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<br />4: <br />-$2 :i~f}270~ <br />4. `That should he fail t~ pay-any sum or keep any cevenaht provided for in'this <br />Mortgage, then the htcrtgagee; at its-option, may pay or perform the same, and all <br />r expenditures so made shall be 'added Lo the principal sum owing on'the above note,-shall <br />I be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate set forth in Lhe said note, until <br />paid. <br />5. That he hereby assigns, transfers end sets over tti the Mortgagee, to be applied <br />toward the payment of the note and all surds secured-hereby in case of a default in the <br />performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Mortegage or the said note, all <br />the rents, revenues and in,;on>e to be deceived frot^'the mortgaged premiseS`durinq'such <br />time as the mortgage indebtedness shall r~~:~aln unpaid; and the Maregag~ee hall h~aue <br />power to appoi,?t any agent or agents it ^~aydesire -or the purooseof re*~airing said <br />premises and of renting the same acd coiiectir,a th~ rents, revenues and income, ar.d it <br />may pay out of said incomes all expenses of re^airir,9 said premises grid necessary <br />cona,rissions and expenses incurred in renting ar,d ,~anaginc~ the Sarre and of collecting <br />rentals therefrom; the balance ~°, ;f a _, to be a'~p?ied tavard the discharge of <br />said ~,ortgage indebtedness. <br />o. That he ~,riii i:eep the iinprove.rients now existing or hereafter erect2d on the <br />?mortgaged property, insured as may be required from Circa tc time :v the 1'wrtgaeee <br />against loss by fire and other hazards, casualties and contingencies in such amounts <br />and for such periods as may tie required b~ the Mortgagee and will nay pron~:?tly, when due, <br />any premiums on such insurance provision for payment of which has got been made herein- <br />before. A11 insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the <br />policies and renewals hereof ss~all be held by the hiortganee and ha~~e attached thereto <br />loss payable clauses in favor ~nf and in for:^. a..ceptable to the Mortgagee. In event of <br />loss Mortgagor will give irmediate notice by mai? the '^c~rtgagee, sho may make ;.roof <br />of loss if not made prromptl_v by 4tor•tyagor, and eacrr~insurance company concerned is <br />hereby authorized and directed to rake >ayrrent for such ?ess direc*_ly to the f~ertgagee <br />instead of to the Mortgagor and the MnrU~.'.gee _r~intly, and the insurance proceeds, or <br />any part thereof, ;nay be appted by the ?'a~rtcaaee at its ~,~tion eitner t the reduction <br />of the indebtedness here;.~y secured or to tr.e restorati:;n or repair a* the property <br />danaged. In event of fareclosore of this rnort;3ne or ~,ther transfer cf title to the <br />mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, ell right, <br />title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to anp irtsurarsce policies then in force sha'~~1 <br />pass to the purchaser or grantee. <br />7. That as additional and collateral securif•< for t'ie rayr:ant of the naCe d,scrib~d, <br />dnd dll sufits t0 'oecuile due Under th1S tltOrt;:d,e, the iM1Ortga:lOr hereby d55tgn5 t0 tht] <br />Mortgagee atl profits, revenues, royalties, rirshts and benefits accruing tc the <br />hortgagor under any and all oil and gas bases an said ;~ren;ises, with t^e riC,ht to <br />receive and receipt For the same- and apply the^r to said indebtedness as well as after <br />default in the conditions of this r,or*_gage, and r,ne Mortgagee ray demand, sue for and <br />recover any such payments when due and paya:,ie, but shall not be required so to do. <br />This assignment is to terminate and become nu:l and void'-upon. release of t;~~is rortgage. <br />8. That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in g-ocd repair, <br />and neither commit nor permit waste upon said 'and, nor suffer the said prerises to be <br />used for any unlawful purpose. <br />9. That if Lhe premises, or any pzrt *hPreof, be condemned under the po,yer of <br />eminent domain, cr acquired fora public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds far the <br />taking of, or Lhe consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full amount <br />of indebtedness upon ti;is mortgage and the note which is given to secure remaininr; unpaid, <br />are hereby assictned by the"Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, and sha P be paid forthwith tc <br />said !4ortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of tha nextzf~atoring ir~staiLrent <br />of such indebtedness <br />The Covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits .and advantages sha y, <br />insure to, the resy,ective neirs, executers, administrators, uccessors and assigns cf <br />the parties hereto. iJhenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural Che singular, and the use of any ,ender shall be applt`cable-te all genders. <br />The foregoing conditiors, all and singular, being performed accordion to their <br />natural and legal i;nport, this conveyance shall be void and5aidprem~ses releaseda~ the <br />expense cf the Mortgagor; other rise to bP and renwr"sn in fold forceand cfieLt. <br />7 <br />