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<br /> R2-- ~~}2t~31
<br />' UrrtFOttnrCove~xNrs: BorrpwerandLendercovenantatrd:agree_asfollpws:.,
<br /> ' 1. Payment of.Priacipal andadterest. Hoirowers}iall prompttypay when dpe. the principal of and interest an-the
<br /> indebtcdnessev-dencedtiy the Notc. pTepaymentandlatecharges as;provided"in the Npte, andthe principal of and: interest
<br /> on any Future Advances seci.rred 6ythis Deed of Trust.
<br />3 FnadaforTtutesatd Iasnrance. Subjecfto apphcahle law do to a written waiverby Lender, BorrowershaB pay
<br /> to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are. payable under [he Note, until the: Note. is paid m full,
<br /> a sum {herein "Funds")`rqual ia'one-tweltthof theyearly taxesand assessments whichmay attain priority over this
<br /> Deed of TrusCand groundren[ron the Property,-f any,plurone-ewelfthof yearlypremiuminstallmentsforhazard insurance,-
<br /> plus one-twelftfi of yearly premium installments-for mortgage. insurauce,'if any;:al- as reasonably estimated ini4al!y and from.
<br /> time to Cime by Lender on the basisbfassessmepts and bills and reasonable estimates thereof!
<br /> Tlx Funds shalt beheld in an institution thedeposits'or accounts of which are insured:ror guaranteed,by a Fedzral or
<br /> state agency ,(indudingLenderifLender is such an jnstitution):. Lcndershall applythe:Fundsto pay;saidtaxes, assessments,.-.
<br /> .insurance premiums and ground rents: -L"ender may not charge for: so bolding andapplying the Funds;,analyzingsaid account
<br /> orvttifyingandcompilingsaid arsecsmentsand-6itls,untessLender paysBortower inteTesthn the Fundsand applicable law 7.
<br /> permits:Lenderao make:rsucha' charge:.. Bortosverand- Lender may agreeinwriting at:~'the time-cf execution:: of this.
<br /> Deed"of Trust4hat interest on theFUnds shall 6e paid to$orrower, and unless suchagreement is "made or applicable ]aw'
<br /> requires sucEt interest to be paid, Lendershall ngr6e required'to pay Borrowerany-interest orearnings on the FundsY Lender
<br /> shalt give to Borrower; without charge;. an annual'account-ng of the Fends showing credits-and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> .:purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as add-tiortal security `far the sums secured
<br /> by this Deed of Trust.,
<br /> ' If the amount of the Funds held'by Lender; togeeher. with ikie funve monthly installments of Funds payableprior to
<br /> the. due dates oftaxeslassessments, insurance premiums and ground tents; shall exceed the amounirequited to .pay said taxes;
<br /> :assessments, insuraxe :premiums sod': ground`rems. as: tfiey fail due; such excess shall'bc;.:at Borrower's option. either
<br /> promptly- repaid to Borrower or credited to Boirowei on mantFtly installments of Funds: (f the amount of he Funds
<br /> held-bq Lender shall noY:Fre sufficientao pay aaxes,assessmenu,. -nsutaace premiumsandground..rents as they."".fall due.
<br /> Borrowershall pay to Lender any amount :necessary ro make; up the deficiency within 30days from the. date notice-is mailed
<br /> by Lettder to Ho>rower request-ng payment thereof.
<br /> "Upon payment in fuB:of a0 sums secured by this Dezd of Ttvst,:Lender shall promptly refund to: Borrower any Funds
<br /> heldby Lender.:If under paragraph 18 hereof<ttiePropeny is soldorthc Property isotherwise acquiredby Lender, Lender
<br /> shallapply. nolater'than-immediatelyprior tothesaleofihePropertydrits acquisitionby Lcndenany Funds'held:by
<br /> Lrnder at [he tune oEapplicat-on as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> " 3. Applieatlon of'Payments::Unlessapp-icable ]aWprovides otherwise, all. payments receivedby Lenderunder the`
<br /> Note and'paragraphsl. and 2 hereof shall 6e applied by Lender first: in paymeni 6Pamounts payable to Lender by 9orrower.
<br /> underparagraptt2hereof,then toiureres€payable on;heNote::[hen'ta the prncipaYof the'Note, andthen to imerestand
<br />.
