82 --t~ (~ 2 r 9 1
<br />
<br />cram Isl.arri, Nebraska - 1 ~
<br />_~~~v ~.-~ 19az.
<br />X012 VALUE RIX7;IVET,, the undersie~~ed prntnlse tc ~v i~I,TIIt WL};SE ar~d i,'~IIS.F,
<br />l"7IF5E; hush+rr3 an3 wife, the principal sur of SE~.'fSlIY-*iP.v'E `IfiOiISAPID r1t~ID X10/100
<br />($79,OOU.00) xaLdAR'.,, with interest tt~~rc-.~n, fin date }~ese~f, sail :rt~ttsity, on
<br />the whole amo~mt of said principal. ~n r~iniix3 from tii:ie to time unpaid at tl~e
<br />rate of ten per cent {i~~!) rer annim, payable annually, ~m the 1st -,'ay <~f March,
<br />said prirripal and interPSt to be n3.id as fc~ilows:
<br />Date Paymet~t Frzrtci~l Interest Prin. 3s1.
<br />3-DI-83 512,856.89 $ 4,956.89 S 7,900.00. ~
<br />3-01-84 $12,8.56.84 5,452.53 $ 7 S 4,043.ii
<br />3-O1-BS ~ •404.x'1 568, 590.3
<br />S.L,856.89 5 5,997.84 $ 6,359.05 $62,592.69
<br />3-QI-8fi $12,856.89 S 6,597.62 $ Ei,2=9.27 $55 995.07
<br />3-01-87 512,856.85 5 ? 257.38 5 5,599.51 S48 „37.69
<br />s'-fl1-88 512,856.89 S 7.983.12 $ 4, 373. i7 540,154.57
<br />3-U1-89 5:1,856.89 a 3,191.43 5 4,075.45 S3i,973.14
<br />3-U1-9D 512, 856. d9 S 9,659.53 5 3„97.31 .22,".;.13.56
<br />3-41-91 S]1,856.89 yi0,625.53 ;; ~,231.?6
<br />3-A1-92 512,856.89 511,688.03 S 1,168.80 511,688.03
<br />~~ Pr~ncipai arrl inters-fit stsall hair interest at ~,.he rate of ten per =:ent (10~)
<br />Per arlam after default ar :nate~ity.
<br />In the case of =7efsuit ssi payr~nt or any insYnllment c~i' either prin~:igal ~~r
<br />interest, then, after sixty {60) days of Mice by the 1eya1 holder„ the legal
<br />holder cmy declare the whole debt sn,rwri,3r~.~j,- ~~ ,rc? payable. In case of de-
<br />fautt of any of t3ye rv~enarr7s, ~ronciitiu:~ :~- 3~'eemexits amtaiix~c3 in *.he mortgage
<br />°2~ ~ see.`ure ~'- l~~~t 'hereof, thext, after' thirt}~ (30) days of entice by the
<br />legal holder, *he legal halc3ez may decl.3re 'he wMl~. debt.. i~m~diately due arcl pay-
<br />ab1e.
<br />~,
<br />I_DCY~ S'If'LI{ .
<br />
<br />
<br />