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<br />$2--(~fji~lf~? <br />9. Cowkmaatlon. The proceeds of any award er claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other takiog,ofthe Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be; paid to Lender. <br />fn the' event of a Yotal takingof the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the txoess, if any;. paid to Borrawec In the: event of a partia{ taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this. Deed. of Trust such poportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to hat proportion whichdhe amount. of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fairmarket value of the Property immediately prior to the dale of faking,: with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to BorMwer. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, odif, after notice by Lender to Borrowerthat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award$rsettlt a claim fordamages, Borrower fails to respond toLender within 30days after the datesuch noticeis <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect. and apply .the proceeds, at Lenders option,. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property orao the sums securedby this-Deed ofTruss. <br />UnlessLenderaodBorrowerotherwiseagreeinvvriting, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postponbthe due-date of the-monthlyinstaliments referred io in paragraphs 1. and 2 hereof orchangc;theamouni of <br />such Installments: <br />t0. Bormvrer NIot Released. Extension of the: time.. for payment. or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by [his Deed of Trtutgranttxl by Lenderdo any successor in interesrofBorrowcr shall not operate to release; in any manner, <br />the liability.: of the: original :Borrower and Borrower's`'successors in interest: Lender. shall not. be required to-commence. <br />proceedingi:'agaittsi such successor or refuse. to-extend time for'paymenF orotherwisc modify amortization of` [he sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reasonof any dernand'made. by the original.Bo[rower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearanceby LeodecNota Waiver. Any forbearance by Lenderidexercising any right: or remedy hereunder,or <br />:otherwise .afforded by applicable aw; shall. not .be a waiver of or preclude ttie exercise-of any such right of remedy; <br />.The procurement ofinsuraoceorthepayment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity pf the indebtedness secured 6y this Deed of Trust. <br />12. RemediesCatmalafive. Alt remediesprovidedin [hisDeed of TntsCaredistinct andcumulativeto'any otherright <br />or remedy under ibis. Deed of Tryst or afforded by law or equity, and. may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />sucttssively: <br />13. Saccealora and Assi6or;.Eound; Joint, aed .Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements he[ein <br />contained shall bind, and the rights liereun3er shall inureto,the respective successorsand-assigns of Lenderand.Borrower:: <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17hereof, Allwyenants and agreementsof Borrower shall tiejoint and aeveral. <br />'IM captions and headings of-theparagraphs ofthis Deed of Trust are forconvenience onty and are not: to be used to <br />interpret. or define the provisions henxf_ <br />14.: Notke.. Except foranynotice required undar:applicable. law to be given. in another manner, (a) any: notice to <br />'Borrowerprovided form thisDerd of:Trtrst shalPbegiven. by mailing suchnoticebycertified mail addressed'to:Borrower at <br />'` the Property Address er at such other address-as Borrower may designate-by notice o Lender as provided herein; and <br />(b) any entree to Lender shall be given by certified. mail, return receipt requested; to Lender's address stated herein?or 10 <br />such otheraddress as.Lender may:designaie by"notice to Borroweras: provided herein: Any notice. provided form this <br />Deed of-Trust shalt be deemed to have. ixeq given: to Borrower or Lender when-given in the: manner 'designated' herein. <br />_ 15..:Uai[otrteDeed oE:Trosk.Governiagaavr,.Seveobility.: This form of deed of: trust combines aniforrn covenantsfor- <br />national »srandnon-unifonr[:covenaats-with limtedvariations byjorisdicuonto'constitu[eauniform'sectiritVinstrument <br />coveringrealproperty:.ThisDeed of TrustshalLbegovernedby the }aw:gf thcjurisdic[ionin which the Property islocated. <br />in'the event hat any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts wish applicable Jaw, loch conflict shall <br />not affect other provisions ofthisDeed of:Trust orthe Note:which canhegiveneffect without. the conflicting provision, <br />and to this end aprovisions: ofthe Deed bk Trust and[he :Note are declared to be severabl& <br />lb. ~rrowar'sCopy,.Bortowershall'brfurnishedaconformedcopyofthe.NoteandofthisDeedof.Trusratt}ietime: <br />of execution oc aFtec ferotdation hereof:' <br />17. Tra~f~o~1Me Property; Assumption. !f all qr any parr of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />hy;Borrower«ilibulLjnder's prior written eonse;nt, excluding (a) the creation of a Lien or encumbrance-subordinate to <br />this llectl ofTtvst,.