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3vIdRTGAGE <br />'This Afortgage is eniered into b~-tcveen _.~~~=~--~._~~_ ilU4±TAL,11'> c1Ttd }SI3T37.1 M.__T.3UWAT~~T,-_ HILSbr2RL7_ <br />.. s'~+`1d. tArl ~c _ ___..IherrPn"]~lozigagor"1 and <br />2~~ Chl?:~:r1~TJ 6LA1~QY1L, Br~'I{ ~?F Cs'RAL'~D I@L.1,^~l, i;tanc_ I, F braska <br />itortgagor ~ indebted co ~lorcgagee in the principal Burn o(j _311LL,i1Qt7..~_ . eridcnced 6y htongagor's note <br />daied _._J~E ~st_ 182 __ fherein '"late"1 p*nFiding for paymenis of principal and inEeecK!, with the haiance oC the <br />indebtednei~,. of not wonex pa;d, due and payable on,_. .ltll~._.~:.a_. t4d!_________ . <br />To sflnt~~~f~h~`"~1ate, srftlt inCerc~t ati procldea h.rein, the pacment of all othv. ums, wtth Sntems[, <br />advanerd by S+So ~ g~~a of thLs -'+4nrtgage, and the p•'rfortnanrYti of ~he co~enan ~ and u{greemenis of <br />the ~tortgaq+~„~j~~~u„~r &xs herrby monQagt and ronv~~~ [0 ltoztga~ee the following descrilzed <br />propf~rty located in .__..14311_____._____---_. Counr~. `rehrv~icat <br />F31 cE ~t 7!:rec f31 arKi t:at :part of Lot i ~.f~ (7} ;care ~rti~aa_ciy' descriL~ a_s <br />follows: 3~inring at the tiertre~t ~rorrer .cf said. L,~~t 5: thence rurni:~a Scauth- <br />westerl' alrr_cr t,*x masterly Li,-~ of z.rJt ~~ a distance of °7.4 Feet to the Southeast <br />a~rner of Let ~ thence rur3ni-x~ '~;rtherl ar,;: ~a11e1 to t`:e 64est Line of 5, <br />a diyiar~ce ~f i~~J.95 Feet r_o ~ ~~cint ~ it~,e ~rtarasterly Lire of ~*_ S; thence <br />rturaliiia Sot~theaster_> alcxtg the L+or:seasterl~_r lire of i;~t ~ a c~ist,3nce of 54.1 FeF-t <br />to thec~ri.-~t of ari cran-aini;r} 2,351.tii _,quare =_eet, nacre or Less; ail <br />in Bioc!c ate (.1} in f:ay-Y~= aTrx ~aicn, .>f a part of ~.e Set:1hwest Qu~ter of <br />the 5out~:west Quarter (~^:~-,~J'~J rr Sc~.:ticn Tt,~rt~-(7ne 1211 , in '17~a.*isY.ip ~1ev~~n (11) <br />f~oxth, ~x3e *Vine t9) '.+est of uhc 5i.~-th P_a. <br />Ta~elhar ~ttt all bvt3din~ rmpruvements, i:xturv+. ,tmr•tti. ,lrt ~, ~-+xGrwacc, e.rtntv:e;. riKht~,, pnvvlegos and <br />appurteoanc,<s {opal theterxs or m ancw;:,e pez*_ainu:y( tYi- [etc., and;',. trn~~ c.~+ .aud pfafils. rrvers~ons and remainders <br />Chete+>f; indud~, but rid 9+R~trd te, hea6hq attd rcwlir.¢ et;w pme::t and tucb p(•nanlt proper[;' chat a attached Lo the <br />.S.~IDSCaY'« .~ ~ 1...., dtffi'_°t^ ~ t',gr1n~, 37t rxf vhti~n ; rrutw~rmauts and adA~f irvz-, thereto.. n herebv dvrlared <br />to be a pvt c,f Ltte real ruate necarrd by s!1r Ib)n o{ gin,,, "aior,~ae.~ a^n ail .d C4r fo+~•~ntttg being rrfer'red Lo herrin az tGe <br />.. M~nY.. <br />MoH~(ar ty[tfkt cogvrrf~nt~ asMf.r~tr~Y`., w~ut klccftgky."", ..~_ ~utic.we. <br />1. PaylUth~. 'Fo paY fltlr rnd~eA(edtte-a, aC~d Shk ~nteno: aRc rrvn n, lcr+~sitSrd ,r. ! h:. Mc=rt~rgc and lhq~ Nalr. <br />2. Ttih. ~{Ort~a~nr if the owrnt uF lttr ('zex(+erE~ , hay +l,c ayhf erect au.hunt+ to tnrrrl grga~ the Property, and <br />ra[rat[s that the Ike cre~etod ftrorby is a ftr~t and pnur tmn un :nom E4opc~rty rstrpl as nrnp t311rerwi.~w tre K-i. (ortR bemire. <br />~i 7Ttr Yropert3 n subtet-t Co • fUR14aK" wbrrwir. _., _. _.