<br />'.-tbndrrnataon Inihra~vrntTls "rcxperr~,.pran}'parttbrrnof,shalLhetakenbyeminentdpmain,Lhrh7ort~ager
<br />it.ernS~o~.arrNdtoroprr~tanrYrrccitiea3l~nir"~n.at5nn~.vhirhrnRybepaidSarangpropertvLakanor[ordamagesto:pmperty
<br />slat tsker.. and lforthr~ e strait apply :;ur-h comppn:LStion, aY its aptian,-eiYhcr toa4edustipriof the indebtedness-Fecured
<br />°6a•re by nr to repast and restore: the pre petty .p ,IgiTtBged. ~ ,
<br />d. Ferfprmance b~~ \tnrtgager. }.fartgugre :nab teal zhalt have no pbh>;atinn, tp do anp act which:..the RSnrtgagar
<br />htu agmed buL faits to do, and Ltori.~agee mns also dp any act t P.crns necessary to ororectthe lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />a)~ree: so mpny, upon demand, sn+ ~tntts so ~~.ipended C}'the llort.r,.eger-for the above'l.urpcwN~s, and anysttins so expended
<br />be She hlvrtga~'cMr ~-h a}{ t,• added to the EndebteAne~s ~cc.tre~i h rc h-_,~ and [x e~mese,bjeet co the lien hereof. hinrtgagee
<br />shah not incur en} yers<mal ii8bi!it5~ Fr~,:au.e o1' aoythn:g a roar do a omit c~ .1o hemunder.
<br />5. Ik~fnuEt; Acsgnment of Revts. ";';me is of th ~+wnve 7emoi, urd upon 4Sorlgago*'s defaul[ in any covenant
<br />ne agreement cttnis ixlortge~, incloding r ncr mots to Fa_- tvhrn der .hr sums . -eun•n b~ this .S7ortgage, [hr ?~Qprtgapee shat!
<br />Lk° +'ntitled, aL its sole vaptioa arrd rvSghr>' -oi~re, to .redarn nl% sums srcv re 9 hp this 3lortgag'e Lo be immediately due and
<br />Lunyablr and pray cc-,mmenae forc~t•Iosnta of ehvs, ilnrt ai,r av ;mdira7 7,rne di cgs: s::~d- pravided further-that upon such
<br />de~[inic the !i'lortgnn:r, nr a rerei,er eppainlad be a court, mss _it i,_ „ption arrd w:rMi>ui regar~t tp Phe adequacy of the
<br />wcurSLy, enter neon and take g=>sse2:fnn of t!u• Propvrt~ ~>nd ro!I'r~-t Uu= *r-n r. 6pu.~ and profits then~tYom and ap~,ly them
<br />Ctfst Eo [he rase. <rf vafiecuoe and opr•rviior, o."trv Pro~rtc nnr. then ;:,cx~r. ilu :ndrt -~dnPSS sr:rurnd by tills STortgagcv=;
<br />said mats, issues and pt<ifit::xirrg ur+i~:eq tr. rh«~ .1orCeagee a -r};,a ~ ur.(t}. Cor rho pwyment of the lndebtednrs
<br />~x.~rra;cd hrn~DY,
<br />76. "h sestet *rf Frcrpert}' al? vx tnti ga°t u .I ! .per c .x n arc d ~;c it`: riot the rxpmss written con
<br />sent Qf the }tor!gt~e, :-tor. gagr> -na: at ~[_ L ep;l i r, do r!arr i soma sr, tvr„ 0} ut~s ~lor!ggge Cn hr imrnedlatBly due
<br />il. F`viure .~ldcances. E~~n mqa ~t m' k4vr,,:ry,er. )~i rr ;akee ~tsty ma kt- add.tiptial. and tLture advances to
<br />!rLut~geA~. inch adeanr,~, wah t- s.c th. rot -ti,al1 r s„- r i;nrtgage :w r n evidearndbp promiccoN notes
<br />sixUnt{ t2rat tid aptes am .rrurv d t ~rrby at no t;rn ha~~: ch .nr. {'pat -ir~iuun= t-r !. t;c indel7 tR~dness s.*cumd by this
<br />1in±t{,,pt, r~~ iseiuding some advances ici prn,-rt the s- tr .~_ ,; 1 - *1ort~: r _<vi•0 !'v~ anginal tote,
<br />Il. 11o~fianeous Provivons,
<br />tai :1ny forctxarar+a . e-ce: ~~ung an+~ r-g>' ~:~r h~rcrtd~ :-~a11 ,~ _ ;»~ n •warrcr !hereof.
