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<br />tfrrtFOtt.*,t Govertnt.r.:. Hnerower and Lrndcr covenxni cad agree as follows: <br />1. Pttytmeataf t'rint}pzd and lntrrrst, Horrower shat! prom p#ly pay wFien doe. ttt prin~ipaz of and i tterevt nn the <br />ietdebtedttess eviderzticd lay the Note, prepaymant snd laze charges as pmvidccl m the Nute, and the. pnn.:inai cif and interest. <br />on any Potato Advances scrnred by this [aced o(Tra>t. <br />~` 2.. for Tsxea and Inaoraace. Snhjecz toapplirafafe law nr to a wntzen waiver by (:.ender Harrower shalt pay <br />to t.endcr. on the day moath£y insta£Imentsof prmcipal.:uad utzcrest are paya£>le. undctr the No[c, urtd th- Nuts is pmtl in tutl, <br />a sum (hvetn "F~nds°) equaito nnctwefhh r>f the }'carfy tavev and assrssmcntswh~ch may ,z.tain priority ovcrthis <br />I>e~ed of Trtcst, and ground rrntsnn zhe Property, if any, plus one-twe4fth t>{ yearly. prcrnit~m tnstaiimrnt for barard insurance, <br />plusnrre-iwe£fthof yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, ifun) tit as rcav tnah3y esl+rn;rtcd ini!ia£ly and (tom <br />time to time by Gender nn thebasis aF assessments and hz£P.. tnd rcasonablc est+mates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be Szeld in'an znsiitutiran the r£epavns ?r accnnnis of u•htch arc tnsurcrl or gnar:rntccd h} .+ Pecicrti or <br />stateagency(including[eodertf'C.ettdcris:satcfianinst+tvtion). Lcnoicrshailaplih•the~~untlsaopaysatdtaxrs usvccsrncnts;: <br />insurance'premiums anti graundrems: t-ender, may nnichargc forsv holdangnndapplying thrl~rinds, analysing card .account <br />pr vertFiting andcompi£ing said assessmehts a.nct t,ills, unlevv Lender pays: Borre wt.r intcrevz on ibe; funds acid appitc:ibic law <br />ppeermitsl,ender to make suehasharge: Tinrrowcr andt:-nder may .,grrA: io wrifinn at the Yim~ of cxccuhon of this -. <br />£?ead of-Trust that-interest nn the Fitndsshall kx. paid to Horrower, and unltsv such agreement ie made or. applrcaFric' law <br />rcquiressuch inferest to ha paid. 1_endarsna[I oat lac tcyurrect to pay 13orrou•cr any. in€Crevt nr eacningv un the Ponds: i.cndcr - <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge; an annual acenunhtg o{ the Punefs shnwiug c-rcdds atuf dehzn to thc'Pund<:inJ the <br />pvfptne for whiehcaeh debittothePunds wasmadc: "the Fnnt£s arcpledged as rdtlittrtnal security For the sums secufed <br />by rhts Deed of Trost <br />IFzhramount al zheFunds heldby I.cnder. together with the .future nwntltty inxt.dlments of Fundn pavat,lc prior iz, <br />theduedatesbf faxes, assessments, iruvrance premiums and ground rcnts,+hali axc~^ctifhe amor,n[ rw{utrcd t+• ~.~~y ta~c,. <br />asaesstments; insurance premtumsand ground rcnis as they talc dux, siach u~e„ sh.a'. :, ai Hurrdwer's ,pu,,.t e•~her <br />promptly'repaid ta. Bnrroweror credncdtb Bnrrewer nn,mncxt hiy nutazlments cafT•'nnd< if 'ahe mm~unt ,•` zhe fund,. <br />held by Lender shall no[ be sudfiicteni ;n. pa} tanas,.asacssments. uivurariccprcmntms and grnnnd taniv as they fait due. <br />Borrower shall payCta hendatan}' amounC.necas~,caryrca makeup the deficiency wi[hin3t7 drwcfrnnt the date"r_~ucc a maded <br />by ixnder'to Bormwef ra{ztestirrg payment zhetrnf. <br />Upon paymentirtfuil o{:alt sumssecttred by itzis L3cect or~9~ntvt5 tender shai£prompth refund u~ Borrower any fcnd< <br />hetd by Lender. If+vrtder paragraph 18 hereof :hc Prarerty .s sold <+r the Pro~3e rv *sozn ru tsc acyutrcd by £ ender. F_endet <br />shall apply;: noiater than tmmediateippriix to the _cwie ut the Pr<apcrty c•r nv aeuuisincn tryt.ander.:+ny Fum£sheld hg <br />Lender xt the tune ofapphcatipn as a efedtz against thesums secuxd by this t3~c ! of 1"rust <br />3_Applkatian al Payments.. 