<br /> principal on any Future Advances:
<br /> 1. Charxes: Lieis. Borrower shall payall [saes: assessments and other charges fines and Impositions attributable ro
<br /> the Property whicktnay attain a priority over [his Deed of Trust and: leasehold payments or ground rents„if any, in ttte
<br /> : : mamerprovided under paragraph 2.fiereof oT,: iF: nor paid iosuch manner, by Borrowermaking payment; wheo-due; directly'
<br /> to the paytt hereof. Borcower shallpromptfy Furnish. to LenderalL notices of amounts.d[te under this paragraph,; and id thee.
<br /> ':event Borrower.3ha14 make payment diiect(y; Horrowzrshail promptly-furnish to Lender receipts: evidencing suchpaymenis.
<br /> ' Bortowershall:p[omptlydiseharge anylien which haspriorityoverthis Deedaf.Trust; provided; [hatBorrower-shall not bc..
<br /> required to'discharge anysuch7ien so [ongas Borrower shalt agree in writing to the'paymcnr nf. the olinganonsecured by.
<br /> "such lien in atoanner acceptable to Lender, orshall ingood:farth contest suchlicn-by, or defend enforcement of such ben in.
<br /> legal' pproceedings whichoperate to'preven[the enforcemenCOf the;.lien or'forfciture of the Prapcr[y or any part thereof.
<br /> 5. Hnttard:Imuram. Borrowershal] keepihe improvements nowexisting: or hereafter erected bn the Property insured '
<br /> against loss'by fire,:hazards inctuded:.within-the term "extended coverage", and such other'hazards as Lender may require :.
<br /> and'in suctt.amountsandforsuchperiods as Lender may regwrecprovided, thatLznder shalPnotiequire that thramount oP
<br /> such coverageexceed'tha6 amount of coverage7equired-tcipaythesums secured. by thisDeed of Tnisr.
<br /> >'The insurancecarriec providing,the insurance shalt be chosen by Borrower:aublect tdapprtiv;d:by Lender.'.pmvidcd:
<br /> thttrsttchppproval shallttot be unreasonably', withheld. All premiums on'insurance policies shall be paid in the: manner
<br /> provided under:paregrap6 2 hereofor; if not paid in suc}imanner; by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the.,
<br /> ittauranoc carrier.
<br /> All insurance polieiesland renews-s thereof shall 6e inform acceptable [o .Lender and shall include a standard':motlgage
<br /> clauseinfavorofandiaformacceptabletoLender.LendershatlhavetherighitohoWthepoliciesandrenewa-sthereof."
<br /> end.BOrrowershall promptly fnrnishYo Lender. all rzneaafno6ces'andalL7eczpts of paidaremiums:`--n theevem of loss:.
<br /> ' Borrower shalt give: prompt notice to the insurance carrierandLender. Lenderrnay make proof oflossif not made; promptly°
<br /> byBorrower. '
<br /> - UnlessLender and Borrower. otherw-se agree in writing, insuranceproceedsshall 6e appliedtn restoration or repair al '
<br /> the.Propertydamaged:providedsuch restoration: or repair isxconomical(}• feasible undihesecurityofthisDeednf Trust i
<br /> nottMrcbyimpaired. if such restoration orrepair iano[.econom-gally; feasibleor if the security of thisDeed of "friistwould
<br /> beimpaired,theinsuranceproceedshall be applied totnesums secured byihis:Deed of "mist, with theexces+, ifany. paid.
<br /> to Borrower.°If the Propcrry is abandoned byHortower; od if Borrower farts to, respond to l.,ender within 30"days. frem;ahc
<br /> ".date notice is mailed byLenderao Borrowecthattheinsurance carrier offers tosetlle a:claim. fqr instirahcehcnefits:. Lender.
<br /> isauthor-zed`tocollectandapplyiheinsarance:-pros:~odsaflender'sopuonzitbcrtonstoratton.'.orrepaaofthe..pruperty
<br /> or to the sums secured-by this Deed of Trust
<br /> 'Unless'Lettder and Borrower otherwise agree in wilting, any such application of proceeds to,principal shall not extend.
<br /> orppoostpone the'due datebf thenronthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or:change the amount of..:
<br />~
<br /> inrerestnfBorrawer.
<br />suc-iinstalhnents. if uoderparagraph IS hereof the Property isatquiredby Lender, all right, title and
<br /> in and to any insurance policies.and m and lathe procezds thereof resuhingirom damage: to the Propert} prior to the sale.'
<br /> or acquisition ,hall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured b¢ this Deed pt Trust Tmniediatel J pent w >uch sale ar
<br /> acquisition
<br /> 6. Presen~albn and Naiotenance of Properly; Lease Mrlds::Condominiums Planned 6nit Devclopmenti. Borrower:..
