<br />;~ tF v
<br />~~ ~ E; ._' ~...~ r>~.
<br />9: C'oedemnatisro: 'xhz proceeds of amrliwrard or ciaim£or damages, dvecS or consequential, in connectigA with any
<br />cotuferrenalion or ratbextakiAg~f the 1'roperty,oxpart ihercaf., r,r for convepar>.ccin ties of condemnation, arc: hzrehy a+ssigncd
<br />and shalt Ec paid tnZender.
<br />In the event of a tritaf raki:ag rPfrhe 1'reapetly, the prex:eeds shall heapliiizd tothe sums secured by this recd of '['IVSt.
<br />wi(hrhe excess ` anv. Faid toBorrowcr. 1n the event of a pama+ takirt~ o£ the Property, untess Borrower snd Lcnrdcr
<br />eriherwisz aitrec rn writing, itteresltalt he applied to the sums secured hg this Dccd of Tnast suchpropcrrlion o£ the proceeds
<br />as Ls equal to chat. proporiti+n..whichtheamnuntof the snnuseceeed hv:ihis 1?a€d~f Trust trzmediately prii~r to ihedatcof
<br />takirZg t+cars to the fair ntarke2 rattle of the 1?rtrperty itnmedi:t#c!}' prior cn thedate of taking, with rhz balance of the prixeeds
<br />paiG to &+rrowtt.
<br />t£ the Property .c al+are+lirned bq Horretwer; ar if, after nonce by l_endcr to Borrower that the condemnor otfets to make
<br />'aA award or scttk a bairn [or. damages, Btsrrtavcr tans to ;eepond t~ Lendzr wiiirin 3ildaps iffier the dxte such notice is
<br />IAat7td, C.endcr is atrtlu~rraed io ¢tr~sectaitda,pplvthapr¢cr~cds,.ad Leader'sap6ori; eithernorestararion ar repair:of the,.
<br />Property or to clx sneers seGttred b~' this:Dari oE'1'rust.
<br />Unkcs ! endar anal Harr<awec catherwrst agree in writing, as»• srzchappiiCatioA a£ preiecrds?o principat shall notcxlettd
<br />ar he due @atc o€ the ntonrhl}' instatiirca:rs retc.-n-d. to m paragraphs t and ?. hereaf ~r :.hangc. the amrunr cif
<br />SVG iastailrr7erltE-
<br />10. llarrawer".YrdReieaved. Exesp;x~merrr-,,. ,:m' for;+::~rma;n+ ~r modifitari:xi.^F amortiuctionof the ~,umtiseeureci
<br />ley this 1'/eraiaf T.^iraigzantcd.¢y f.e»dtr to am sus.:;:::;. r .t r;;~;e:.:.:r tlorrnwer ,halt nut operalz- to release; rn an}~.inanner;.
<br />the tiabiiin' of tht rugtna: B«rcnwar and BarrAwe:'~ s.,r..,. rs rn =merest t.;naier shaft riot he required to cbittmence
<br />prexnediajis a~in*ctsuch sticceasAr orrrfusea zxtcr..: n:a-,mentor otherwis,r most.ifr;tmonizationof:.thesirzns-
<br />s~-.tred by !his Deed rzf'Frusthvrcasona# ahvdematsc: 1. o. i ~ ~rtrs , r,,,.-nsl Horrcrwcr~and Hurrc+wer'c st+~essors is in:er4t.
<br />11- ~hthefasncr 61 Leader ~# a Waiver, A. ~, Yo ;'c. .., ~ s i.,ndr. en ; sexcising an; .right. yr remedy hereunder, nr
<br />rvrix affardedbyappfitafsletav„ shaft Aot:~ ~ ~. ~... of a;c~:iud,; !hcexarcrsecsf'any suchright ur i-emed_~
<br />"i7tc Iscxx~xrc~nrnfimluran~z of iha~y;trcat of ta~esa:r,e~ :rc- char:?ea by l.erdcr spalfi trot ix 'a-waivzr of S.endet's
<br />tigtrt w ~eferatc tlxttutttriiytttttle-indebtedness sris-cd ?~+ :hJr -zed of 'f-;,e; -
<br />t2. RewMeaitcCllaafiti*e: iii rssrrcrtets prov::.icu :+:i;4:ri T;r:,r .: c ui+r:rrct andcumuiauvt-toanv rrtherrigisi
<br />asr rcnxdy ursdtr t#sis L)ee>a af` "Crtact ar a:forderl hr ?aw , , c;;;i:rv anti Ra x <.;cr: +c~tl ~c.attrrc r,,•.,, i.Aderrcn~ntiy r
<br />bvCeeabrvefa
<br />f7. .iaresaonar Afsi~r laawd; Toler aad :x. scat L.ialedk c; f'aitlitonr. Tire ,2r,tnr< rc# :~•r a. ,e•r'~. !fees: r.
