<br />82=-i.~u<3~~~
<br />9. GondemmR'toa. The proceeds of an< award oe clatm far damages. d: rest w consegrrentia3, ir. cannertion with any
<br />condtmnatinn ar ether taking of the Prapttty, or part thereat, or for renvrvance in tiro of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shelf bt paid to tinder.
<br />In the event of a iMat taking of the Property, [fir proceeds shad hr applied to ihr cams secured hx• this [Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, iF nny, laid xr Botrowr:^. (n the event of a aartial taking of the Property, unless Barrawer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree is writing. there shall tx> applied to the some secured by this L?ecd of Tnist sac;h propnrtiar, of the proceeds
<br />as isequal tnfhat prapanicsn which the amount of the sums secured by this peed of Trust immed[atety prier to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market vatuc of tt.e Prapertc +mmediatcly prier to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned b}• Barrawer, ar if, after notice by Lender tr. Borrower that the condemner afters [o make
<br />an award nr settle a claim fats damages. Borrower tails to respond to Lrndcr within t? days after the date such notice is
<br />matted; Lender is ttttEltodxtd to coitect and apply the pra;ccds, a[ L,rndrr's option, either to resioratian or repair of the
<br />Property ur io the sums secured Eay this Peed a! "Coast.
<br />Unless ].ender and Borrower attrerwiu akrrr in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend
<br />ar pastpertethe due"datt +~f the month]} inxtallnirnts referred u: in paragraptes I and hereof or change the amount. of
<br />T[aClt rmial€mrnts.
<br />lH, Horrowtr Not Released. £xtentkrr, of the time for payment or moaiifii aSion of amaniX.aHan of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Thrst granted t±y Lender tt~ any successor in interest a:f Eiarrnwrr shaft not operate to release, in any manner.,
<br />the €tahilitq of the arigina! Barrrnvtr znd 6:+rr[rwer"s sucersson in ;n[rrrst. Lender shall not be regteired to commence
<br />prrueeditt~ age+nst sucfi successor or re#use t.o extend time for payment or otherwise modify amanizatian of the sums
<br />srenredbythis L7ecd of Tn:st. by reason of env demand made by' the original Berrow•er and Borrawer:s successors in interest.
<br />l L Farbtssaxt by !.ender Not a y9`aiver. Any ftsrbearance by Ltndcr i^ rx ercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />atixrwise aTnrded by npphcahSt Sau•, shalt oat he a waiver trf or prtch:dc the exercise of any such right orremedy.
<br />T1te pracurtmtni nt irrsurancr srr the psrymcnt ,mot raves ar ottrcr !ions ar charges by tender stsalt not tsc awaivrr of Lender's
<br />right to acee€era[e the ma[vnt}` of rise "ndchtec+2esv secured be •his L)red of 'Crust.
<br />12. RemM€es Cumulative. eltt r m dies p viticd m th s [bred of Tntst err distinct aad cumulative. to any other right
<br />yr remedy under ibis thced a?f 'Trtrt ar .a Ffarded by law or eGUit}•, and rnav he exerrtseit concurrently, indepetrdebtly ar
<br />succ[ssively:
<br />f3. Succescrars aad Assigns Bound; Joint aad ;Stsrra€ f.iab€##y: C.apttom. The c. venan.ts znd. agreements herein
<br />cnntainedshalt bind, and the r"tghts htretr*uter sakki inure ;o, ahe rest reeve successors and assigns of Lender sod $orrower.
<br />subjeu to [hc tXnvrsinns of paragraph 17 hereof. A!I covenants aad agrrrmrn[s of Borrower shalt tx joint ;end several.
<br />'fltscaption:i :and. tteadrngs of ihr par:agrrphs of this Deed of -crust. ore tar rnnveniencr only and are not to he used to
<br />in[trprtr or dc$ne the provisions hereof.
<br />13, Notice. Fxrept farany notice reyutred under applicable law to be given in ttaathet manner, (a) any-notice to
<br />Borrawerprnvided far !n thist)eed of"Lou[ shall be givrnby aruy7Hngsuelt rzet:cr ?ty certified maila<idrtssed to6tirrower at
<br />tree Priipert}~.Address ar of such othoraddrrss asBarrower tray desrgnatehy notice to Lender as provided. herein, and
<br />tb) any nonce to ].ender shalt be given sty centered matt, return recipe ret;uestcd; to Lender's address stated herein or tq
<br />such other address as.Lendcr .may designate by natcr ta. Harrower as .provided herein, .Any not€x provided £pr in this
<br />Ihtd of Trust sha~€ bcdermed to have been given'u[ Barrawcr or Ixndrrwhin givrni;t [hc manner drsigna[cd herein.