1Snzes appilcab£e daw iu„vidcv other.,isr. ,ei'.paxmcm: scr,eived hr L;endcr under. the <br />Kota andparagtaphs 3 and 2heren{ sha3l.hc applied-:;as Ixnder fiat ,n payment of ant: linty p:yahk z,c i.eniler hy.Btirrower <br />underparagraph 2€temcaf,then. to interest-payahzenn dtc ;Vice: tkzn'za the pnnrrpai o' the Nnt~ and then to imerest;tnd <br />principaFon any Palate Advances. <br />_ 4. Ch~es:f.i~ewa. Borrower shat; pay alt taR ~. a=csrssmcltts attd 3siher chazgex. hz ev anJ: ihzposrttons. ,itt nhutahle to <br />fuePropertywtiichmayattainapriarityoverthisDcedctfTrust,sndleasa:bold-naytnentsorsrot:ndrenis.iFany,inthe <br />'mannetprovidedtindu paragraph 2.hercof. nt, if natpai~in such manner, by Horrower mai.tngpayment,when due: directly <br />-to T1tepayee zhertoF. Bnrrowtr shakz promptly furnish to (encie* ill Waltzes of amorints.:r~c ztndcr this pa rigraph. and in the. <br />`evtotBorrower shalLr~nakt pa}rnent dirrxtfy, Horrower i+fl promptly fircnish t ! £.4^tder et,crpts ~~rd~nemg"such payments: <br />Barrowershal! grnmgt'ty drschasge auyiicn wh+..h hasp «,tt,t..t+er ihty need c tl . 7.t: Jn( :hu, Ot+rr<+wtr v?aail trot he <br />required'lo dzsehatc;e any such. iietz set. fang a, Bnrrnwrr ;haiiagrec in writin>n a +hc = v< <~ -=k zhe>higaziunsecured shy <br />.such lieo in'amannu acse¢tafiit tt~t d_cnder. ut dhoti ing<+od faith eontrsr stic l.Lcm ba, , .;east cn -,teem ant of such }ten a. <br />legal pprcxeedtntgswhieh operate to prevent the cnti3:Cem o{ the hen or7 tr i ~ , i ~. P,vpc t}. nr 4,taro port thcrc~tf. <br />5. $iwvd lwairrtutt. BerrrowcrsYv3,11.k~Fe rite im. n, . meats now exist tr. o, ~r.:at,er eructed onthe P r perry-tnsurc3 <br />agaitrstfoss'tay 6re,haxardsinc£uded wuhin zhetrrm t -rt. vrral,c.. r r htzaril t i ~~.:t•r mayr¢:yturr <br />and m such amotmss `and forsuc4t perx'<fk as ! emkt •:::.~ •eyuir~- pre vrdcd. ~ i i.tldr:rvt nausr. feat the amount of <br />such coverage cxceedthai atnuunt of cpvcragr. y~•~:, s:ii f : !tr v.tmv ~.:~ i I1 ~nri ;;i Fna. <br />'fheinsurance earner prowdmg znsinsu.arnc chill !x '.haven by H,.'= ~ ~ i•~,~. .,;apruv.,£ ['. i ;~iJ: r. jarovided, <br />bat stu'happrava£ha3£ nut be unreasonably wichhcid_' Ail.. prcnnunas -~~: , rs shat t c. -.~ ci ir± rte manner. <br />pruvidetiutxlcrparagmph Zharenf or, i,`trot patdih sach'rnartner, ht Bo~r.•w t ... _ n.f payment.. when du':. arectiyto 4sc <br />iowranacazz'iec <br />'A,£tiitturnneepolietes,tai<frenewa£sti>~rc..ti+tzaiS.£> ent~.:~ .,. ~ _.i~-~~uidrazim< d -.:..rrt~~rdmortg.,,_ <br />:clauseinfavarofand in fofrn aec-eptahle ua t ender. t} nd :.~a ~• ~.~ ~ 1•+ •.~. 'r: d fete;uili~ . .roc. r,. .. c. Ls,lhercci <br />and$cerrowershatlpromptly.Eurntxhtab:caderx{irKa.c ai~• ~,i ~ .. -., +. .~>3.prctr;rs.rr~. i;~,.t~~r ._ntofh~~ <br />Borrowetnhallgivc pr=amp(notw`e ka therrvti, r ,ace ~.~rt c ~~i,rr ~r.:i,,c lYr~K>[ in u~av~ rt nozr :,de ~ ~ ~~n~tly <br />by Borrower <br />Unlesi; i,endez>aad l3irrow-er anehw+ss -~ .. -• ~..,, .,, ,._ rtt, ;h.