<br />cvnixa zetfshaFl lsrind,anGthe r_~s hiercvcnde- .hail mar , - :hc re"e'._'.a'rfiKUVi.~y:>:-~ '.r r <si;;rs tcade~ ...irrrrnwrr.
<br />whm.-t to the ptve'srsaf Prrz6ea pr !7 he -cs~t 1i' ,~A asrcarreenis .:; n. al. -r ~..~i++a rya ~rve-a!
<br />T7+e ulxuam. anet. hetwdic~ :+f r9ae paragr~phx ~r •. h:, D ,. ~, ~; a,. ., , e-,r ur _.- Ic ae ~ ;_re. net :;~ hr used t;.
<br />cntca-~.Or dedlxtlx prOs~cuoa txresN -
<br />U. ~aliCS,:E.zupt Y.rr ama rorr.r rr.:--,red uncle ;an!< ,w ,nr:: :n .~~ci her manner. ~d ~,n•: n.,uco Ir.
<br />1s:~r-~R ~v; (,~ arc !tear :acx+.i of 1 run xh?'-:p ~; yn e~ h :,...: n¢ uc~h rc ~^v ;cn ri<`u rnad ure>•:cil t N r>; nvar ~i
<br />site Property ABdttsa cr ar aaw'lr xhrr x;u`rsc ux AV,~ra err mur iu ;¢<ic~ ,~~ n?'ier to irn:}er a~ p:~r~ld ~~ ~rrci n. :r n
<br />r h: aaa rtaruca :o !.center aid! iK grc ea h. xrtr~cd ma:~ rrturr : m::+x tai. !.r t. Acre sdd tesa ata: cr,i :nerern or
<br />arrch ocher ~:.~ a3 4r[xler ryv de-a.~r,ee 4 ,ni ~c : ynr rns_ ,•rJi~.! hrea --lnv nctru- p~anodel r, ;Lip
<br />Deed of ~hrtnr shall bt deer»n! :c hav_ twn g~ cr, '<~ R:rr-ewe° r .crer ~Ivr r, Kiv~^ :n :hc manner des .nice herein
<br />I5. l'.wMerta Ded at Try C:eeeraia~ 1a+a Sevmhilih'. f `a,c !a!rn ,-i ,.4ee.i ,.: ~: us± cvmterren ::ndorrn coverann[s Iur
<br />a4bo6il +rsc sax! :x?norn;orm .oerenanU ~+•,tir '.r'r;ncd r. .1t; :r .dice .;-nx~., tu:r a an r_r^+ .cam ;r, us ;rumen!
<br />~~~
<br />wrrso; real p: caxrtc -I7ya Decd ~.t T:zasi ,r.,,'? 'sc g.,s R, ?, rF .~! ;t.c :a :.,t:cr- ..n r. he P-npr a.ai
<br />1a tlx cro.~! rh.at anv prs7: s::m of e;lsrtFie o; :~ r, t}reel .~ ~, - 7.c V,r~c v a;1,~~.+ w.t .ppl canlc I~ -.uct• _~ nl. i,t ~;hn `.
<br />„c af!cx,r st.'eer rvnoc+u ' t rho 7-fen'. ail. "T us r the '~ ~ e i~ h sr ~r ~ cn <!Fc ihvnn he . 'a tl;;,.n,p !,n : vn:~n.
<br />one r,~ a:1n ereC ttrC pra.xxti.>rtf r+f :!ve [>t~evi ,? I „c,: a ,hc .,rtx~ arc ... ~J ~ he .c ~rx~.r.
<br />It. ~rrorns'r Cod.'- 9orsCra~e~shsf[+h :.... nt:ed s.cnc. enrol .~pc L.c ~.ra; •rd. •ar; [}rr_u ,J L ,, .a„ire rune
<br />r. cxr tirtiim err x#trt res:+:+RixYeJU-Aarawl
<br />IZ Trader of tfe h'alae~; ~sspYe. N aft ar xns par:..e tr- Yen,<m or .m mrersxt t.tirrcin as s;~id , unslcrrr~.!
<br />h7 lkrrrrr. er +ralltiyllt Lcixier'a pacar at;:i lace. ~c oacst, caua~rng t.. .. crca : ,. - -c i ., cr~lmura i:rc -t ~>nluu+:c !:~
<br />thin Fhti~? -vf Ttust. '.b} .hr c: cut;i,. n1•a ,:art>~~ae :rr,:rtr. to- ,ur" u.-st !,. x>uxhoL ,pplinn:: cti, r;: i .r trnnstcr he c!e-~isz-
<br />de>:en! m Mq pplCratrVn cif (aw u~an r~ .:}each -f _r nt c~anr .-, ~ r - .hc ~r~nr , '.e ¢uhojS ;ntr ,rst of ' e e r:xc - r ie,.