<br />l5. Cniiorm t?ted of Trnsi: Garrrwngl.aw: Scvrnbilin. €?t#s farm of dceai aF truss cornbinrs srmform mvenai,ts for
<br />natianaLuse and Han-unrfarm covenants with €tmirtd vanat~csns by ryrisdia:Cinn to constifute,_a y~iiform ser•uri1H instrument
<br />ce#vesingrezt ~+roperzy. Th[s!'?red of Tstr_st shalEkagovrrrscd by the €aw afthe7urisdic[ian rn ~•vhtih tFte Proper; is located.
<br />€n tt>r-turn; that an~~. provsian ar clause of ~ihrs #3red of "i~rust or the ticetr conflicCS with zpphcabie iau,.suc5 couilict shat!-
<br />. not:itffect atturprvvtsEarns a£ this L7teti of 'T"rust cis rbe Note ivh;ch can be given effect wq;haut the canflicfing.. pravisian.
<br />and to this etrd ehr provisions of the f3eed'af 'S`rusr and the tints are dreiared to tic severable.
<br />f6: Harrowers Copy.,8omawcr zfiafl hr tvrniehtd a cao(ormrrJ copy i7f the Nair and of this Lamed of Trust at thetime
<br />ofexuuiian ar after recozdatioa hettef.
<br />17:. Teaasferof the Property: Asaeamption. if alt an- any' pan .si ihr Prppcrty or an interestthertin is said or transferred
<br />try Borrower wnhaur.Lender`s prior wr+t[en. conarnt., excluding +, k Ibc ertaGon of a lien ter encumbrance svbardinata to
<br />this LJecd of Trust;. f b} the rreaai~n of a purchase mcxney +•e:una y inrrresi faF hortsehatd appliances..S c) :t transferey. devise,
<br />descent or by opcratian,aflaw upon t!x death of a joarv tenant ar td f the grata of any Leasehold interest of three yearsor less
<br />ua[,at~maining an c+ptiun ter ptircttasrt lgndrr ma}. at Lender's ulN ii>n. dce'.:•e ahthrsurns :secured h}~ this Deed cif 'Corse. to be
<br />immtdiatetp. due acid payatcie;: €xnder shall hasewarvcd sExh upturn [tr accelerate i6, prier ro tree sale or traus[er, Lender
<br />and ih~prrsan to whom thepeapcriy iata> be xxiif or transferred reacttagrtementin waling. [hat the credit of such person
<br />in satisfaztory to !.ender and'tha[ theinzertst payable bn-[he sums secured. hy[hu De:`d of Trutisha31 be atsuch rate as.
<br />t_endershaif•request, tf Lender haawaivtdthr .xptian to ac..:rieratc proveuedin this paragraphs€', and ifBarrowers successor
<br />an mutest hasexcrutet': awritten assumptionagrrcmcnt accepted in w[•itingbyLrnder,.Lcndershal3relrase Efanower Irani
<br />all obligateptrtunuct this i7r~of "f•nist .~^d the date,
<br />ff. Lender <srr.~sc-s .uchoptia - _,~ ;~:r,,le, Ixnder shat mail.Borrnwtr Hardee at acetltraiian in aaeardaneewkh'
<br />paragrapl>•. j~ihetc;.et. Such notice shat! pr<n~c:r a peritett rt eta;[ :rsa tfian yf) days from the date. the notice isrnaiitdwiihin
<br />which.B<errowrr insvpay the siinrs deciare~d due,. tf Sprrawrrlaits to. pay ouch sums prier to Fhe expiration urf such period,
<br />Lender may- withtaut funkier notice or demand on Harrower; invoke soy remedies penni€ted by paragraph 1 $ hereof:
<br />Ner!a-LS ~troaivt C'ave;vnrat:s. Bnrrawer and 1. ender fis rt hcrcovenani and .agree as foltaws:
<br />!& : Aeeekralioa Remedies. Except as provided €n. paraRnph t7 herawf, upoa.:Hrarrower"s. hrearhof any. cnvertaat or
<br />aRsermento( Borrower in EhrrDecii. of 7'rusl.inctudiaH the covenants to pay when due any cams secured by this'Ueed
<br />of Trost; Lander prior to arcclrraiion shat! ma6 antics `1o Borrowcras provided [npartytraph 14. hereo# .ryerifyitag: {t):the-
<br />bresch;.f2) theactioa eegttired. to cure suc6breuYtt (32a date. ao¢ inss'tffan30 days fro® We datetite notice is. mailed to
<br />Hwrowrr,.by which: sarhbreac6m[nct beeured:.:amA.(4) itiatfaitart to cure such breach oa or. before thedate specified
<br />ie Ilse. notice r•aay restati in arselerrtinn of the sums'stctared by .this Deed of "[tract. and sale of ihr Property: Tire. notice
<br />shall farther inf~rm.Borrowerofthe-aiRhtto reinstate ~leracrtlerationarrd theriRkt to brioR a coast action in asxeri
<br />the :rrpreexisteact. of a defaair or am other defense of Borrower' to acceleration and saki fi: the breach is not cured.
