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<br />g2-;~C~2833 <br />G, Except as 'herein specifica lvpermitted„ there shall <br />no develapment'of the Premises for industrial,. commercial, rec- <br />-eatienal Gr residential gurposes_ <br />E~ There sha?l be no operation of motorized vehicles- <br />cs equipment: on the:Fremises, frdm Febrajary;l5 to May 1 of each <br />year and anytime'that weooping cranes occupy the ??remises except <br />as necessary to carry out the activities which-are expressly;per-' <br />miffed herean. <br />I> mhe; Granttar snail cooperate with and assist: the <br />Grantee 1.n a~pi,•ing for, attaining, protecting,'maintaining and <br />e~;harcing any and all surface water and;c}roundwater rights and <br />privileges relatnr~ to uhe Premises: which the Grantee shall deem <br />necessary ar des-zrahle fear the management, maintenance or develop- <br />:rent of the Premises €©r the,purpgses enumerated in Sutpara~3rapn 1.A <br />hQreo~, All expenses necessarily incurred by :the Grantor in the <br />perforxsance of the covenants captained in tlxis Sutparagrap2x 1 shall <br />to Said by the Grantee. <br />,T. The Grantor shale r~~y all, and special neat <br />estate taxes ieviad against the rza^~s:as_ <br />iI< COxJENAC3T$ REi.IsTZ~G' TO 'RACT I. lS~~tiTt? FCRTION-PE.RPETUAL:GRASS <br />_T.:AiSDS } .Y. <br />A'. Tract i of the Pse:r.ises is legally described as <br />fallowsr <br />~.'rt One i 1) Island, in the *iortheaat Quarter (tdE.) , <br />Section Sixteen (26) ; ..ots Gne i l } , 'I~ao (2 } , and <br />fihsee i3) Is..and, Secticn cifteen {15); mot Two (2) <br />Ss3apd, {sometimes referred to as the Southeast <br />-4uarter of the Southeast Quay*_er {SE'SE,}, Section <br />Zen f 1^) ; the tlort'rwest Quarter of the northeast <br />quarter (*iW~NE~[), and Lots One {1), Two (2), Three <br />(3), tour (42, riv.~ (~) Six (6) and Seven (?), <br />Section eleven (12) , All. Towns::ip Caine (9) ~iorth, <br />Rangy Eleven (ii), and also that Part oY the East <br />3ai` [E~) ~~ Section Ten l10} and Part of the <br />Southeast quarter (.SE:) ~f Section `?'wo f~), and <br />Part of t~-,e *iort'.;wast Quar*.-er (Nh:) r,f Section <br />Eiever. (Il) li ~t~~rnshl^ -ine (y) ~ortn, Range <br />Eleven (lI) +aest cf the~6th P.~ Ha1i Canaity, <br />"~ie:3raske'~, cnc~re ~artirulariy desoribed as fo;.io~.a: <br />1 that ?art. ~f the East ria;.f Itih} :of <br />y~ction Ten tli" t:ce t.orthw~st 'tiusr*_er <br />lu~~~.) c_° Section EI.eve^ ('_1t, and the <br />Southeast at~~arter {gg5~} of Secti<~n '~ar~ <br />t'1 l.;rinq SO;~th .,~ a _ine +Y::ich cortn~.. <br />cea~l,'~~6.vF t, South .:f t:e `vort~~w~st <br />;wart+~r "f °, he for _i~c ast „uar ~_ i ~:w+;Pit'~ ) <br />~~?~ :>ai~ S~c:~i ~.~ rev. t 1;7} , _. :.cE - ;3~ :_..:~a <br />..~~, <br />