<br />
<br />52-.5-REAL EST qTE ~.forrG I.GE lti ,ih ;'. ('i~,r,-~ cee a:-a ;r_,:~ .,-. .- -;.,,.,~ ,ss,vc,~~
<br />h"NOW' .a Li. ~iP v r; ~' ' -,E:fi F~. r[ r,~ v'r,=:: ..,. ~2S~C1 STFS.K ;.nd ~1A SI'Ef_,K, h,>rtihand an3 orife,
<br />each iS1 his and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />„t E~11 ~`•,,,c„r „ e°,•,_ Nebraska ~ ,~,,~~ ,,~.. ,n ;,r
<br />^~E{Jf•S7PY-NItJE T~TJSANEI ADID '~/100 iS79,000.00)------ -- ~~[,t ~.HS
<br />' kn band ;wgiA, sh+ hen°tw ~E, Li_ and "1 A ~ E"5" unb., L'~ALTII2 ~q1E•,~ all3 I~I7,;.E 1Y'I$;5F„ YlU3~afd aL1d Wlf@,i
<br />nE ~dll ~~n.., .5,:.. ,.~ Nebraska ~..." 3 ,n,y'. I iw. ~it,nKUv{
<br />i.n $dli P,.id '. .u2.7 f;,I:.~ rt ~1eb]ZuSkcl ~u.L
<br />All of the East. `rTalf of the I+ort?w~±st QtHrr_er (E~*1FS;) o£ Section Thirty-four
<br />(34), TtMnship Eleven (ll} Borth, ~3e '?~~ C10), West of the 6th P.M., lying ~'
<br />:~cvth of the right-of-way of :he liniL~ ~cific "3ilroad Canparr}-, all in Hail
<br />~ Cotatty, Ne~eaaka, E7{C'fT'^ a tract o: lard deede _ to Sdilli~lm ;,. Harrison in a
<br />S~rraniy Deed raGOtded in Book i16, P~ 269. more aarticularly 3P.scribed as
<br />r follc~as: ?se-half acre of land off t]ye east side of the Southeast ~,~uarter of
<br />'CSI t_!te.~art2~!est quarter iSfjNF~c) of Secticxl 'T'hirty-fc~r (24}. Zf~„mship EJ_even
<br />{11) Nclrth, _2ailge den X10) r 'nest of the 6111 P.M., in Hall C+:xulty, '~braska,
<br />being a strip ~~f laid 80 rods north and sotrth and cr.1e rod in width.
<br />toi
<br />i
<br />I:u- not.-ncz..,n ax rn„ .,. ;.ri,=~ ,, ~,c. .. :., „ ~ ~ - ~ ,
<br />.. :. :,, d-. ..
<br />moRCRarr Est sn i Ls, .. .. , „ , .. r .7
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<br />a,avinei•,n thai ;. ~ az:l .-^ rrgs.,nri>, . , .,. , r, ~r, ., ,, c ... u.., :. . _ t.i ~ ,.~. i.
<br />oau,2 u, .hr. earl , c~a;;,~.+ s ;,,- ,;.<.,r .,r. , .:. ut :am , t.,_ ~ : - .:: . ~~ „ .,., 7 00 00
<br />°s 9,U
<br />;b habirt ay tohiw„ , :wri:
<br />'~v;y
<br />Payable in aec.+ords[~ce with F'xcmissory Nate 33ted -;3~fe _,~,, 1982, mricecl
<br />"F7Q3IBI7' 2-A" acid nn3e a F?~ t' hereon .
<br />,with ant ;~.,. ~„ ~„ ~,. , , , . -, r , , i~ , ,
<br />nr~l rnaa y.ar aEl 4ac=.. ~~Ki w,w,:. nd~ ._,. ~. ;, ~t.u ~ ,~ ~, ~,,,« ... . , <
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<br />- said 1st aix~a srs. r<i fort ~ r: ,t ,.
<br />to !x vc ea, ct:ei,ruia~c k> f~ or+<. n-rs 3 n _. _.,„ t,.*e~-.
<br />j rr~ 1i t'LfYf':E{FR .ai;h r:5:L1 ,. 7~ c „ - sue! n: r a.a 1,._ ~. _s.._ ,.. r q;i c „ ~;,u~ ~ ~.._,,._
<br />8NJ<3 xts..::galre tS~Yy {aY tiU w u< .. . . u.., u~, ;.1 ,., .r .,
<br />o~nt, ~mli t'r, ,e1..a d oti =air r ri~x~: U t.-:~ a 5~ ca3,~ _. ..:, I t ... :v '.
<br />,~{ sai,. m~;z+ry_ r @~ex ~unnwt r+r :at r t~ra [ +ts t>~ .rte u u t t i (,~, a~,i
<br />afre.?ra,pis. uhal< «~>n he t:;:,r w , ,, r.w, _ .... ar. <. , ~~ ._ ... J . -.. ,. it ,, ~. it . q..; r ,. .:~.. i
<br />aaa rt~.aR.~e.
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<br />husbary3 and wee, c~ac:i1 in ;us aryl her c~-rn rigtlt ~:rd as s~;se of trie cr~1,
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<br />TfQ €FUi ., ~.. ~'. C:E 6'!r t .c,~t;- _t,_. ~j~.
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