__. ~.
<br />_._ . _. _ _. ~T_ _ _ _
<br />52-A-REAL. ESTATE Mt}RTGAGE-{With TaYC'Glause).'ficv. 7E'~ r.~)`~!~ (](~~] `.Rottman artd Fafture & woN. Walton, Ne. EBaoi ~ V
<br />hasb~rnd and .-wife and spouse c+f each eth?r,
<br />~, of [-]Qj-, i, County, and State of [~~'$PA~E:A , in consideration of the sum of
<br />FO['R THOL'S7F;r EIGt3T HL'Nn:E~ and t=?O110U CENTS; (~^4,800.Q~~1 DOLLARS I
<br />~~ in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Da-LV ^P.alty iz Ir]3Ur~~CtC~ IrC. , D3F. D2-Ly
<br />~~ Insurance ~ Finance
<br />i of i{ALL County, State of Ff f' ~' , }~ ~~ ~; ~ the following described premises situated
<br />_ in HALL County, and State of hdE3RASKP. , to-wit:
<br />L,ot Four (4) , Hock Twenty ~' ~f~) , .ernoi2an and Decker's P,ddition, to the
<br />City of Grand Is1an'd, HaI1Coupty, ^lebraska, AKA 1521 'w. 1st. St.
<br />AND;
<br />Lot Three '3;, 31ock t7ne Hundred.Forty.-Seven-(147}, JP Railway's `ec:~r.d
<br />Subdivision, to the City of Grand Zsland, Ha-11 County, Nebrask;a, AKA
<br />4G9 L . Uilrision
<br />'i
<br />-. The intention being to convey h~•reby `an absolute title tn'fee simple, including'.atl therights of homestead :and dower.
<br />- TO l3AVE AtiD TO HOLI; the premisesabovedescribed, with alt the,sppurtenances thereunto Lictongutg, unto the said
<br />~- mortgagee (sl and !o his, her or their heirs. andassigns. foreva r, provided always, andthese presen cs are upon the express,
<br />condition that iF the said mortgagors l- his, herpr their.heirs.' executors. adminiatrafors or assignsshall Fay or cause to be
<br />;paid to the said mortgag~'i.sj. his- her or their heirs„ executors, administrators: or assigns; the principal sum of 5 4 , ~ 0 0 . 0 ~
<br />payab{e ae follow., to wit: Vic' ~ i ppSnLyT on A11 X1.15 t. 1 , 1-98~ , the i 13^5 t 1nSt$llmeE3. t. fjS
<br />• $121.11 is due and pzyable-and on the. 1St. day of each consecutive rno-t!.
<br />thereafter, $;21.11 is due-and ~ayab e, until 60 mor.~hl.y payuiar.t ~avc
<br />been paid. Interest an the unpa~'d balance,oi t'~"n s}:a11 be amo .ized
<br />over the 50 men`n1y payments and each payments shall include hoth rote^o:-t
<br />and principal .
<br />with interest acccirding to the tenor and ef[ect of the rnort gaRO rs written promissory ntrtetK~anYrS: ~'~~-n dare with these pteser,ts
<br />j
<br />and shall pay all taxes and awwssments levied ulwn :oiler real 2siate, sort -'t Diller taxes. levies and assessmenle levied upon this
<br />' mortgage or the note -which Lh ix murigazc is given tq secure, hefone ths'sarnc txxomes delinquent, nerd L:eep the buildings eu
<br />said premises insured fur the sum of :;2 rkeT Vra1Re loge,if anY,Payable to the said mortgagee, then th«se p[esen[s
<br />' 1n be void, otherw'ire to he and remain in Eull force.
<br />I`h [5 FURTHF,k AC7REE0 L1? l~hat if the said moriga gor shell fail fo ~. EvgY such l:lses or pr--ore such insurance: the
<br />said mortyCagee may paY such taxes and pra:ure such irtsurartoe; and the sum ao advanced, with interest at 1-~ per
<br />i ceol. slutil be repaid by said mortgago[, and this mortgagd shall sta;iid as se5utity for the saYne. (2j That a failure to. pay.:any ',
<br />i of said money, either Frincipal or inter. st- when the Barrie ber_omes daa, or a failure to romply with any of the foregoing
<br />agreements, shat] cause the whole sum of money hereto. secured tobecome'due and cellectiblo at once at: the option bf the
<br />' morigagec.
<br />' Signed this .~~ day of ., fJ~'t 1~2 /`~ ~ ~ ,/'~ /'~
<br />_. ;,
<br />-• r-~S?'`~f`
<br />In presence of v __... :: ....... .........
<br />--~ - ~'
<br />', `: STATE OF . .. _^1 E.~R aSKA ............. Count}' of FR.LL,.. ':/..............
<br />f ^.
<br />The foregoing insirtmient was acknowledged before me /:.7 .r- H . G ..~ [`I.1.........'.....1982 . .
<br />by
<br />--- ,/f~
<br />wthtM-1M~~rl~l Wnr~+; '~.......<.: ~ , ~ ... ... / / r~ "t.,-..,.-_ ... ...
<br />~IIaM~i~ Ii Sigtiasure of Person Taking .~lcknowledgrnent
<br />~~,,.roa.o,~ypa~s, tsaJ
<br />1 Title
<br />i ' STa~TE OE....... .__...__ _____. .._ _. _._... .', }sntemd nn. rium~riCa[. index snd vied f<r record
<br />L4 ~+,.
<br />; Cts;nzy__ ~ inthe Register of ]?testis (Noce of said 1.1+2:a}' sht•
<br />. tJ_..__.... at..._..... .,._.._dclockastd.. ...:.:....... murutc- _.:..._.---.:.t41.,
<br />and :e.~c.nicd iu F3cok... _,_.._..:. vi.. ...:._._,.. _..._ .at pegs-:...____.~_....._..
<br />,........:._... ._ ,.._.... .... ._..,.. I~g, of Lhmdfl
<br />