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82--U(7299tq <br />SIMPLE INTEREST LOAN` BT <br />.CONSUMER LQAN NOTE AND SECURITY AGitEEMENY <br />TRUTH-lN-tENDENG DISCIOStIRES Date ~ ti LY .~ ~+ ..,'., 19 ..:8~ ._ <br />r thie Hate, the v)rotds !h me, ~inQ,;and my means each. and all df those who s; n this Hate. The wards~ yyou. your, and <br />yours mean J.+-,Y ~:,AL^L & i.DiSLRr1NC~ INC.., D~.4 DA-iY I~VSURANGE & ~2vANC <br />t`1~? J._=_ f3_ GUST S~gE~ ;- tftAN~ >=~t a >+ <br />- - ~_.NU AI, <br />{Licensee's Warne and address): - -- -_-- <br />RFrP,A~ME,A1,T:._~4, [gpaysnv l~n I,RrJ l~~ to Pa~Y.xo~,_ <br />,- <br />~vJ.~ ir.VJ t,dJ ~±,1 .! ~ ~., l V~ir ~U ~, 6 {I <br />oars Sa ~ ' <br />_ __. _ .. ..~.~.s,_ <br />~, <br />at youroffces at -. ~ Y_ ~ 1 1.•.-. :_ .r_NJ oLr~:Jll, 3a.~, <br />with. interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of __..._ ' ~' .._._.°.ro per annum from ti~i~ 1 ~ , ? ~~~~ _ <br />Interest is computed dairy nn rho unpaid principal hatance. The unpaid principle and accrued interest shall he pay- <br />aJfe in ' <br />~'~ installments of 5 _ ~. -.t ~.)_ _ _ _ each due on the l <br />..... M.~. _- day of each month <br />_, Y _, <br />corrtmenang to , ,:. __ 19 -:'_. <br />THIS IS A BREAKDOWN OF THE TERMS OF MY LOAN: <br />~,~QO.J, <br />t- S _."..___ ___. _....._._ Cash advances disbursed to or for borrcwer(sl. <br />2. $ ....._. ._ .. _._. _..-.... Amount applied to any prior accon!. <br />3. $ ___ ._. _-__ .. _...-. _._ Single credit life insurance premium. `he FINANCE CHARGE isoomputed on ay <br />Loan at the agreed rateof2 permonth(..410 <br />4. $ _._ _..... _. _...... __. Joint credit I~fe insurance premu,m. per year} nn the unpaid principal balance <br />5. S __. _ -._._-. Credit disability insurance premium, which is no? in excess oi$1,OtX1.00, 1'%z°h, per <br />-- month (19!o per year) Oe that part Of the un- <br />E. $ _- Property Insurance premium. paid principal balance exceeding 51,000.00 <br />i. S ~ G;~'-!, ..,,;... _... Amount t~nanced (add 1 ?hrough 6}. but not in excess of 55.000.00, 1';~Wc per <br />8_ S _ 5:_.~i ~'.^-_.''J. _ FINANCE GHARGE. month (15°,'o per year) on that part of the un- <br />__ <br />9. S -.-~..,.= a.~ ^'''_-... _. Total payments (add 'and eJ: paid balance exceeding $5.000.00 but net in <br />-~--' excess of S%.000-00. <br />ANNUAL PERCENTAGE f1ATE _ ____ _ 1^ _ - __. % <br />The total of my payments. the :oral amount of the FlNANCECHARGE and the to±al n um bar of my paymen is are figured on the basis <br />that I will make regular payments according to the repayment schedule described in the first section of this note. Nowwer, it I don't <br />follow that payment schedule, then f understand that tttp couid'cause the total of my payment, the totab amount of the FINANCE <br />CMAAGE, and the total number of my,payrFents to be rttpre~~thana9described above if I delay in making payments and less than <br />describxd above it I am early in making ptyments <br />PREPAYMENT: Evan though t noedn't pay mere than theftxed. instalfinents,l t,ave the right to prepay the whole outstanding <br />amount of this Note at any time. <br />DEFAULT ANO RIGHT TO CURE: !will be m ctetault ii I don't pay an`instaltntent on time. <br />I1 a full installment is more ttwn flue days in delauit,:acharge maybe made egrialtp theFINANCE CHARGE app;icabte to the final <br />installment period and a similar charge may be made for each succe9ding full.month such installment s unpaid. <br />If I am in defwJt according to the terms and