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82= tJU2431 <br />4. CandertinatMn. The proceedsof any award or claimfor damages, direct or consequential, inconnection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of theProlzrty, orpart thereof; or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation;arehereby assigned <br />and shall be pa;d to Lender: <br />In the event of a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shall be:applied to .the sums secured by'this Deed of Trust, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrowa~. In the evenrbf:a:partialtaking ofthe'Property;.'unless:Borrower and"Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums seruredbylhis'.Deed of Tntst such proportion of'theproceeds <br />as is aqua! ro that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deedbf Trustimmediately:.prior tothedateof <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower tha[ahecondetnnor offers. to make <br />an award or settle a claim for demagts, Borrower fails to respond[oLenderwithrn 30 daysafterthe'datNsuch6otice is <br />marled, Lender is authorized to collect and apply th:e proceeds, at-Lender's option, either to restoration or repair; of the : <br />Property or to the sums securedbythis Deed,ofTrus[. - <br />Unless Lender and Harrower otherwise agree: i n writing; any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs f and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Borrower Not Rekaaed. Patension of the time for: payment or modification of-arnonization of the sums-secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted b} i.ender to anystrccessorn interest.of`Borrowershall not operate to release, inany:manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower-:and Boaower'ssuccessors innterest. Lender shallnot be:rcquired to'commence'- <br />proceedings against such succeswr or7eftrse to'eztend; time forpayment or otherwisemod(fy amortization of'the sums <br />securtxl by this Deed of Trtatt by reatonof any demand made. by the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in'.interest. <br />I1. Forbearance by Lender Nola.Waiver. Any forbearance byLender in eirercising.anyrigh[or comedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law;. shall. not.6e a waiver ofor:preclude theexerciseof any such rightor'remedy,. <br />The prtxvremenl'of insurance or thepayment of'taxaorother liens'orchargtx byLender shall not 6r awaiver of.Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the,rodebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, <br />12. Rtitpedks Cntnnhllve. Alltemedies'provided in [his Deedof Trusiaredistinct andctunulative to any otfier right <br />or remedy underthrs Deed"of Trtut:oFafforded'by law or equity:,and may 6erexercised oncurreetly,'.independently or <br />successivelyy <br />13. Saceeaaara anti Aari~os ltnnd; Jda1 and Several LiabUky; Gptioas. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contaira:d shall bind, andthenehts hereunder sSall inurcto;the respective successors andassigtu of Lender and:Borrower.. <br />whjeet to thr provisions of paragraph l7 htteoF: All covenants and agreements of .Borrower shall' be join[ and' several' <br />Ttie pptions and' headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only. and are-:not to' be used to <br />imerprtt ocdeSne;the provisions hereof. <br />14. Ntrlka Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner; (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for inhis Deed of Ttvst shall begiven by mailinguch notice: by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Andreas or at such other address as Horrowermay designate by notice to Lender as provided herein. and <br />(by any aohce to Lender shall tie given by certified mail,'return receipt-requgsted; to Lender s address stated herein or to <br />such othtt atklress as Lender may designate by police to Borrower as; provided herein.-Anyyotice provided for in this <br />Dated of Trust shall be dtxmed to have beta'giveo to Borrower: or Leader when given iu the manner designated herein.. <br />"'1S. Jai[as Drt[d'otTrtwl;'.Goterniag.Law; SevenbBlty. This form of deedof: trust combines uniform covenants for <br />national rtse and' non-uniform covenants with lituited`variations 6y jurisdiction io constitute a uniform security in;trument <br />covering teat property. This'Dxd of:Trust shallbe governed"by the law:of. the jurisdiction vn which the Property.5siocaied. <br />In thecvm[ thalanyprovision or clause of thjsDeed of Trust or theNo[econflicts with applicable9aw: such conflict shall <br />not'affeM outer pprovisions of this Deed of Trust'or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting ,provision. <br />andtoShis endthe provisions of tbe.Dtxd of Trust and: the Noteare declared to beseverable.. <br />'16. lgorror+er'a Capy. Borrowershall be'frtrnished a conformed copy'of the Note and of this Deed of Trust iu fthc time <br />of-execution or after recordation hereof. <br />1Z Trttaa[er of the ]ho~erty; Aawaptioo. IF al! or any part of the. Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower without Lendtts priorwritten consent, excluding (a) .the creation'of a lien or encumbrance subordinate to <br />his Deed of Trusq (b) tircreation of a purchase money securi4yinrerest for household appliances, (c) a ransfer by devtsc. <br />descent or by operation of aw upon the: death. oEa joim tenant or <br />' Londtt rnay, at Lender's option, declare _:; thesutns ecured by his Deed of Trust to he <br />immediately ue and payable. Lender shalPhave waived'such option;to' accelerate if, prior to the sale or transferr; i_endcr <br />and. the persontowhom the:.Proputys to be soidor transferred reachagreementin writingthatthe eredit of such person <br />is satisfactory la Lender and that the interest payable on the: sums secured bythis. Deed-of Trust shall be at such. rate ar <br />Lender shall request. If:Lender has waived the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph' 17, and if Borrower"s successor : <br />m'intemthasezecutedawrittenasurnptionagreementacceptedinwritingbyLender;Lendershall-releaseBorrowerfrom.: <br />all obligations under this `Deed of Trust and the Note. <br />-If.Lender.exercises such option-to accelerate; Lendershall mailBOrrower notice of accelerauonin accordance wuh <br />paragraph 14 hereof. Stitch notice shall":provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date [he notice is marled within <br />which Borrowerrnay pay the sums declared due.. If Borrower faits such sums prior tbthe expiration of such'periocL <br />Lender may, without furthernoticeordemandbn Borrower; invoke any'remediespermitted by paragraph.IB hereof. <br />lion-UKIFORM Covarietvrs. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree. as follows: <br />I8. Accekrafroa; Remeflks. Eircept as provided in paragraph /7`htteof; opon Bsrrower's breachof anycovenanf or-' <br />agreement of Borrower in thk Dfxd: of Trust, iaduding the cot enantsdo pay ~whee. doe:any' sums-secured,bydhisDeed <br />of Trrrsq Leader prior to acceleration:.shall rnail:aofice to Borrower asrprovided in, paragrop6 74 hereof.. specifyinj;:. (1) the <br />brttaca; (2) tAe action rcQUired to cure--each breach; (3).a date, rwtlixs than 30 -0aysfrom the date:the notice is:mailed fo. <br />Borrower, by which such lxeach must fie cured;,and {4) that hilure'.fo cure such breach-on orbcfore the datespecified. <br />in Ibt notice may rewlt in acceleration of fhtsums secured by this: Deed of: Trust andsale of theProperty.. The notice <br />sLaY further inform Borrower of the right to reioRatr after acceleration and She right to bring a:court action to assert <br />IN coo-exWence of a default or any dher defense oLBorrower to:acceleration and."sale. ILahe breachis-not cured: <br />on or before the date speci6td in the twticq [lender at Lender's option. may declare all oflhe sutnssecured by.: this Deed <br />of Trust to be immediately dueand payable without forther'demand and may jnvokeahe powerof sale andany otherremedies - <br />permitted by applicable law. I.eotkr shall be entitled to collect a1lreasonaDle-costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the. <br />remedies provided in this ptrfrgnph;18, including, but notlimited to, reasoewbk auoroey's. fees. <br />If the power of sale rsinvolted, Trudge shall recwd:a notice of default ineach count} in which the Property::or some <br />part fYereu( is located and shag mail copfa nfsuch nofire in tbemanner,applicabk law to: Borroweraod to [he <br />other persons prescribed by appiifeabltaaw. ,4fler [he laµse of such time as may beregttired:by applicable law, Trustee shall- <br />give public notice of sale Jo the persons. anti in the manner prescribed by applicable law.':Trustee,wilhout demand mr <br />Borrower, shall sell the Property at poblfc auction to the highest bidder at the timeand placeand underthe terans:designated. <br />in lbe notice of sate in one. or morcparcelsand in such order as Trustee mag~ detcrmiae..Trtulee mayposlponcsate ofatl <br />or any parcel of the Property by puhUC..announccment at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or <br />Lender s designee may porchatx the Property al any sale. <br />Upon receipt of pay areal of the price bid, Trustee shall to the purchaser Trustee's: deed conveying the Propert. <br />sold. TYe recilah in the Trustee i deed shall be prima facie evidence old6e truth of the statigments made therein. Trustee <br />shall apply the proceeds of the sale ie the foibwi~y order. (a) fu all reasonable costs and expenses of th. sale, including, but <br />not limited to, Trustee's fees of not more than 1/ 2 Of 1 "r of Ihegress Bait price, teasonablte atiorney's ices and costs of <br />title eritknce; lb) to all sums secured by Ihls Deed of Trust; and tc) the excess,.ff. any, to thr persorv or persons legally entitled <br />tAetefo. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. NotNithstanding Lc;tder's acceleration. of the. sumssecured by tl s llecu of Trust: <br />Aorr~wcr shat ha the :ighr to ha>e ry proceedings begun bs Lender [o enforce this Dead of I'ni: t u bra :.d at <br />an} t^rc pr or la th a I-ar to oc.;~r ~ f (ir ,Ise f.iih day beforeYhe gale ofrhe Property pursuant to the F>a a I I ~~• [eland <br />:n this Lhcc, o(Trd,, c r;iii crtr}'.tt a iudgmeni tnforeittg this:Dced of Trust if: (a) Barrawer pays l ~.nuir .--: sums which would <br />be then due _,nder this Deed of Trait, the Note and notesaecuring. Future Advancks; if aray, h d no s.:~alerauonc~ceutredi <br />(b! Anr :~w •, curs- all o; any ahoy covenarus or agrecme~pts of Borrower :contained ut this Decd of T"rust: <br />F3ur,ower pays a!~ rcasnnab~c expenses incurred by.. L:c-asier and Tnisteeinenfnreingthe_mycn : > apd agreements. of. <br />'~ ; <br />O:tr roe, cor,tuir cd ~~ ;`tis to-d of Trot and inenforccng;iznder's and Trustee's remedies: as pre -!~~cd in paragraph ;:; <br />'tcru,3_ ~c{itding, ,tt <<e; Ilu:l:ed ro, reasoasblcattgrney`s fee§: and (d"rBprrower takes such sciiam as Fender may reasutrably <br />cqu, rs ,±~,,ra that the tic ~: of-this Tyc~d of .Yost.!dtr's interest in the F'rwpcny and Bottnu er'3 abtigatiah tit ;lay <br />k i <br />~~1 <br />~~ <br />~U <br />