<br />' ~ Second Flortgage
<br />' ~1~Ri£..yC~~ ~ for
<br />~iith Addendum,. for Rea ~ Section 235 Cases
<br />p yment of Section 235 Assistance ~ _!
<br />_ ,.
<br />82'~ U 0 2 7 0 0 -- --
<br />THIS t40RTGAGf, made and executed this 1st.. day of duly ;;,p,
<br />i9 82 by and between Thos"3. ::pps and Jean Epps, husband and. wife
<br />of the CouHtq of ~1a11 and State of Hebr~ a, n~r'ty o` the first par.
<br />herei~tafter ca?led the t~lortgagor and the Secretary of the Depa ,r.ent of Hsu;ing and
<br />Urban aeveiopr.Yn*_
<br />party of the second part, hereinarter called tTte Mortgagee.
<br />HITNES5E'-H: That the said 14or gagor, is just<J indr'bted to thL1 UMf~~ rtgagee in the
<br />principal Swr of ~,.,~ `~~ncred eian~c~. thousand escrht hu:~r~d ~,r:d Vo/ll011A~~5 'j1.15,R00.00
<br />wraith principal Burr .at~l not exceed an ~~mou~t cgmpated antler the terms of the Note
<br />e:recutefl by said ~'"artaaaor on Jul,, i. '-~~~ with interest, in
<br />accordance ~:ri*_h Baia dote, ihet as securi*y for sad ;;ote the i?ortgagor does by ihese
<br />presents Grant, [;amain, Sell, Convey avid Con f',;~n -into r_he '4ortgan,ee, its successors and
<br />assigns the folowinq describes real estate s tuatad in the County of ria11
<br />its to of `:ebrd5wd, tq wit i.ot `?'~~ t":'; Ga:ri:au~ S:,aiiv i_i.oe, ar. atidit on ~o cne. .~.~'~T--~~y o~-
<br />3ra~d ?s~~n3, 11 i_o-~:zt~~, ..e~..~ska
<br />TO HAVE ~s1D ;0 HGL~ the 3rer;is25 ab~^ve descried, •Nith a37 the appurtenances
<br />thereunto be?r~r;r~ing ;nd in~':udian all heatinc„ plu:nbinq and lighting fixtures and ecuip-
<br />ment rase qr Hereafter attached *_o or used in connect9on with said real estate unto the
<br />,"lortgagee, and to its successors dnC assi;~ns, Torevi:r. one ?~~grtgagor represents to, ~:nd
<br />covenants s+ith, the t4ortcagee, t4at the t r ~atior i,as good rightto sell and conve~~ said
<br />premises; that they are 'ee~ `ro-`r n u:sbranc ~ kept *qr an xHA firs*_ rrortgac,2; and that
<br />the i4ortganor wi:l warrant and defend hF ;;;*~ r~ r,inst Gh2 lawful _ Wins of all ;er:cns
<br />rJh gifl50e VkY; 3^d the Said 'M.,rt Gd Cnr here b': re';inq Lti ST,eS ail r°', ght5 oY hO1T1e5 tea„ and dl i
<br />marital right>, ei'_her in 'dw or in equity, and Ali otrier contincc~,.t interests ^- the
<br />;4ortgagor 'n and Lq the above-descriUed prGraites, the intention bHinq to convey her2cr; an
<br />absalute title. in fee simple, Including all runts of homestead, rand other rir,7rytS and
<br />interests as aforesaid.
<br />FROI~FDEO ALtri„'r,, and these presents are er:ecutedand deiivered'uport the falla.~inn
<br />conditions, to salt:
<br />The i+nrtlaggr agrees *q pay to s:he "ortganee, - rattler, the pr5nci~pai sum of orc
<br />nurarc~ eighteen thoL.a.:nd r,ighr tesznaz~~d and :;c~i 1Q^utfis-- t $ , ~ ~
<br />Collars _.~„aao_oo ,,
<br />with interest as provided in the mete dated ;;uJ_•; ,ls~a2 _ ,and executed oy f4orcna_:or
<br />The l~Jrtgaggr in order no re fully t0 protect ;he securit, of this r'ortraaye,agrees:
<br />1. That he will say tFte indebtedness, as hereinCefore provided, Privilege is
<br />reserved to pay tFre debt in ~,ahgle, ar ;n an amount equal to ape or Hoare «=cnthly payments
<br />on the principal that are next due or, the note, o,? the first bay o*." any r.,onth prtOr to
<br />,maturity: Provided, however, ?fiat written notice of an intention Lr, exercise suchpriuilege
<br />is given at least thirty (3G days price to prepaymer~C. .
<br />2. That the 'SOrtgagor aril' pay groups rents, taxes, assn5;,;xnts, water raCes,anr1
<br />outer governmental ar municipal c.^,arges, fines, or ifipositier,s, fnr which provi,ion has
<br />not been :Wade hereinbefore, and in default Lhereof the Mortgagee stay pay the same; and tna*_
<br />the Mortgagor will ;.ro«~ptly deliver the official receipts tPierefgr to the Plortga~~ee.
<br />3. iAe sxirtgagor will pay a,l taxes whict< ,:.gay be levisad upon the :~sortgage~:'s
<br />interest in said real estate and improvements, and which .gay br ie~~ied open this ^:•er*!;ace
<br />Or the deGi. secured Here}oy (but only to the extent Lhat slick is pct pr~hiblted by law and
<br />only .o the extent chat Such wi 1? not rsrake this loan u, uri ousj, but exc7udi nq any tnrpr,>e
<br />tax, State qr Federal, imposed ~on '.artaaaee, and will file the official receivt showinn
<br />loch ¢ayraent rii to the Eortgagee. Upon violation of tMs midertakinn, Or if the i'!or tiaa ~t7r
<br />is prnhihited by any la:~ now or hereafter nxistir,g fron pay^ng the whole or any nort?an pf
<br />the aforesaid taz;;s, or' upon !ae rendering of a!~y court decree pro~iibiting LhE p~ysnent L
<br />`,
<br />the t~rtgagor ar any such taxes, nr ?f sucrz law qr r;ecree provides that any a,rivur,t scr ~ 3i~ by
<br />eke 'iortc~agnr sn,3?l h~ credited nn he r~;;rtgage debt, the Nlortaanze shall have ti3e rsc±;+_ to
<br />gyve ninety days' written nat?ce to the a.+rrer of the nazr-Lgaged pier::i;es, r+aquirina ttte
<br />ua}gent of the ~ortgagft debt. If such ~e->l tse r+2:,, the said elect >ral; oecv ~ uuu,
<br />pa_ratrte and cc.r,ectihie at ft,e exult ~ oe ,;f _a?d ,unetY bays.
<br />'~.
<br />