~~ i
<br />7H621 OF CURREC'CIl7N (2 .PACE.)
<br />PR03F_tiT: ~PF-:81-2(iQ9) TRACT: 19
<br />82=~i~294~
<br />Tn ha~~e and to bald Lhe premises above described,: together with'slt the
<br />tenements, hPreditaments and appurtenances thereunto heionging, unto Third City
<br />Christ±an Church and to its succese;er~: and assigns forever.
<br />7.n .:Ltness where~E, the said State `of Nebraska, Department of Roads has here-
<br />unto set -t~.e1- hand this c~"~ day of J.al 19~-. ~
<br />~~
<br />SEAL State of Nebraska
<br />ire~State F,a~i er ,
<br />j ~
<br />Third City r7hris-tian Church, hereby assents, agrees, and join~n said correction. I "
<br />El~.uw-~, ~'
<br />~~ cQ.,..(~.,
<br />I
<br />STATE OF ~¢brtS~CN ) fin rhis ~..d day of Auld A. D. :9 ~ ,
<br />}~s. before me, tkze undersigzaed (jen.,:t, .±,~~.,
<br />L-nGdgTE( ~Countp} a :^=enera7 :v`otary -Pu1STic, dulyccimmiesgned and ~~ -
<br />- gtaaltPted came L1~~:d tl 'C.e~ti__ t_~
<br />-?~irectur-State .Engineer j
<br />I
<br />ce ;;aar! :;irawn to Ue the idcatic8l person
<br />w-hose name ~S affixed to the foregoing instruaentl
<br />;,
<br />:is QtanCOr afidacknocl_ed~e~i
<br />_~.:- same to be ti:5 voluntary
<br />a: ; aro~3 deed.
<br />wi~t.~5 >"y hand and aatarial Seal the day and;yeaY
<br />last abuka s+ritten.
<br />Qb+.,...;r._.>~-.~l.~.t,.~s.~t-,,a,~-. NOtdry Public.
<br />`tv ~a:rmteeion expir s tEie ~~+~ day oF;
<br />r
<br />5'FA"iE OFD( iJt]YY/~` !`n .,...- .._ da... t9t ,~; ~ ~ ~ t9 (~:~
<br />- lss. ?~a: *e °e, a gei:i'rai. no[ar,i puhilc duI.v comc~.is~,ioned 'i
<br />~,
<br />s~~G,~ Countvi and gnalif. ~'' for said ~oun.;~, }.ersor~~a[Llry:came
<br />the .u1v as n.or:+a.ea representa~tlve Gc repre,9entatises ,
<br />to -e xa<a:~^ t<~ o~said duly aat:zori2ed representative
<br />~r *_eoresent:ztives and the identical. person or persons
<br />vho >.gz1e~ the .`nrego<ng institrment acrd acknnvl~dged
<br />JT~,TEMENT ATCA~tlE1S :he execution tberac,t *o .,, liis, heTor'their ~~rJlan-
<br />,,
<br />"rarti~ av' ani ~e.~c!.
<br />' ~(,U~~~
<br />E AMP T1J( h F`L?aE5 ~v ,l;arq and. No taria L Sean t.ie day and
<br />i ..yea .r iast~anoy'a ~,r-it'
<br />JE1L 16 t98?
<br />/~~
<br />f
<br />p
<br />J '~
<br />! ?"q cammissir.t ~ .eras the '~~ day ut
<br />~; ,a t~~ na,/~ . - S.9 ~"~
<br />
<br />