<br />Shi Aft renedi+-s proeirird hnrvn art- ~i «t;crc: sr;:f ; r; r.;>3tutr.e to a~.~ ,>thor right nt: orcieo cy law or equity,
<br />and rzuq ba .>y~rCised -tmeurr±>nUt°, inde-1>,~;e rerti er ;~r .na~r::xicrl y.
<br />!ci T?te covvnuu is astd a{yTre.~mrsia rur,4 red t:mr. :n s(,;U+ bird, and ~hn ti t;n [_: inure to. LHtr rcxLwctrve
<br />succe~ssrra sr:d a5aigrtc us- ihr 'acrrigy~r xo_': tier :Ire rts!aq<+--
<br />tid) 4.1! cc vrruri;:, krtrS ag+r~•rnt-u ~!• of :':F 'rlon gegu; art ~ 3,r-, and -..args-
<br />a
<br />b ;~ ~ 1 r- " ~...
<br />.a~~ a-
<br />.:
<br />
<br />le) ?hr h<>ydiaK, of [h~~ p`+rsk~a Rlr_. ~.(;h :'+'o~^.gag r. ,nr <,.-eve. ~a~cacr r:ni+ end ;halt nu[ ex tr5ed [u inier-
<br />prnt car de fiat tt~ prarisurax t:er,~u(
<br />13. Ht#ea~C. i two pa.<::>rit t a.4 ~ n ~,ur.7 r ~ a.-r, 1.>ri ~,l;~'- lurtyfa>;<-~~ -_h:,ii d~~c-iterw;~ t?~ts l orlgagr and
<br />sitar; c~xccute arxi <telisrr a +atixtui rn re;~.;. hceYioa
<br />iN WTt'\lijj WFtF liF:{?P- b9artg~or ra„-x~-: ur a ira. Ai p,. ,~ ~?
<br />s~ , =lay „t ~Lcr~,^>._....79..._: __-.
<br />~:
<br />~ `~ ~--
<br />_. __ _._
<br />~ .~rr~w,.
<br />t. ,c
<br />.. ,..4~ ~._ s-L.-
<br />~i - twnowrr
<br />Mite, of Netvauu, - ~~~~ ..... -.. a -u~~r. ....
<br />xt~ ~
<br />(1+t thin __ ~_'6''"__ da} pf _.,____~.iv`r:.r:~ -: _ _ ~ fir--, t ~r-~ ene- -t r under-,a ~;nea, a polar} Public
<br />` ~'
<br />dots a,ma~~cwa~d acd sutii(ed fpr .atU rou try x~r.,.~ c:-r~rc~- ~„~, r ~`~ 'y. `^~~~ tJ
<br />~~~ ~~~ n ~ ___.._
<br />" - -- .,u m kt -~ t to c the
<br />iderSUCaF arson{s} whuv~ saner ~. an suers; r~cw.c t.r 'rn ,.,-rger, r,~ ~rscn:; rk -. end ;,eknuu-a~ Aged ,x ~ xei.u n>> Cnerun;
<br />iu bfF~iyj~y(}! __,...~.__.._ ~-Vlil:tliR a41 nn^ El i`.'f.
<br />~ ~..~
<br />'~~ , ,~ -~~. S [~
<br />14'iirrf-w rr.;i ca;rr4 and nu:aria: u~;il a., .~.~._ i-~,t,'A.. --, i---~i;J~I- C,.. ~; v~„~ a :.ir.~~. t},~,
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