<br />..
<br />CEFa? @~` CORRECTYON (2. PAGE.)
<br />PR63Ef.Tn D~"F-2$?-2(109)' TRACT: ly
<br />cc 1
<br />;~~~ !) cJ ~ ~ ~ C" KNOW AE.L ;7EN RX THESE ?RESFNri'S: j
<br />"S"HAT t
<br />i
<br />I
<br />~ --~-'
<br />7'h is indenture, madethis ~~°~. day of Jr,(~.y~ , 19.~~, by aad
<br />between Thir3 City Christ3aa Cl;ur "• o€ Hail County, Nebraska attd the.State of
<br />~ *iebra_:Ka. ~
<br />k'hereas the said State of Nebraska, Aepartment o€ Roads-'did, rni or about tine
<br />2nd day or Febre:arc, ?982', eaecut2 to Third City Chri fiat. Church;^."or th_• cnnsideta-
<br />lion therein ;oent_oned, 3 oonveyance a€ the eertain lands, situated in FiaLl County,
<br />4ebraska and hereinafter more particularlg described, which said .conveyance is
<br />recorded is the office :~Y thePeg~sterof Deedsrof t3xoCountyof. Hail, as Pocu~ent j
<br />No. R2-001153?, of the rer_ords o€ ~a'_d oEfice; and whereas in said ,canver•aace, by
<br />mistake, the foia-.ri nn~ was wr3LEen:
<br />A irazt of land 2a^a~ted is Lets 8 and 9 Riuck i, t?ickep Third Addition to ~
<br />the Cit^ o' Crand zs_aud,~Flall County, ?Gebraska, 'escri6ed as follows:
<br />I
<br />Beginni:ig a*_ t4e Sou*`rw+est Gcirnec ~;if sa:d Lot 8; thence nor*.'=rerly ~i distance
<br />of ?4.00 feet along the:dest i.+_oe o` said Lots 3 and 4• thence northeastet-1}-
<br />defLe%ting 0.5 degrees, 20 nlrutes right, a _ssiance o; 124.53 feet; thence easterly
<br />i
<br />dePLeeting 045 degrees, ZC minutas tight, a distance c+f I1C.00 Feet alenk the ?Sort`; i
<br />Line nE said Lot 9; !fence scut heri;~+ deYLECting 089 degrees, Zl; mi~wtcs r~gi7t, a
<br />distance of i54.OC feet ~.ionQ the past i.ine ~. ssi.d Lets :_ sad o; thence westerly ~
<br />de€Lec*_ing ^40 degrees, :,0 ~1.euc~=s :?ght, a d;sLa*rce ~F 2(}a.00 `eat ;iionr~ the Soul'.^.
<br />i.:ne of said he 9 to the ncint of 3,eglnnz,:K_con_ain:ng ~::,748.Oi s9uare :`eat, more
<br />or Less.
<br />and whereas, tt}e !'cl-Iavtn,g shouic! haa~~~ men wri€cen:
<br />,. tract vE land ioceited in Lots 8 a;d 4, ..sock i}i,ce~ey'~.'t-,ir_d Additon to
<br />the ('sty aF Grsnd Z,land, Hall Counza, ^3et,taskx, desetihed aa,Eo1'J-?vs:
<br />ae}*:inning ai ;.he Soi;tnvest '.;oirter r.f sai.'. I_:>t `]; .he~r,~a zlarthei'lj• :i c1.t5Lance j
<br />of 'L.(iC :eat along the Rest Line sai~1 tote q and t:~nce~ no7reh%asterLv
<br />deYieeiinx Q45 degrees, 20 minutes right, a d'_stanc,~ i~t 125,53 feet; thence easteerly
<br />de13ecLin,g :745 degrees, ?0 ^:lnutes ±'iyht, ~ dL,C,nce of 110,ftp fv._t einn~; the Fgrr.h
<br />sane af' said Lot 9; thence st~uttierly deElectLrg 089 degrees, 2D r:irnte i~nt, a
<br />distance c>f :bG.^0 feet alc;ng the F,at,t Lfne of sand Lots $ and ~~ t7enre s~esteriv
<br />deflecting D40 dezraes, %+0 ~inu[as~ ti~h=, a tistance a€ ?!10.00 feeC aion~ r_he South '~
<br />j Line ai said L.ot 8 to the ;»int o[ tregiruiinK containing 29,?4l3.fJ2aquare feet, snore
<br />or Less.
<br />and vi:ereas, to prere:~C diffiru'ties here-a.`.ter, zt !s expEdient to tortect said
<br />errors.
<br />^tcv, TOZrafore, this ind~ntnre uitnesseta rtat paid Stale a€ ~I~bra='~a, 'k=i~-~rt_
<br />went oT .''watts fn ,.onstderation o: tyre agreement -,nd con~ento€ T'hird'-;'av ^,rfstian
<br />vhurch to the correcti+?n hereby: grants, conveys, re Leases aad Canfirzns enr,+_
<br />?'bird City Christian Chsrch, their sncceasors sod ..;,signs, forever, a~_ ._, ti:e
<br />~.,LiovirL3 describeu tract ~,_ sand s,tnated ~.. ~iai1 Count,, °~ehraska, trrviC-
<br />:a tract ..r ?aad heat€<d ir, i.ots N mad , a.Lnnk 9ickev ~r=1 '+1-trio..-r ..,
<br />the Cite of ;:aaa sia•3d, sia~? buret}~. Kebtas~a, dc'scr..:ed ?~ '?mows-
<br />;3egian;ng d[ the c.,_~tawcst Carr.er •, said Lot g' th=. -._ r_orth~~z?c ., dicrzca„~
<br />of 74.0'1 :eft 3i^ng the 'nest Lire »__., Lots 8 and~9; *;~e;zre ,., r..,,;a•~ter.'_y
<br />dr_;lectin~; SLS "?w,g:aes, ?~l?3lnutua zig?;t, a :i:stav~.F ~2ti..~3 `eat; _.cr,ce ea-,te:i.,
<br />def~e^tin>, 0/a~ ti~ r2e~: .0 ~in,.ites 2t, ~ ~._ ,: ?. +
<br />-$ ;~, ~ s tarc° z. _i:J ^_e a1 ~R° the .au rt
<br />Line ct" »a;e~ -ut o1 rePnce s„ath,e-~ d,rel,nctina ?ksa ~g _ , 2 ~ sinut.~ r _ a ~ j
<br />a9_stanca crf _4.ri0 ~~i~t ._hns~ the r_nr. .!~ ,z sa_~ ie!.~ ? ar;d n; 2ts~a~.e uesc~,r:i. ~'
<br />t'_Ftcc ~ r,U{ .r-Fr _ <~. r, 9G t3.t 5 t. rrC '' _~~? £ID2t ;xi ~I ,1'ti -^.d k_
<br />a-,ed; ~ni: _, ,._.. lot ? 's ,,e i~ :~, K.,!...,_ _ s.or.t .~_r; ~,$,7~8.~.. _,yuait f"ri,
<br />__ Les°. - -.
<br />
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