borrower, may make Future ~~d ai s ;o B>rrower. Such Fwure .advances. withinterest thereon, shall he
<br />securedbV :his Deed of "bast whey. evidenced bt xomissc ry notes stating [hat told nbtesare scented hereby At no rime shall
<br />[heprincipal amount of the indebtedn ~s secu.ui 67 this Dt d of Trt u, no[ including gums advanced in accgrdancc herewith
<br />to protect [hc security of this Decd of T: ust, cr~ecd the c ri >inal wine. _nt of the Note ~. plus YJS S_ 15000; 00 _
<br />22. Reconveyrance, Upon paymegt of a11sums seared by this Deed of Trust. Lender sha1C request Tra,tec- to reconvey
<br />the Property and .hall surrender this-Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured: by this lleed of l nut
<br />to Trustee. Trustee shall rewnvey the'.P[operty°without warran*} and ~.vithoul charge ro. the person or Ptr. r.~ legailq
<br />entitled whereto. Such person or persons shalb pay all cost's of rccordau :n t app.
<br />23, Substitute Trustee. Lender, at Lender's option inay from ^me tl, ;line remove "frustee'and'appoiet x successor
<br />truswcc ttiam~ Trustee appointed htsreundecby an instrument recorded :r: the county in which this Deed of T~.~st is recorued-
<br />W'ithout conveyance of the Property, [hesuccessor trustee shell succeed io ail the ;ide pow•eeand .duties conferred upon
<br />the Trustee herein and by applicable l:iw.
<br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower requeGis tharcopies bathe n~[ice of detaci[ and nouceaf sale be cent to Borrower's
<br />sddress which is the Propenq~ .Address.
<br />I~ WITYt=SS WrIi.REOF. Borrower has executed thisDeedbf Trust.
<br />' ~
<br />~~ayt/I.~'R.... =fey -. ~~_.,~~-eo~~rk-~~
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<br />aivel M. ~F,irg ~Y ..~ ..-aartow~~
<br />STATE Of NENRAS~ .. lLF1L(l J ! .~1N'*'~! .... ....::. ... ..COllIli}'55: Bn Y
<br />On this .: d clay of.. ~r. - . 19 r2.. before me, the undersi ed, a Notar Pubfir
<br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, peisanailp came . . .. .......................'........... .
<br />~dYi1e..R..F4F8eY..~ttd.;~arye.l _K, . Forgzy, ,husband and, wife,_ , .. , _ , _.; [o me-known [o be the
<br />idendeal persan(s) whose name(s) arc subscribcci :o the foregoing instrument ^nd acknowledged the execution
<br />' thereof to be .their voluntary act,ipddeed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at.•zyl~lh.((J.2~YX.f.CL~ ........... .... ,. in said county the
<br />dale afor~
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<br />To TRUSreE:
<br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or note,, secured by this Dead or "Crust. Said role or notes, together
<br />_ with all other indebtedness secured by this Ueed of Trust,i~ase been paid to full. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />said note or noCes and this Decd of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconv+.y, without warranty, :+Il the
<br />- esta[enow held by you under this Deed of Tres[ to the arson or persons legally cn[i[ied thereto.
<br />Date :...........................
<br />S~
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