---..._..-_...__._ <br />ie the Mrxt~rattr, mmrded at flack _ _~_-.- . Ysxr _ ~,; ,ti.. 4lnraew; ~ il.-r-u rrL, of --__-- -_ __._. ---(:aunty, <br />IQeUtlitti.~~Rieh MUR~are ~ a lien prior to tttr iirr, rrr ~ti^C !:a-rrfi% <br />'.~ Cbhrfprwr Strttx !x me narztannrr... .. ... .. '. <br />~. Fazes, .La>e~sent~ T~ Pa?' whrn c#ue atl cax~~. spc~rta. asscsFme:: Lti snip all other ctzazgtn ~gdima .he Property <br />and, open irptteo de~und h}' .M.xtga~. su add'n :lay par rennet n~u, rrri ur.Aat the :'vo[~ secured heretty, sash a;noun[:r.i <br />asap 1'~ autfieiew[ i.~eaaWe icae 31orCga{ec~ to pzp such Cate.., asu»:nm ris oz cn,her ecarge*, as they become Aar. <br />~~ IenYraeee. Z`b ktcp ~r :m~cwrrrKrts nuw nr _"ten•a C4r. 'locate e7 ur Che rr_el es{yty deicTiiKd hr grin it~s.aed <br />by lkrc aed.RUCe other !ta--aatds 'es 1{angager :nay require, in unoan±s trip srh~ nrnrnanic.4 nccs•ptabler lathe <br />Mort ~hptr, nUM1 wit!? Tom payaMp to ?41e Moetga,~er~~< l+~ rrase c.f h>r, lender s:ceh tx>7±i.~~3 the Mortgagee zs authtrrized to <br />s~jtnG C6IlRCt andcrriaprcc,tttfrr_ in Its disrafuler, aF. ekcans therrunder at rE: ~>is~ option. aaihotized!oeitherappiythe <br />prarweQs tF tllM [rstr3atQlU:z of the PYOpe[tY ar upc~ !t1c ta+Se t3ccdnecs ~curr^d here Gg_ but pav tnent3 tremunder shEi! con- <br />. titre' untllttw awm snurrd t>rrrby err paid inftul- <br />5, '~ ~;aROw Foe "Cares andiwrance. lotw~ith=tAnrtint, anyLb inZ cnniairxed :¢ pa ragtaphs 3 and d hamoC to the <br />tarulxaey, ~ ~steii8 pay Gn tY,e ~rtga~vr• at €fie :nrx- oL pay i:r~ t.rtr sra;.tthiv inetaJimrnta of prirrcipaf and Vnuerrsi, <br />- one^treltSb pf ihe..rady :axes, ~•v:ri-^as, ~ tinxYitai~x~e p[erniures. and ~gniyad rrne; Lif wry) ~.vhich may xr,:,arn n <br />peittritr mef thix'S~Gft~itaEr, a;i as ;ra~srr~r:g esclmaud from once Ya Swim ~y. ?hr. AfurCR:~. 'it+r atrrnuna ;o paid steal he <br />irSd h~ Sh+pi{pri~t~ra-?r{bout inLreyt ittd applied to cYe ~~mvt;t of tlzr ;tar;t, ;r~ to x~hlch sat~h amncats;z; wer,,• <br />cfeysirt~d. `['he,xums pan'E ::-u ~laarfpa~r he:°eurxdcrazr pledged ns addstsoruu ,av:arll, ;`rorkYce i:tdrbE wirrK s~cure~d by this - <br />~Ait~i(4. ~:'M~tl~1 Sa+S Ett. l~art~7ylr.N the aR34uAL cif city Jel'iCw!r[ey G•'w.,w~ lhe~ aCtJJ, v;_±es, ai ea.^_re ra ls, irt5a z'inre " <br />}faWgRUZtst-ittQ l9'xr~~1 ;+,mia ~d the i+!poret.S het~uru3rr -Rrthru 14.7 da )~+~ afk~r s;Enratzd ,s ,; taric~ upeto ~"T~*rtgcKaz rc~e,~,iesi.tng <br />p~~i2xmt itctceuf. <br />&. #te~f: 3fuxrteetu~e wd GtYa: '~"t3 tsrarnpfay ra~~>, n~t<~ee :rr rrN -sn anq fi r7e},ei{u; =,r ~arpn~~~t~c»Y"ref; r..~~ ,~~_ <br />.§.etvsflrtt' ;ice-.fht~R+g.~f:~; to iir~rp6bt.. 4'rk~p<•r[y ~._ti ga,ii~?c.?gd~rswn app ta¢a!r r:Cuiu~t ~..a .;, sru~ frri~ iraer, rrt*nhamc", ~. <br />gea:rkY.3e'irx nest s;¢pt a4;~ ~,ttlt*rxlatila~i ,,.z 1!ic i.c-a. hnr+at. ,era. mrtlt :: fY+*• r+r m.r:xit ;~ ,,..",;fnt~a c . ... _ ~. r r.~ 9>trn n~ <br />%sk ~,, .^r,.#katr lAr -:~pi%av.<., ~?ta tis~'t ri1.~ =T' a[s i'..K'=. rn ~m~_4,~:n ?n +ec'[', nz~ ~ =r,nr,:t ~i~ ..: ti re...i~ r=a,.:,t~ ~ !ax ~n;in <br />