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<br />Lf vttoxu COVerrnurg. Be+rrower and. I_eneier er,veirans and au~tee a, Eallawsz
<br />1..19yment-oP Principal and. Interest. &~rsawer shall pmmpr.Et paY µ`hcn due the priit of and interest c,n the
<br />Fndebtednrc: evidenced 6g tlx: Nate: prepavrnenr and I:trc chargcc aspros~rded ..n the !vote,:ind the princ+Qal c?f .rnd interest
<br />cnt sny F~ re Aiic~ncex. car+sred ~+. the L~ c t T:., t
<br />f. Faads for Tear swldn+,wranrr. Sxib ert- m -ep hcsbie law z>r t~ a writttn warvet hr I.ender;.Barrow~er shall pai~~
<br />try t ethic n ae day° monthly errtai n:c;;t - .; i ~d ~!ercxt sre parah < rs€fdcr the Nate, until the 1v^,tevs pa'rc+ r , [,ill.
<br />use .n the c ^, 'Fuxsds"? equaa to r'+~e-tV.crh~- :.r tr c.. f. lae<c ;tael. s<seacmr~nts wh+eh map ittaiii {xriorin~ „ .- Ihlz
<br />F.~ecd ra+." f ~ <. ai:~tii..grncrnd rciy3s utt the Pr r t c. - n tx.c#flkr of ve;rdy premnim irtsialhnenix 1't, hu2'.an.i in+ur,utrr.
<br />ttiua t~.c-' fih of ~roarly p:rnxeum'nata Lrn , t. ~; r i~c .xraz,.~.c. sl ang. xil ac rcnsnnahi}`eatrmatecl initi:til} ax'. ~.ranr
<br />temcio t: -t = hyl_-nt.°~ txr the Naas„F a~..~ sn _+a..„ „ ... :: ~smtatzlr c.4imnic-c rhei`irc;f.
<br />T~ F n.1, sha14 he veld ~ n a;or i cic c t n:. of a h+eh aee tncured tt gstsrratrteeti ,r F Fe 1~
<br />ara#e actn r i- .cdin2 1_ .let 1 rtuex i <r,F :., ,. i ,. tilat . Eiall aop~lp ?+.>z 1;uaJsin pay said'tar'c, n.<e,a_un~F
<br />F -e l r r _-n< n 1 r .a ,-r. t ., u r ~ ~F anda,~f :1;ng Ehe-.Puads, anal 'iEl_ ~aiJ r, m.nsm
<br />x a ;vi y ~ umr 1 g~ u .;cr < t:- ~, ,, fiur~:~•., rr ~ntcress e7n the Fi3ndsani heai,Ie .~.i
<br />x~r, k S t. make t .- t
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