i.Condrronation. ~intheeventthet''raperty.oranypartthernot,shail6etakenbyeminenrdomain,ttteMortgagee
<br />is empowered to ml4eet and reCervP ail compensation which :nay he paid far any property taken or for damages to property
<br />-- not taken, and Morlgakw_e shalt apply sudr compensation, at ~Ssry+dcn, ritSier-tbateduction oftTre indet+tednesssecumd
<br />hereby or to repaiz and restore the property so damaged,
<br />r-
<br />8. Perfomtance by Mort=a~ee. Mortgagee may, trot shall have no nWigadpp, to do. any ant which Che '4ortgagor
<br />:us agreed but tills w do, and Stort.gagee may alas do any acC it deems necessary to pr6Yeetthe lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />ag[ers to repay; upon denund, any- sums so expended by the Mortgagee for the above putposc~s, and any sums ::o expended
<br />by the Mortgagee ;ball be added to Ghe indebtedness secured hecebv and lxtrome subject to the lien hereof, Mortgagee
<br />shall not incur any personal iubility Geenuse ofanything it ma}' do ar omit to do hereunder.
<br />?. Detttrit; AsaiQnmmt of RmU.. TSme is oC tl.a essence hereof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />ora~trementot:hix 4Sortgase, including rovenanLs ra pay when due the sums secured by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall
<br />he entitled, at its sole option and virithaut notice, to itesletY all sums secured by tfiLs Mortgage to be immediately- due and
<br />paythJCaad may ~Hertnener forrcloattre of ibis Mortgage by iudic:at proceedings; and, proczded further, that upon such
<br />_ default Lbe !.Sort;ems; or areceiver ~epninted by aeourt, may at its option and wi[houc rr};ard to the adequacy of Lhe
<br />securih,entrr upon and trio poasesior. of the Property and eol[ect. the rents, issues and profit; theretYom and-apply Them
<br />Oat W the eoat of ecritectiun and operation of the Property and Then upon [br ;ndeb4tdness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />said tAnta, 'issues trot profits bring asaignr•d to :he Mongaget as further security for the payment Uf the indebtedness
<br />- set-ured hereby.
<br />11! ltwtev of I'ro~eetg. If alt or any par::~f the Ropcttq s sold or tnasferred without the express written con
<br />sent of tF>F Martgaagee, Mortpyjre may at iG sole aptian, dwclam al[ sums secumd by this Mortgage to tw immediately due
<br />and payab3e.
<br />U. F~IDrc Adiantxa, Upon reyurst of Murtgager_ htcntga~ msv make additional and future advances to
<br />hton~r. Such adrtnces, rrittt inIerrst thereon, shat! i5e :wrured by YhiS Mnrrgage when e.~dertced by promissory notes
<br />- sutfng that ;red rotes art secured hereby. :\t no time shack the princpat amount of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />~(artpge. not irtduding sums adrrnxd W pmteet the srcari[y of this Mori-gat{v, exceed the origin) Note.
<br />I2. dlLntiapaoaea rro~rwoti.
<br />}a) Any Corebrannce in eserrrxinR ans~ ri Ott or remelt;: ;hall r,oi tie a waiver thereof.
<br />fbj Af} rernrdi.x provided hrreu art dixtlnrt and rumu?ative zo any uttrer ci~h[ allorded by law or equity,
<br />artd inw he eterefsed -~>nr-artrnUy, independently or suee^e~usrlY_
<br />_ ir) The covettanta and xgrremmu axitained r:erem ~haL' hind, and the rights inure to, :Tie respective
<br />auoarnass and aaf4nE of the 3•}ort;sent and th., >tongagec.
<br />{d] A71 covenaRtx and aYteementa n( the MortpRor art joint and 3e vrrtl.
<br />lei Tht tteadYn~c of the paratrapFu of this Mortptr are for r. onvrn{encc ur,iy~ and shall not be used to inter-
<br />. poet or deftaw the prorts+cxrs btreof.
<br />'L3. tiMeae. {fpon p~ymmt of sit xurru secured hy~ chi. MQrtgagr, 3to[*.gaQee siiaii dicchuge this Mortgage and
<br />aitali eia~utr and de4iver a sauatacta'3 reieast thrrtfcx.
<br />11 R'tTNESS RTSERECfi, AlortpKcx tins rzecutrd this Mattpge nn .hv _~$~1'day of ___~.I7~~---, 19 g2
<br />- :....~'
<br />~~n
<br />- - I1i1dS C"1Ce ~ 1ft1Ws'Li~ ----- tw,inwr
<br />~T'at~-c'~i~,t~us.c~2~~--__ -'--- --eorR~
<br />3taN of \tlrarYy. ~,.~._,_.r~'s,~.._._._---------_.Cutcncy ut
<br />tkr thia.__~:BCh day of ~UIIE_~ _ 19 ~? before me, the undersigned, a tiorary Public
<br />dnt) eotaakpNaettd and gaaliT7ed ferssid c~an(y, ptrsonaily came ; _arr~_-Fy_fji,rcelr?f- r}~j__ir,^;t ?.i ___
<br />tl~r-±l;?'ru }'.,~>~.~_ n~ ~e - _ --- ,_....,,.,...., tV nee know^ to tx the
<br />il~l~,7( peeolS(tJ 1t~ai! 11I1l1!(fiat~ sitbtcrlbed io i.fir {otetoint nstrvrneat and actnnwtedted tt~ ~~c.-cuiion thY.~,ot
<br />to Aa__ t ~ ~ r~ ~wr t'atuattug act and 6aedi%
<br />~Rt'aer. ley heed and Rotari~ai art[ at-., r,rarv~ T i~ __~,---__.~ in said county', Ute
<br />title ttaexrid_
<br />r / ~~ ~ ,Y
<br />A!y'Cavtsxmsrae-rsptny: /~r<.~' J ~ /~rr'~
<br />~ ( ~ s! _ _
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