<br />82--,a112~~ 1
<br />hSo7R'PG AGF
<br />Thdsl4cittga~ei.enteredlrtobet~een _ ~s3 sPd ~7",_ J.~rx•_}soli, l.usli.~.l a ~ ~:,ix~
<br />-- _. .._..__. -._.._. __. .__ (herein "~4ortgagcr") and
<br />,_'~i~_04'IsfiJ~l.~sP Y3TIOivAi~ &1NK OP' Gi3.~'~7~ TSL~1,~.'>7 __ iherrin •'Pto-t a
<br />_ _ _ -- ,,,
<br />___ _ ._ l
<br />__. - _ - -
<br />htortgagrsr is Indebted to tiiartgtgee in the pdnci~l sum o€ .S 34~C?(~0 • C!n __ , evidenced by h4ortgagor's note
<br />dated _ . ~ =tti_ ~'`~c_ 1~~'__;herein "NoN~"~ prosidinK kx papmentc of principal and iniA~mt. ~n~ith the halnnce of die
<br />indebtednrcx,itnotsoaoerpsid,dueandpr ~;!ext(_?n b see;i Zrm~.vl i s~a_l,^.r~nts yt rt.irq
<br />*7d~.~emhe r l ~ ~19 Q 2 .
<br />To Nrcu re-t!{e pay rttena oC rite Noce, vri2R aster+~st 'ss provldec'. th~._-•n, tha payment of ail othersams_ with interecY,
<br />advanced by siori~a~c~e u{ pmfert she secCrty of [his ,"dort page, and lhr pcrformaneF oP ;he ccrenanls and agreements p[
<br />the Motf~or cr?ntsinedhc•rein, ilttrtgagor dtw, aereby mortgage and convey to klortgagee the [oh'o~Hing described
<br />proper:-}• iixa{•etS in ---.~~_:f3::.i~.. ___..-._- Counic, ~ebrasAa'
<br />r-a~t ... r_i:e wes~ 4 •... _.... Vh' _;4r ,-~..~_o,~ -,
<br />~wr~s„ _ t, i:acyc -, .x..~__ .inc ... a:~rus.i~;tely
<br />sere, an Fran _r,.zi,r_>, Aei;*as&s
<br />TuAq{hrr xtth xii buoJdin~, inrpra.errx~a:n, isxwrc-~. tti~rta. x;ievs, pstisryewa~;. oasemF~n~. nyhts, pnvileKrti and
<br />a{rQultanaAtms 6ocited Lhem>n ur in anytr{w-peritunng ciirr.tn, 3crtthe -rnf~ eotx< aat7 proCtb, rrt'ersiotu acid remainders
<br />there ~[; intiudin~;, but aot Lnutmt t;r. Saetun~+ xnd ctxsim{ cqurpa~c~nl and std{ prrnoaaJ }~~apertp ti:at Is attached to the
<br />intprt>rauw~tluiv a. to +~o~61Lkr ¢ Rxtun; ail ul whrc?t. ~~zcFUdr;ig tr plxcrrr-rnL un~ »ddiliou, tu,•rrto, ii hcrrbY' dPCtired
<br />ttr br l~ pirTof tht rest rrntatn »rcured bq' the fizu of i{tts ~.46ngab and e{; o! [he foregoing br•iaK re(err(KI to herein ee the
<br />.,Prtwertp..
<br />lrl{>rtfpytar further ennrrt>Mrtu snd sgr.~a, aria. Mx7rtpegre. ;r, itx,aw?.`
<br />: 1. Prt.Y~wnt~ 'To paa t~ irrdeht+tdt~ anti thv =arrxrt. tiirracgs nn pru.ided .n tgsa 41ort(Layw and the Hole.
<br />2. ~ltl. ~'tWt{(aYUr I.S LI1e tr>t'ner !st die {'ti>{Mttl-, n,4. i2te- :.glit et~(J'ellLllr}Ctrl' tee inUr[~,d(te the i'r0(/tftV, and
<br />wacrtn+a sort the Geu created hert•by ;~ a Ci"~t an.1 pdc'se t,,•ts „r, t_i: ~ i'roprrt} , ,~>:erpa a.~ Wray otht~iwis.- be v-t forth herein.
<br />F 7~e Property is sub)da t,: s 4lort{ :vkrn•m (jC2Slf')_ F'@+.3ETal ;:2.t~TRE.=~ ':. a~ta
<br />_ .__-_-. ____5.
<br />o
<br />u tl~ Aforip~.~e, recopied at fiwrk. . f?~,~._.., Yage <,~.. of ;.trr'dort;;ygr k~..-ua3~ ~C `L~Ii. __._ l'ouns ~,
<br />,'ve6r<uka.>whicG Nrire~er& t litn prwx w tix~ r. . r~rF;ati'.i h,-rcbti
<br />~ ' (hTx~r poor lien, ur er,cumbrsr ass. .. _ _,. _ _ .. _
<br />tl~._.