<br />~
<br /> imoairntcn[ qr r-iora~iou of ;tic Property-.
<br />shalt keep the Pro peep in g}wd rcpu:r andahnll .not commit waste orpernut
<br /> and shalt comply with the provisions of any
<br />leaae if this Deed of Trus6is an a leasehold If this lleed of T ust is o,i a mir ima
<br /> ,
<br />condominium ors pLmned.~uit devr,]opmentBOrrowersfialt_:perform all ofBorrower°s:-obligations under the dectar.;rioa:.
<br /> oc:covciiants creating or`governing:the condom-n-umbr planned-unit development, 4he by aw ,nd r; gulaf.ons of the -
<br /> coatlorninium or planned unu development, andcons[ituent documents. If a `condominium' or planned t nit dc~elopmenr'
<br /> r-der~s executed by Borrower and recordedtogether withltlr-s Deed._vf 7rusc. the covenants andagree~uuu[; r i such ride"'
<br /> shall be incorporated intoand shallamend andsupplementthe covenants and:.: greementsof. this.Deed of l ru.,t as If rho rider
<br /> were a part hereof.
<br /> 7. Proleetion of Lender's Secarify. IfBorrower fails to perfoim the a ~cran[s and agreements contained .n th-5
<br /> Deed o[ Trust, or if any: action brproceeding:.is commenced which: n t.ui..l": :sloth I:.ender'sinterest m the`praperty:.
<br /> including, but trot --mitedto, eminent domain,.:insolvency,"codecnforcemem. er arrangement. or proceed-ng>_involv;nG ;i..
<br /> bankrupt or decedent, then. L.enderat. Lender'soption;'upon.notice;o Borrower, rn g tip^ke sucn appzaranczs, disFiursesuch
<br /> sums and take s'trch ac:irtn as suecessaryto..protectLender'sinteiesq mcludingihut no• limited-.to, disbursementef
<br /> reasonable attoraey•s feesand entry upon fhePropertyio makerepuus. If:Lender req:nrefimoagage imucince :ua
<br /> rondiUon of making the loan <c:arrd by [his: Deed of Trust, Burrower shall pay: the;premiurns required trt maim., o such
<br /> insurance in e;txt until such time .ts the requircmentfotsuchirssurance terntina[esin accordance wsrh "BOr[r~wer, grid
<br /> Lenders written agreement or applicable law :.Borrower shall: pay the sine mtoF all anortgaGe msuranc< prun ^~n ~e the T'-',
<br /> mancer provided under paragraph 2 hereof. 1ti
<br />L Any amounts disbursed b} Lcride- pursuant to this paragraph wen inttrcu thereon shall f :~.} ~, ,~,r,ti `~
<br /> indebte[{ness of Hor.oW er se..umd Gc :ills Deed"oi Trutt Linlcati Br. rrow,r ,i ~ eat cr ¢reeto otbci tern , ; I pat n~rn ~uc6 K
<br /> anmuat. ;hat; ~: payaLle upon got~cc from L.cnder to H~~rrowcr requcstii ^,avrncnr iher~f,and ~h~s11 he-r Interest Cmm the
<br /> date of disburscmcni .r[ the talc pty~eble trom ;uue r., lima on ~ _i,ran~ in nap~al under the t~n;c unlesspaymentot interest. rn"
<br /> a[ such rate u~oul t he mrrr n to apple .stile eats in whidi ~ r a »~.;-n hell hen nerr,t i+ the
<br />highe~I rate .o
<br /> ,
<br />permi;able under app.icsblc la«~ ~oth~•~g con4aiacu ,r leis ,,., u~:a1S ~.. I r~_yu„~ Lender near arty rxpense or take ~u~,
<br /> any aeiioo hcrcundcr.
<br /> a. l~e~ectfon. I_ec:}er may make . r cause tope made r, i ~ iabh_ ~: i r ~; ;qr~n rni :n.piecnc m oftha Property., provided
<br /> 6}311 Lc[lder chaff t}vZ [tpR~: Ntf :Otte rir}OS. t0 atSy ~tiC-S i'"Iti Ffl; t .1 :;N;~ f:Z -- _~~1._ ::~tlSi fb4'r6f:?t' [CtdlCd rU LClidcfx
<br /> uitcreat ir. 'h~ Prace[t.. '
<br />~J
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