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r- <br />~. , <br />~Z-=(iC3299? <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />i <br />This Mortgage is entered into between LARRY DOUGLAS and <br />SHARON DGUGLAS, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br />interest, and as spouse of the other as Mortgagors, and <br />HOWARD i~YLE DOUGLAS and PAULINE M. DOUGLAS, husband and wife, <br />hereinafter referred to :.s "Mortgagee". <br />Mortgagor is indeb~.~d to the mortgagee in the principal <br />sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars (a:~ 000.00) evidenced by <br />mortgagor's note dated June 30, 1982 providing for payment of <br />principal and interest with the balance of the indebtedness, <br />if not sooner paid, due and payable on July 1, 1992. <br />To secure the payment of t_he Note, with interest as provided <br />therein, the payment of ail other sums, with interest, advanced by <br />mortgagee to arotect the security of this mortgage, and the <br />performance of the covenants and agreements of the mortgagor con- <br />tained herein, mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to <br />mortgagee the followirrg described property located in Hall <br />County, Nebraska: <br />Lot Cne (1) in Block Three (3) ir, Jenkinson <br />Subdivision, being part of the South Half of the <br />East Half of the Southeast Quarter (S~;E~SE;? of <br />Section Two (2) in Township Eleven fll) North, <br />Range Ter. (10) West of the 5th P.K. in ;-fall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />Together with'all buildings,; improvements, fixtures, easemealts, <br />rights, orvileges and'appurtenances.,located thereon or in any way <br />per*_aining thereto.,-::and the rents, issues ar.d Nrcfits, reversions <br />and remainders thereof; including, but not limited to, heating grid <br />cooling equipmentand such personal property as attached to the <br />improvements so as to `constitute a fixture; ali of which, nclud- <br />ing replacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared to he <br />a part of the real estate secured by the lien of *_his mortgage <br />and all of the foregoing being referred to herein as the "property". <br />Mortgaqcr further. covenants and agrees with :ndrtgagees as follows: <br />1. Payment. To pay the .indebtedness and-the interest thereon <br />as provided in this mortgage and the note. <br />2. Title. Mortgagor's are the owners of 'the property ar.d <br />have the right and authority to mortgage the property warrant <br />that the lien created hereby is a valid second mortgage on t:he <br />property. <br />3. Taxes, Assessments. io pay when due all taxes, st~ecial <br />assessments and all other charges against the prcperty and, neon <br />written demand by mortgagee, to add to the payments required under <br />the note secured hereby, such amount as may be sufficient to enable <br />the mortgagee to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as <br />they become due. <br />4. Insurance.. To kelp the improvements .pow or hrreaft<-r <br />located on t_he real-estate described herein insured a::ainst. damage <br />by fire gad such. other hazar3s as mortgagee may,regnire, ir, a out~• <br />and with companies acceptable to the mortgagee and with 3.oss ~~a.~- <br />able to the mortgagee. In case of loss under Bach policies, the <br />mortgagee is authorized be adjust,. .collect and compromise, ir, th~~ <br />discretion of the :;ortyage-e, all claims thereunder at mortgagee's <br />sole option and to appl the ,proceeds ,ypon indebtedness secured <br />hereby with payments rereur.uer c o tir.•~ing until. the sums secured <br />