conditions of my Note. you rti:ay enttXCe your rights according to Nebraska law. When <br />the default consists prtfy of failure to make a regwred payment, you maywith notice:andaftermylat lure. to cure the default, declare <br />the balance of the Note irnmediatey due and payable and at your option, yoti may take,passession of the security pledged. i <br />understand that I am only entitled to one notice of my right to curethedefau11.1afaDure to-rrrakea requited paymont. If I default <br />aGaih, you Head not send me another notice, and can tleclare the entire balance due and payable anQerifprce your rights under <br />Nebraska law. <br />IRREGULAR PAYMEN7Sc Ypucan accept late payments or partutl oaymertts even though marked "paymera in rut I",without <br />losirtg-any of your ngnts under'thh Note. <br />CO MAKERS: It I'm signingthis Note as a comakor, I agree to be equally r.,;pons!ble with the borrower. You dp•~' have tc notify <br />methef hisNptehesn'tbeenpaid...YOUhavetherighttcchangethetermso+paymentandreleaseany ecuritywithc„tno~;fyingor <br />releasing me from responsibility on this Nole. <br />DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS: You are hereby a~nnorized to give the proa5eds of th+s Note to <br />fNSURANVE DISCLOSURES: <br />CREOITLIFEand/ot•DIS/ISYLITYINSURANCE: Neither CreditLitenorDisabititylnsurancearerequiredo!metaobtain his <br />roan and that the purchace of such insurarx:e by me is wholly voluntary. Iswilt notbepi'oyided wah this credit mserarce unless <br />indicate that i want such insurance by checking the appropriate box`beiowand then signing and dating my request <br />Q Credit Life for first lwrrower. The premium is S _ <br />~ Credit Lite and Disability for first borrower. The premium is $ _ <br />^ Credit Life for bOlh borrowers. The premium is S _, _ _ _ <br />^ Credi! Life for both borrowers and, n~sability for first borrower only. The premwm a 5 . _. <br />C}I (VJe} t n ~~ y~~~nt Credi(t/{~7ff~; r~~~/~'p7tli~y ?ns nc~e- "~ <br />f „j~: <br />FirstBorro / -__T__.-Dal r-.~ .t,~t'fiate~~~l~ <br />~\ ~hl ku~~~,11'~~- "~F l,r.-r.^ e-l:LC~.,~"f ~~ ~3eGOnd ~owy~F~G~2L ~~l' J ~' " ~ / ~ "~ , <br />SECURITY: To protect yo.. ~f { detauk on (his c~bt. I give you what is known i3y a security rneresi in ne 4o116w+ng <br />property. ;list separately) <br />viii :QUA i SL:. .`.t^.~_L .mod:, ~.:_5 ~i `'-t` -~ _, •`". ---1 -' !~ "'$"-; <br />~Ii"r ~: Jr'~ ,. TSL1ti~, .. ~._ _r._. 'w r, A' 15~. ,. l~ ~-,i' <br />;~'JT x., l_ _ J;+ ,'l:i:_ _, - ~'Y 5FJ„'3 ~- t?£avA~ ,;; 5_;C~N <br />7u5Di ~ _J:e, _, _ .~ >>_. ~F ~._,.i_ i~I,A:V3T, Iir~-._ _ v~_ .tr A'r:it Cog _ "d <br />TOL ACCOREIINfiTD THE SECURITY AfiAEEMENT ON THE REVERSE SLOE. THE TEAMS OF WHICH I HAVE AE110. UNOEASIANO ANO AGREE <br />! UNDERSTAND THAT I MUST MAINTAIN PROPERTY INSURANCEONTHE PAOPERTY COVERED BY THISSECUAITY AGREEMEMTFOR ITS <br />FULL INSUAIIBLE VALUE. 8UT f CAM BUY- 7HI5 INSURANCE THROU6N A PERSON OF MY OWN CHDOSINfi. <br />NDT~E TO CUSTOMER: ~. OO NOT SIfiM THIS PAPE4 BEFORE Y0U READ IT.: YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A %OPY OF THISPAPER. 3 YOU <br />NUtY PREPAY TkE UNPAID BALANCE AT ANY TIME V/ITHOUT PENALTY ANO MAY BE ENTITLED TD RECEIVE A REFUND OF UNEARNED <br />CHARGES IN ACfA(IOAMCE WITH LAtM. <br />NOTICE: Ses other side far important intormaticrt <br />Tie Ut~iD~fGt~iED .ACKt~WLEJ~GE(S) RAPT O~ ,4 CC?tv1Pl_z=TES`' FILLLt7-iPJ GC3PY rJF THIS NOTE. <br />/ 1.' ~~. TtIRES / ~' ALvA~S5E5 <br />6 , <br />~hYq _ .-, Pt,tk ....6 t*~ .;a;., .. .r - - <br />