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~; <br />-_.._ <br />Gar}• S ^'seilie rohnart <br />Dermit T,dc. 0-15556 <br />:".a}• 5, 1932 <br />Page 2 <br />1. The hu3lding encroachment protrudes is the right of cony appro:cimatel.° three feet <br />on the ;iTest end:out to approximately four feet an: the East end. <br />2. The maintenance of that aorton of the building protruding in 1'. S. Eihuav 'ie. 30 <br />right of'way shall be the responsibility of the permittee:= <br />3. The permittee shall be responsible for ary Goss or-damage caused be the Pci.ittee's <br />encroachment on the right of way. 'I'[re Pericittee ~riil hold the State ?,ar_-less from <br />any Law Suits brouKht against-the State or>Permittee arising out of the Pern:ittee`s <br />encroachment on>the right of way. <br />4. The State reserves the: right to construct, maintain, use, opezate, relocate, <br />reconstruet and renew such highway-facilities as it'may at any time, and may from <br />tine to time, desire w-f.thin the limits of said right of way, including the ris;h[ <br />to use said right of way fgr.any and all purposes. ` <br />5. The Permttee shall at no time pers~it, construct, recanstxuct, or place any additional <br />structures, #acilities oz other encroachrezzts upon tfie permitted''area of State <br />of way without wrirten'cansent of the State flepartment of Roads,'Directoz-State <br />Engineer and the Permittee shall at no time alter or reconstruct the present <br />encroachment, consisting of a building front,, without prior n*ritten approval of the <br />State. <br />6. The Fermittee by receiving this permit understands, acknowledges and agrees that <br />upon 30 days wri*.ten notice the State can cancel this permit where the right of <br />way is necessary fqr ennstructian, recanstructior, or maintenance of G'.S. xgtiwa}~ <br />Eo. 30 and that Permittee wiil'taove his encroachment firm •.heri£ht of way within <br />6D days with no cost or expense to the State and Pemittee ar,rees that if he fails <br />to remove the encroachment within te0 days the 4tate be^omes sole and complete <br />caner of the encroachment and may .cause its removal or destruction with no <br />compensation due the Permittee. <br />7. Pernittee'understands and acknowledges that ~•iolation of any of the terms of <br />these permit egnditions causes automatic revocation of this permit and will <br />cause the immediate remova'_'`of the permitted encroachment by Perr+ittee and b} <br />the State after 50 days notice of the violation. <br />8. do otter cr additional uses of the right of way shall be permitted, <br />u <br /> <br /> ~... <br />