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_ ~ . ~_._ . <br />82~~~0~~ PViC3R'I`~AGE <br />This mortgage made and entered into this _?5th day of April , <br />19 ~_4_, by and betwern ~~,n t{girders and panty Harriers ~ h;asbard anti wife <br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company <br />(hereinafter referred io as <br />mortgagee), who maintains an oft"tre and place of business at ti~4 west Third street in hand Island, <br />Flall County, Nebraska. <br />~tTVESSETH, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />does hereby mortgage, sdt, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol- <br />lowing described property situated and being in thz County of Hall. <br />Stag of Nebraska. <br />A tract of land descrit~ed as follows: The East 4?8._il. feet oY the West 488,11 feet <br />of the Ncrth 447 feet of Lot 'JneL1I leCa*_ed in Northwest Quarter Northwest quarter <br />;NSI}NN4I of 7-12-:1i Half Caunty. <br />East Half Northwest Quazter Soutrztwest ~jttarter (Et;t7W75W41 1G-11-11, <br />xortheas*_ ~uarr_er SoutYnest Quarter tNr?tSSWSrI 10-11-11, <br />sOUtneast Qva-ter Sorthwest Quart+~s` (SE~S~Tts) 1.0-1=-1=, <br />All hest Of the 6th P.M., Ha21' Cousttx, Nehras}-a, <br />toget}-er with al! the tenements and apputtenances thereto betottging. aII the rents, issues and profits thereof, and ail <br />easemrnts, rights, royattia, mirteral, oil xnd gas rights and'profiss. mater, watez rights, and water stock, and including <br />at! hating, plumbing. refrigeration, lightirtg, cyuipmrn[ aced all fixtures of every description txlonging to the <br />mortgagor now or heraf[er attached thereto or used m conrteeti4n with the premises herein GesCribeil and in addition <br />thereto the following described proper4ies which are and shall he deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and <br />are a portion of the secvnty for ttie indebtedness herein stated. {lf Wont, state "nrntc") <br />To have and to hold the same umo the Mortgagee, as httein provided: <br />The mortgagor is lawfully snzat and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the <br />same is free from all encumbrances except as hereirtabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and <br />defend the title aforesaid thetto and every part thereof againse the claims of afl persons whetriscxver. <br />This instrument is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated ~pri1 2g, taN <br />in the pritt+cipal sum of S. 125,571,~Q _, signed by Shawc Ha~ders_~d L~~:?,1 13arc~s <br />in behalf of Shawn liardera and Nancy F,arders <br />also, as such note or rtotes may from tint to time be modified, renewed or extrnded in writing. <br />In the watt the title to said rat estate 'ts transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any <br />reason or try arty method .whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and <br />fxyabte x: the election of t>x holder hereof. Failure *.a cxrcise this option bei.ause of transfer of title. a~ above crated <br />in one inxtatsce sttaII not constitute a waiver of the tight to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent transfer. <br />}. The trwrtgagor covaunts and agrees u follows; <br />z, To protgptiy ply fhc irrdctxednesc widerxxd by saisi promissory note at the times and ir. the manact <br />therein prxTViQtd_ <br />b. To pay all taxea, atscv~men[s, wattx rates. and other goverrintntal or municipal cF:arses, i.:rs. <,: <br />irnpustt3oses, for whtch;r+tovisien txa~s not been made hcrcinbtiore, and will promptly Gstiver the #7i~rs rc~itn: <br />t`.terrfor to the said mortgrttitt. <br />C. ; o Cali sruh c+ty+tnus~ assd i'e~s a~ rrax t e ;txttrvz~d the rct r7nr~ 3 ~ pia t. ~._~ i xi _, i <br />H~i!t4i~.g the fem. of any artOr7xy~ cmnfxp~ by ,too mari{,~agec fo* r. t ~>i,rc an a. any err 'li t i indebtea4n,: ~•, <br />~SC?P9y ec -~z: Ca. ~r 7. v_tra (trti h.; > ,prc~a~ee'~. .!'C. *r .. P t. *rr, ., _.,in~.. .-~I r ± !i;k~ i, +,, i~t or, ~~.~, U~t„ <br />