<br />nn[ cUelr+ron{ a.^.:.ptic~ u r>trchnae r rruY_: r s r c t,, i : e t + urn I7 ~~f I t r. _ ~i:, L:
<br />u . ,r. ~
<br />.rrrtlediXir!t slice atw:f Fea_hie t_erxkr ±2oaii h. _rscs? urt , ix>. ;. z.ee Gr;ti ~. ;7 o h, . r :an+fcr. ;.codci
<br />ehf tIx prre:m .o »M.~s> toe Pr.^(~cf~. r> :c h ...- r :r. rrsfrrt e,f ._a.h age cer:rn t .+ntrrg ,hat the ~.: rrti:: -_i rn.-ir tom. ,~.x;
<br />n au tlifatfcu• tt- Lc-tti^r sou th:aa t'fa raterza. au+a;'ie un !MC .urn, e,.~a; e,) 'r: ~Ciz f1e<. i er -f -:nt ~.'r,a11 he ar ~,ucn ;arc z-
<br />tender oho!'; reyaxst. I[ Lcncie[ Rai wa:cc.! :6x u-_ a ... ~ cler.,;r xv~rdtd ~n rh ~. lwrsgrn pL i . grad rt Flerr...~ r ~~ +v,c,ssu~.
<br />;n rntcresc tHCa cxrx: virtu a wnttrrt :rurtm F.i:~Kr .cgErc < .rte.-rjncC ~ ,n:arrn~ ~~} !-c +c!cr. .,nr.ic r, -.star -~lcn~e Nc.-~r~wcr 'irrr~,
<br />ate a't+hgatic+na u:x3cr Jhn Frei e( l~rwa ,ref ihr ~iIXC'~
<br />If L.radrr r~ersix~ xr:h nptz~.ro .c acacie, a:r i.crHlrt ~~at! nary Harm.. c~ :mu«: cd s cclrr~r ur~ ~ cnr<iance with
<br />;>1riCiap4a 33 Sercc>t. Such rwttce h.ril ~~.a„c a r~rnt a s ~ r v :..a r the hsrs !hr L ~ a rd ,. tetra
<br />r~hr::h Bornr.~cr rceay' tar} a><>unx~x deiared cue (t &>, ., ~,Is . ~.u.,~ .rrra ,. ~.:he tKp r:.rora~r: su;h xn :~c!.
<br />l-tenter may, wilheua I:.rther ncu+cz ±, Aznsnd +_~rr ti;•rr. ...ck 7.arrr:o'ie, cacrm ne.7 `r, ;~<artGraph I ti heron(
<br />hu.. t: 4te~ra xi flavex,sr~: UcNrtnv rr ..nd i..-r;aScr ins<?rc'r ;acrnar,e atxl K eC n> [allows:
<br />Ill. ,~cce4rMilw; RrrneMra. l:aa~tM as prtraieled far para~nrpf 17 hereu(, upon 6r.rnrwrla brertzh a! aay corrnent nr
<br />aRreeweRt of bnuwrr iw t-L Orcd .>1 I'rwt. ir.Clwlia~ the urrcrwaMx to prs when clefs arry.:xrggs secured b} ihii Dre.l
<br />srf i'raru. !.ceder prwr to arrrleratioa shat! seat! rwcicr av ~ro»cr as pro.idtd in parltRrallli 11'ltereof xpec'ifrinY: €ll the'
<br />-rrsch. !2) bee arFitr rayrireJ ro r,Nr wcf btra.rf; i7i a dale. cwt lei t-w .Nl .iaya Romthedatelbr roaUCC 6 rnaBcA cu
<br />Rorri.wer, M rrhicA atrr;.f Mears ataM hr .wtd; cad tdj rfat far7rre io rwc sue'h Metlcf rFn Or..btforc the dais sprcilird
<br />(r Ifr aWla'e isr) revdt b accrkrMiua a( the wan .ieC.rred ha thn Ihed d frwt aad wyje: p{ #-re.P!rAprri v. "IhC rwtia'c
<br />sly fwtfrr ialorsa Lorrorrr of f4 ritht la rrinwtMe after aa'crkration card the rf~ht t:>lwiagt acourt action ter as.aerl
<br />16e ww-eaipewav ul a delrrM ur oat <riher defew~r n{ borer,»~rr to ararirrrtiuo and w1r. tf the txrych is not cured
<br />ow a -rlwo the dYt a~~ified u lik ror4<. I,cadrr u Leader'. oytion may .ieclarr all U( tCk° .rrrnti :rc-need b. Ih~ tlrer3
<br />of ~Lraal to k irwMediNcF1- der awd pyafir ..uhoW trerther demand acrd +nar imulte rho power of +ah and any- eHher remetlirs
<br />pea>AMlrt Yy gpiirrhlr 6w. Ixwder tLaH he rotiNrd to rullret alt reawaaMe cuu. and rx pert~n incaned in panuitgr the
<br />rsrseJie<pruvided rw ebb puva~raph 1M, inciwdewR. 1rw rnx lienitrd ru, rcawrrrable atturnrdy frr..