<br />3: 'fasrc, :~Wrwnts- Tu jwa' x~^Lea arty all. t;t>1 ~ rival tiuuro ~ttt ad ai htr .Leargu ay',ainst th= Proriart;:
<br />aad, upaa written dr~mand 6g. ;Maartfagrr, to add w r-isY pngr xt n_~ ;.~Gavs d uncle-, aaE _~ace u~car~d'ne r,,6Y, such atnoups a
<br />matt be st:Lfieieni t.o eesMt• ihr Nortgag[`c sts pay auch ta>;.e~, asu~-~nettts or crthr•r rhsrgns rc .hey t>ECC,me due.
<br />L~ B!a'YZSpce. T~ k.-rp-tGe imprnetr ~trs aow or Y:x reQEter luc~.rd ou tise rea# ~s:a to dc;t~rs bed Yt•retn i~sur?'d
<br />a~situ2 dtutugte by fc~. and st{d?.h otitcr h3:.ards as ;~1ar~1f}ee tray regaore, is anx:ants snd w tt' ~--vvtpam.o; aoceptab;e iu the
<br />I1~tpgtY.. snd wsz.4.)ow+ jiayabde w the ,~tortg~,ce. [r r.+.,c of kr_gr. under sa , ,~aHds^~ the ?dttrtgagc_ i~ au Lhoriud to
<br />aAjucz, Cryllret anti r~otupromite.; in its discretion. al3 Jsints :hexundc•r n;. ita ~ t ~ ,pturn, zulhnriz -L _u +~~ther apple L}•:c
<br />Pide>r~ds to the resturstisw of the E7oprrn o.- upon the rndebfx•dn eci+z•ti l zn~hy, L°u! pagmep~s 6ereunGer shall ton-
<br />unvr. tvtt{1 the sur#i$;gcumd ncreby am paid in €n;I_
<br />h
<br />- ~ E;tcrovr For T>ixtw wd In,uuancc ~vi~~aehsta r tng, ai3} ig m-tta n.. ' 4n pa n~rtphs 't nod -. tx•rev In ;.hu
<br />- contrx+~, A3ai`Ly'faYur sii~i Fa,F to=he ~fucx~:rgec, a tar tsrnz t: fw;-c ri, .h,~ rnotlthl5~ >tFt,asitttt~ris ui pnncipat xnd iaNirc~f.
<br />exic_+•L~~tFW o€ tfal v~sei~` :cvxe_s~3ssgyyt*tenu, haLarCir:;urn;tee ~ra~r.aiatai, are? y vend.>.rtas (it a~y~l a~hicL tnr<y allots a
<br />prioutp atrr-[hix kiorgag., ~3 is resycuwhl4 es+ltua;xd Setts: linar to lime e~: ti+i mart„ag: c. i he nrrout, is r-o paid Jtali he
<br />held hi.:Lcc Sior[gtgew hr:haut ?ntsx_si a.aa apg[Ied to :he ,-aj r.;rnt ~. tta..~tEt i~ r_-sp+•ct :v a~hiv,Y, ;uc:}~, an.wwt[a ~.vrr~
<br />dtypwted. ~P~ su{xss p~.d tc, ~doF~g4x 1>.Tireundrr azr ~s~d~da;: add t3uazl sa art tae i~ ; cf=,bie : _>.,...» usri•d by Lhi;
<br />-_ ~~rti?(x. ~rsti~garih'ni' pal tn.51Er',gagetrtFu~ amcunl of Soy dnC7ct <~ ~x~tw'r ,t ,hr a, teat ;ue, ~., m israrr.ts.rwsvrsu*
<br />yuntttiu~t+aa~ ~t;aund ern ~. ~sd. 3he~ dgp.x:W ha•n:;:mf<~t w; n:r, i~ ~fapsaD.r,r d.Tia~.d is n:5de ttpol3 ;aonga{;cr ~ q~e.~<;r:g
<br />F~g_r,M,a? :~xr-sn_{_
<br />~. ?:epta, i(~idR£6n YLY~ bi_iz't CiV E'- (T 7 DL1 : pace [ ':(.i r-Dul rS 4 OJn~ j`' ',~ i ~1p ., ^,1,~f 3,,,a ~.,
<br />iu;n.f1'6crar: d;tt- Per+jmT.y, s kce~. `};e t'ca;.raty r ~._~,~=v,,~„i_>:. a.sd rtg.r„ s 9.=a: rti a.I r, ~., ~+. itr -tx: n:r~r 1 aY~~ : nr
<br />!R,yie 'c -?nti esn;. x rasn:fY t: hotvait5.~.i>,ur3 ! s ?ht~ fie , Fun.,,.; ~ ~, .~ vi~.e, .u> h tc ~~ .;r as.: ~..„r- ~,~ ,. .>„ ,t:.ns r,
<br />tats- Mfr 'r<,kYir t ~. .°ai ue riF {}ts Yr[:y. .v i.~ nn ' . a-[ ~;r i3r . _: _. sn a .y:.d i;~ ~ rry:r v .=-q:~ ~ .=e,-. -+~ i,>~n u,in.
<br />rys{m_--rt i~~ f~ v ~cr~ps_>sy_
<br />