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---___ <br />~~ ~. ~ t <br />OU~U~3 <br />d.°Forbett.r security of the indebtedness herebysccured;,upon therequest of the mortgagee, its successors <br />err assigns, tnprtca¢or shat! csecute and deliver a supplemental-mortgage br mortgages coveting. any... additions: <br />impmyement~, or betterments mzdc to the property hi;reinabove described and alL ptoperty acquired by it after <br />the dace ftereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee): Futhermore,-should mortgagor fail-t.o cure any default <br />j-' in the paymen[ of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this .:instrument, mortgagor here- <br />( b~~ agrees [n pietlnit mortgagee to cure such default, but mortgagee is notobligated to do so:r'and suchadvancs <br />shall become part of [he indebtedness-secured':by this jnsvument,.suhject to he same terms and conditions. <br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in fuel force and effect during any postpon.°ment or <br />ex[cnsion of the time of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by aid promissory note or notes, or any <br />part thereof secured hereby:: <br />f. To r:ondnuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee <br />may from time so time require an.the improvements now orhereafter on said property; and will pay promptly <br />when due any premiums'therefor.`All insurance shall'be companies acceptable [o mortgagee and the <br />policies and rrnewaks thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto doss payable clauses in favor <br />of and in farm acceptable to the mortgagee: In event of loss,. mortgagor wif! give immediate notice in writing <br />to mortgagee, geed mortgagee may:make proof of loss if not made promptly by moagagor, and each insurance <br />eampany concerned is hereby auehorized and directed to make paymem for such loss directly [n mortgagee <br />instead'of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may he applied <br />by mortgagee at'its aption''eiiher to the reduction of the indebtedness. hereby secured or to_the restoration or <br />regrrir of the property damaged or destroyerl. In evens of foreclosure of this mosigage, or other transfer of title <br />to said prapertg in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby; all light, title, and in[erest of th; <br />mortgagor in and. to anp insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the <br />option'af the mortgagee, may be surrcndcred for a refund. <br />g. Ta keep' al! buildings and cxher improvemenu on said property in good repair and condition; to <br />permit; commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, detvioratton of said property or any Para thereof; in the evem <br />of failure of tha mortga6or to keep the buiiditigs on said premises and those erected an said premises, or <br />improvements thereon, in; good repair, ihe'martgaget may makt such .repairs :ts in its discretion it'may deem <br />necessary for the proper presrnration thereof, and the full amount of each and every such payment shall be <br />immediately due and payable; and sha21 be secured by the leis of this morrgage. <br />h, Ta not vaiuntarily create ar'permit to he created against the propcny subject to-this mortgage any lien <br />ar liens infviar to the lien of ihis rrtortgage without w•ntirn conscat oC the mortgagee: and futher; that most- <br />gagor.will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying labor ar rnateriais for con- <br />e sirvetion of any and all buildings or mpravcmenis now being erected or to lee erected on said premises: <br />i. To not rent ar assign any ..part ttf the rrni qC said: mongaged property or demolish, nr remove, r~r <br />substantially alter any building without the wnttrn consent of the mortgagee. <br />j. All awards aF damages in coanectian with any condannation far public-use of or injury to any of the <br />property subjeet to this mortgage an hereby assigned atxi shall be paid to tnortgaga, who may applythe:same to <br />paymrnt of the installments last. due under said note, and mortgagee is htteby authorized, in the: name of the <br />mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid acquittances thereof and toappeal. from any.such award; <br />k. The rnnngaga shall have the. right [a inspect thtmortgaged prrntises at any reasonable time. <br />!. To cumpq- wuh the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is nn a leasehold. If this Mongage is on a <br />unit in a ctutdomtnntm ora planned unit developmrnt. Borrnwer shall perfortn'ail of Aorrower's obligations <br />under the dociarauaz or Covenants creating-ar goscrning the catuiominum or planned snit dcveiopment,thc <br />by-laws xtrd regulations of the ccmdaminitun or planned time development, and constituentdocumrnts. <br />2. Default in any. of the carenutts ar +rooditions of this insttument or of the'note or loan agtxment Secured hereby <br />shall terminate the mortgagor's right to possession. use, and enjoymrnt of the property, at the option of fhc <br />mortgagor or assigns (it being agreed that the mortgagor..shal! have.'such rightuntil default), tJponanysuch <br />default, the mortgagee shsU become the owner of all of the rrnts and profits accusing after deCauk as sccutity for <br />the indtbtcdncss secured hereby. with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose of collec+ing such <br />ernes and profits. Thts sttstrumrnt shall operate as an assignment of any rcntaLs on said property to thatexten[. <br />3. !f ttie rnongagor defaults, and fail to snake any payments when due or to conform to and tnmply with any of <br />the conditions or agreemenu contained in this mortgage or the~twttswihich itsecures, thenthe cntiraprrncipal <br /><um and a;-crucd interest shall at onx i.~comc due anal payable, gad: draw pcY eenl (._ %a) interest <br />thttcafter untie paid at the ctrctien of the mortgagee; and this mortgage may ihrrestpon be foreclosed immediately <br />for the whole of the indebtedness hereby sci-ured, including the cost of extending the abstract of title. Pram the <br />date of this mortgage to the ti;rtc of commencing such suit. <br />y. In the event of a forecirasure or default as , rovidcd itttcin, the mortgages shall at:oztce be cnutled'ro the pos- <br />:essian, uu, and enjoyment of tl:e real esta[e aforesaid and to !.he rent, issues, royalties, and profits thereai'; <br />t.v. fra^: e3tc acz~ltng ttf such •=,~t and dur?n~ me pcncicnc}~ of forcclosurenroceedittgsandsuch i*tssessaons. ctc_, <br />shall at c>ru-e be cleiivtred to the mortgagee upon rryues[, upon failure ~u[h delivcsy of sue!! Mt.>,essian may bt <br />enforced Ity rrtori~agce. by anv apprUpria!c legal prcxredin&5, including a reeiver lot the protsertv~. <br />5. 'Fhe ps~xc~is r,t any aEe of crud , rops~r¢v in a2cordanc~c ~~t_h =_hc prcccuing ;ra:^s_¢raph.;*tai! he anp7ird erg! t;, <br />rxa;; ;hs cast; and rxpetrc~`s 2rf sail said. !lie i.,~srA7 ~y the mnr[y,,~~ae C:~r c ~ t~ur~?<* ~ c? pr or , rz -~; <br />;*xaitswe?7set$ sari -xo;i~Yiq. --:.~rsd.-,:. tU p3y ?etc t~rt~r~skuea< seti~a:r+ti ?~etcbpl aazai.4tt ,cYV_ ;,, ~ia~ .6nY:9iL'.p~lita • . <br />cx, :>c~. t_ t s ;xr;irn ,~r ~sv:;a-. l.uasis a[=.itlssl t?ticr-t«. <br />