<br />if Ifr pervert d safe k iaarrfed. Tr aster afaYl ternrd a arotiCr of deGuli (n each counh is which the Fmpertr or tame
<br />pN tt~reof is ta.; Mrd aed cha4 rwail Copies o[ wen nolkr in the manner pcescritfcd ha apptiraltlr law to Harrrwcr nail te', rhz
<br />eA-ea rereowx pr+. rilMrd -y apptRah4 tear. Aher the lapse nF mch limn W may arc : rgoirtd by aprylicaACr las.. Tnrue+~ shall
<br />><Nr IrM1e woFKt d axle W the prmoh and in the reanner prescribed by appdiiahle Law. Truslre, mtMun Armand <an
<br />i4rrewrr. that! FeN ifs hopert~ at puNic areti[rn 10 :M• hi~t.ei hrdder at the time amt pf>K~e and nnder the terms drea~n:a rv)
<br />3o the aotirr of de 41 u•er a more parek »nd to w.h urrler x 7Ynctec mac dricaminc. I7exster mur {w+ttxme Gale r,( :ail
<br />or ae• preN of f4 pruptrt~ ha pabiic tesrwecrmeM rt Lhr Nme and plscc rf sna prraiousl..che3uleA .ale_ S-cv+Aer r::
<br />leadtr'r eitviprrr rra3 sere base Ibr Tn.prrit N aa1 oak.
<br />Ltl~ rerri}t nlr pyatertl nF the price ie+d, 7"ruslrc '<h-11 deGcer In Ctrs pnrchrser "Trustee"; deeA con reciag the !`ropers •..
<br />aiMf S~fc rccilals it t~ Truger`t deed shaft br prima far'K rridrnre n( ihr truth »f the <telrmerux mute rhrren+. -InasS r.•
<br />sfaM aryit the ~oeeeda uF rf- tale ur fbc 1oRo »inR ttrsifr. dal to alt rrae.natrlr een1. and rxprrnrs ;af the wk, irrc'Irraliryt, tr.r:
<br />eqt Isrwitn) W, Trvsiee'c tees of ooil mxxc than - - - `f, ai the 7tros Gale prir~e. rr auanuMr xt.rrne.'s far.:anri errs;, ei
<br />t#Sr tviicece; (hl to ail suwas aaYnrnl by tar is [1<rd a(-! nnC and ic} the e<c'esx, ,( an}. to ehC per.<m nr yrrv.,r.n leRalh cackled
<br />Iferekr. -
<br />tA iorrowee r Right it Rrisnaae ^. `, 5~-- I 5~'~ r ~. r r - ~
<br />$.... caar ba h ifs, r 71 [ ra c r *, c n~k= ``t >< _ c. .: t o ih .
<br />sc:} + _E.. =ae s'ne- .r,,t.a ,ff i~ o- ., (. -t rsr ,_r .. ~
<br />rU ri)~-ri :. Z-~. '(.1 ..,.t, .t, ~iati. ;c..t ,._r_:r i, r,kr.~_. - 3, „ .. +~,. ,. ,..~
<br />_ ,
<br />ne t, , is„t - crE fsrcJ ; -Tt , ri>r; A, i.. ,,..! ur f _ b.; _r,
<br />_r ,..,
<br />u zee o ~ ,°
<br />R , .a~:,+.a say with .. ... t , . -. .. -. ..
<br />..
<br />rot ~ a _
<br />., if tT .. ~~.a r~.r. x: ha~ c x a~:... a r,. ~, 1 . ~: ,~;^ e
<br />c _. , c. ., .~ .,.
<br />-c r.. „~Li~ ~ 4zr ~r< I „o.l~ a}Jc na. .. ~, .- ...
<br />,;•a. :,y.-.. r; rs' ' . a. r. ,r t n ( ,.d t , -e§_ [ _r J:. - -- „ ., a... •!~,~:- xrwa ~; ., ,.
<br />