<br />vn pr. betare tba date sptrified:in Ilm iaotice,f_erdrr at l,earde3's aptian may declare. all of the sums secuaxd hy. ihbl)eed
<br />of Trtist:to be imniediate#y dtrcand parabic withosrt:tarther demaradaodrruyiavoltettie power ofsale and ao}'other remedies
<br />Pcruained. lay applicaLYk hew. Lender shag be ecet€tled-to coNerr sit. reasoaaWe costs and carperesa incurred €n pursuimt itre.
<br />rrrordieargrr~vidcd inthis. painRraplt 18;incladiaR, bw naY.Einttted. to, rrsaoaabk alfarney'sfces.
<br />If ibepowrr of sak is inxaked, TrusteeshaBreeord a notice of defanlE u rata county €n which ttae Property: nr soma
<br />part thereof is ]orated aad shah nxa6 rapic•S:of sash notice is the rnanraer prescribed. by appticabic law to Borrower aad to the
<br />other pervaars ptes¢-ribed bYappfaeahk law. .#fter tree .lapse nfsuch time ax may be regtrireAby... aypfirabie taw, Truster. xhsA:
<br />.Rive pahlicnotice of saltta Hirpersotte aad inihe:manner prescribed lay. applicable law, 'Truster, without dtnurnd on
<br />liorrower,shatl sell the Property at puhlfc atisiiun Y® ihr hiRlstst blddcr at the: t€me. and placeand. uadertlie terms desgtnattd
<br />its. the arolireat sale:la wee ortaare parreis..aad insucfrorder as Trustee may drtrrmine. Truster: inay pastpont..sateof ail
<br />ar sgyprreei of t~ f'rapertyby:puhl€r annourxeaaent n the time aad pface of any. prevlousiy scheduftd sale: f~endtr or
<br />!..cadet's desl[ara' may povrbrre tree Prapcrtyat any: sak.
<br />f"pan mcr€pt of payment ofihe prlre bid. Trtcsiee strap delver to the purchaser"Traztres deed conveyinX the Froprrty
<br />ro4l. Thr res';tah ix the. Trutgeec decd shag letprima tartarvedtner of the truth of lice stattmen4v made there€ti. Trustee
<br />rhali apply the pr<n~ttdc of thesak in the fallowitrR tnrdcr. fa). to aft nawnabicrrnYSand expeassrs ui the sale,.farladittR, but
<br />nrH Eimitrd tu, Lruyytr'x fees of not quart than ~~ ~~ i `¢ of Litt Rrcas~ saifrprire, rrasaetabie attartxy's t'zrs and rosfsof
<br />rftte cvddkacr, tb) to ail sums secured by retie ref Trust; acrd tcY the rxxxs5,.if soy, to ihr prrstin or perxam ltRaAy tatlilyd
<br />E4, ]goer ~ Rittfrt tnlitiawsir. {^+c,iweths[:,~d~rzt; l r~~~-fee's ,~aon c>f the :uses cc.,ued hY th;s t3crd t~f ~T'r .i5t•
<br />F.k:,r,.+.r• -:`:a -„rht [a h c any pr Jrnvs `.~ {ta[i far € r der Est rnfvr¢r lhi3 f3rtd o{ i'rust disc+.rie-st,-~sS at
<br />3 h
<br />a^ n.r : ~_.,~ .. ~~.ir , Jtc :.r,. h, r,~ " r• {y; -tK '.y pursuant iej ?hr ~tw y+: u: vie ,r mi.u'
<br />F {3_'. ~?., 7 ... ,}q.n,-,~~ ,.~ .,.r -.a-~~~=r i ;i=; t•~BL>rrrcewer pay. [,ender .cfi soot, r 1. ~.>~.~..)tt
<br />f~ the .~_, !ter _. rs ~(~, *~ "v'; .. r .~ _. sf •.ty, t~.,:4 r c4•~,;r. :;r c..i.
<br />f.. w. " , .., t,. _. ,~.: t r_ ., ... _ nt
<br />rrt*k~ ,. ... c. . a ,~. .e.. t.. i. . ,._ ...~ i t` rr~', ... ~. „bra .i ... .~.
<br />