(b be creation of a purchase money security interest for household-appliances. (c) a transfer by devise, <br />descent or by-opera of law .upon the death. of a joint tenant or (d) the grsnt of any leasehold imerest o[ three years'or less <br />no[ containnuut1gg a onto purchase, Lender may, at Lender`s option, dec~ _.e:all the sums secured by this. Deed of Trust xo be <br />immediately due and:: payable, 'Lender shall have waived such option to-accelerate if; prier to the sale or transfer. Lender <br />and the person to whom the Property is to tie soidbt transferred reach agreement in writing tharthe credit of such person <br />issa[isfaclory to Lender and that the interest payable oathe sums secured fiy this Deed otT'rusr shad be at such .rate as <br />Lendershall-requesLIfLenderhaswaivedtheoptiontoaccelerateprovidedinthisparngraph)7;andifBorrdwer'ssuccessor <br />in' interest has executed s written assumption agreemenraccepted in writing f]y Lender,' Lender shall release Borrower from. <br />: all obligations undeFthis Deed bfTrust and the Note. - <br />if Lender exercises such option to accelerate,` Lender shall. msil 8oizower notice of acceleration in accordance wuh <br />paragraph t4-hereof. Stich notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 trays Crum the date-the notice is mailed within <br />which Borrower maypay the sums dedareddue. If$orrowerfails to pay such sumspriorto the expiration of suchperiod, <br />Lender maylwithoutfurther notitt or demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />: Nort-UHtFOaetCovetvetvrs: Harrower and Lenderturther-covenant and: agreeasfollows: <br />48. Accekrationp Remedies. Except as provided frt paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of env covenant or <br />,agreemen/ of Horrowerin 16is:Deed oE.Trusl, including the covenants lo,pay whom due any sums secured by thisDeed <br />of Truly Leader prior,to sccderalion shs6 mail notice":to Borrower as provided in paragraph..l4: herraf specifying: (1): the <br />breach; 12) the action requiredYo,curesuch-breach; (3) adate„not less thaa~0 dnys'.from the datelhenolice is'mailedto ' <br />Borrower, by which such breach mrrsY be cured; aced (4l that failure to cure such breech ore or before Ybe date specified <br />in Ibe not{CC nertiv rlsetlt is aCelkrahon oF. the gums secured by : this Decd` of Trust. and sale.. of the Properly. The. notice <br />shatl furtberiuformBorrowerbf:lireri~btto'rtiiWale after'acceferotionaad thE:riBht iobriuga coudactian toassert <br />the non-existence of a deiault or.any<o16er' defeasr of Borrower to ;aceelerarion..and sale.'.Ifthe breach is eat".cured <br />un or before tMe date specified ia16e notice,.Lender a[: Lender'saptao may':dedare,aR. of: the. sums secured by IhisI)eed. <br />of Trull to be immediately due and payable without further demand add mayinvoke:the!power o[sale and any: offierreutedies '. <br />permitted by applicable taw. LtnderspolAeenlifledtocoflectai1 reasooaM¢ costsand expensesincurred-in parsuing:the <br />rcrncdles provided in ing paragraph 18, irrcludirlg, batnot Gmiled to, masonabk attorney'sfces.: <br />If the power of sale a inrdied, Tnrst~e shall record a rroticc:of default in each county;in which IheProperty.'or some - <br />part thereof i~ }ucated and slwll mail repro of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable, law to Borrower and. m the <br />otMe persons prescribed by applicable law. After thelapse of such .time as may Yee required by applicable law; Trustee shall <br />give public notice of sate to the persons and in the mam~cr prescribed by applicable ltw. Trustee,: without 'demandon <br />Borrower, shah sell the Property at public auction to the higheslbidder a4 the time and place andunder theterrnsdesignaled <br />ue the notice of sale in one or more parcels and in such order as. Trerstee may determine. Trustee:.maypostpone sale gfa6 <br />or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at lbe time and :plan. of anppreviousiy;scbeduled sate. Lender. or <br />I,cnder's designee may purchase the Property at am' salr_ <br />L?yon receipt of payment o! the price bid, Tnrs[ee sleatl deliver to[he purchaser Trustee'sdeed com'r}ink the Pruperfy` <br />sold. The recitals io the 'fruster's deed shall be prima fa. ~c evidence of the Truth of,the: stateme~nas made therein. Truster. <br />sbali apply the proceeds of [he sale in the fullowirlg order (a) do alFreazonable costs artd:expemes of th@:.salc, inclui4irtg, bet. <br />rust limited to, Trustee's ices of not more than < oY- ~ ~ of the;gro. salt price, reasonablcattorney's Fees and costs erf <br />title evfdenee; (b) to ail sums secured by laic Dred of Freest; crud (c)ahe excr`~s, if an}, to the person: or persons:legatiy. entitled <br />IbeMO. <br />19 Borrowers RiR6t to Peinsiatr ~~ t.~ethstarsding Lender's assets r.~ien of thasums ]UCUred by thu Dcc 1 I.nsr, <br />Borrower sh.,l iia~c .~e ni^ ,t hz~c an p e~iadings begun by 1 coda to enforce thts Dtrd o' i'ntst ill t '. s; <br />nay -nie ;error t~ the ~., r!iar to occur „ i i -.x ffrz ,fay br.Fuc .he sale of 1'sePrgperty pUrs.~.n] to the power of .Iv ~ ..n;ci <br />m Phx fycttd of Ta„r o;' Lail er.:r}• of s iu,igR;rnr eaforciug Ch1s LL>tee<f of T*usi if :a) Borrot+^er ~.,,~: !.etrdcr aFl st;rri~ .vhi. I ".; •~,~.(tl. <br />tx then deg und~:r this Deco of Tn ;t. the ~pl~ m,d -o,~, utvnb l~ni'[;m .vdvan~.~,. i. h: J •],, a~~.€lcra: ~n c.._<<~, r,:,l; <br />tot E3orrn~.vcr oeire~ sl! br -i. hcs o! any Duct c ,oceans. nr agree ter, [~ nr Bnriv>ker a~nrd en rhos Ihred ~ . Iiu".t: <br />(ci $C~rrowrr g~acs utl ,cssc,i:. h,c c~t~~~nv inc~~rct!i by 1 c. <<. noel `Fr, -ir i; Cnfr -cirri ]~ :8t^cr.3ah and .. `irv~~:,,`; _~ <br />~ i ... <br />$n -.+"rr omens ~ •. ~] ihi. Lkrd o: iru~t and ,c cnfc]r.]~, ~._.-der. ,i 4~~Tr a, , I+ru~iJrd in i y <br />here ,. ^~.tlud~r,x. h_t rot Emiied to, :c x:.c, rahly ..t r[iry'x I -s :ad ! R,~~-+su ~ <br />rev _ a-. ,a• ;rc tics ,=Y <.h~. Fk.ed of "Trust, iendrr ~ntrt~a :~ The hr slKn~,,:d t3art]~~r~'~ ~~bGt.+ue r, , ~ . <br />