~-,.:;e;{ vn~ran n -~~tu <br />the Piape-fly damzt£ed. zu' dc! v h a wort - and th un~s 'this i.S t (rrs[ <br />nnY therchy tmpatreti. ,f lurk .asnn ..tton :rr ., r .~ .~_ . ,~. ;f tea .~ca r -.~ r:~. ti n Ored. ~ ., ;+.rui,l <br />be imlaa;red, zhe ~nsu::. a.~ > w_ca, ,pt,i ~ , _ ,- .. :d , fr.,;i.. ..t aha c Ant, pattf <br />ne <br />to Horrower Ii iht £'rtazart.+ , .,^auo ~ ."~ iy Es. .. ~ ~ ,~ . ~ r i,.. ~-~ihtn .~t3 c, r i lmm the <br />c. <br />date bolter ,- nmdrei h4 ~ ender n, G ,: n .^ ~ .. . , .net ,, ~~ _ _. .-. .~ __ ~ . fw,, i_ender <br />is authofite I ,..,ilcct and app£y n ~ _, ~, , ., I~dw d c- ~~ , _.~_~ u,c Pn:Fx;n} <br />ar to :he sum z -cd t t :loos [h. -. <br />l3 mess i coder sod Harrower othcw ,~~ .. r arty weft .oppL. ~ ~ i; to ~ ~.~i: not : .tend <br />Urpo5lp.;ne [h~ .ilk 4ate Ut th@ ..n , ~, ~ °•t .., tt, ,,rag _ ~d . .. ~ ~ moon; of <br />aUIIfa `.t~t~I.titCtris-. I! Underf= r~~ e - ~_ i . 1~ ~ ~ _ ~n[~~- - '~tcr~ .~I rihd. t,'th ..~~. -- :I Cat O #,fOrrrtw Ct <br />in and !e ar ..,sutasi~tpo -.:~ c ~~ ~. ~ ,~ ' , .hc ~:~ ~. ~. _,,c: ~.a n~ :t da:a ~gc :isthe F ..r*...: :. pr~nr n? tr't6 sole.. <br />-+~r a~yusatinn ,hail. pass tot.taae ,~ ..c ~. . , ; ~i;~: _ _.. ~_. ACi ..,~'k rJ ~~. T-ova irtznted~.~t . ~... t~ uch,sale yr <br />ucquis::ioa <br />6. Proer.adioa and.:4laiotcnancc rt i'rnpert}: Le~.ehuidn; e unU:,rnuuurn.: Ylawned t n:r Ile+rh;pnreoP Borrower <br />shall 'h f'-epcn x ~ ,., .. .. .. .~_. ~.. _ ._, ~ ~_ ~,. '-opcrty~ <br />un + shu~lrcompi, sc th Inc . ... n ~.. ~. i + . ,n,. ~ c_rr ~, - _ .... n,.. _ t: u,'. ~. ~ : anti ~n a <br />-ipnd©au n+u rt .~- (.ia~ ... -:~-.; ~E. -F. „.,~.i ....>.: r..~ .,. , ., ~ ., ., ._ ..:.., ~. _. ,rr i:..i.:.rnleorr. <br />' ar r mart r a .ig r :. tog he :o .. ... .. ., !u n. iii the <br />~.~. ~ .- c <br />,:nndominiw.z ~ r plzn . ~ ~. , .;vpe, pntertt , , . ,~ ._.. ~, . . : ~.. c .1veuSt,(amenc <br />ndce+s rse~ats.l -,: :Sv 'r,: tr .,aJ rei.tar<See: ..'t~- s ,i -:. ._ ..~ .-..IV u; rirch rnier. <br />'~1; he • , Wore. - c _,:d sisa£.a+nsnd ans, .u- . ~ ~- . _ .~_ ~ .. - ,. _ .1..~.~..:n if the rider <br />- w®rc a pz_t arc ccC <br />'. Prutertion ni S.cndrs's Security. It Bo ..-,::: .,.,-. :..~ ., :n !~:. ".:... .,. ....~~ „. , +,.ucd ;hip. <br />3~eed ~ >t. - u ~r ear procce, n~ ~. _.c _ ,., ~ ...~~ ~c,i :^ i;crtv.- <br />6a^.srupt c-•^ J~.<d.~~:.. hc. ,tender ~t d rr,~cr , ; p , ;~:.~ .'.. ::~:.~. .. .__,~. ~. r . ~. ..... ., .~. ur.'" <br />~~c ~, <br />~c,ts... ... r ~e. .,. . ~ ~ .. .... _. ,.. ,. <br />~udrr_,t~ i•[ etas ; d t,~ ,.x t .-. .-. 17 ih~- ~ . .. R~ ., ~.. ~ ._ - ~ ~., ~,. , tr.?~ <br />r <br />rnwrenu ~..:eer t.:. .:eR :. h~ - ._. ~ ....... _ :~.i. ~ .. is •'CS'`a ;+r„, <br />Ccnder~s +~ •<rca t ,~i ,_ al, -..u~,c ~, ..r r.~:~ .. _. ,, ., ._.. _ .. ~, ns ;Pte <br />.~ ncr _ .c crdc -agar ~,i~ <br />. ~t t ar t t Jl ~ r _ ~ ~ a! r <br />tdai. x 43 t _ c _i J iT~ _ , , ~. - <br />:. <br />;,Efc,Jd,.vb .sc,nc.t. ~ ' .t;r , ut ~ , ~- t : ,.~ .. .. ~..~ r.rcv, <br />~, <br />at cn cal. ;~5 ~., s., -.., ~. .. , r„ <br />per nisti: ..,.. .aty, , . _ ~ ..J ..... .~. _ ..,_ ~:.kc. <br />aer s~~:oo <~.., -» <br />=c <br />A. Set pcv_r re. t. - ,..r: rC-.:_~ cK rn ~^ :• -.. _ _ -. _,. .. .. _. _ _ i.,.. .... <br />r c ..~ 3aC vDtF[.. <br />