<br />82--o~G~~~s3
<br />To Fiwve ANA Tp Hoi.u the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to,
<br />and cncenantx with, the Mortgagee; that the >Mortgagor has good; right to sell and convey said premises;
<br />: that they are free from encumbrance, exeept as herein otherwise recited ;.that the Mortgagor will warrant
<br />and defend the same against the lawfu] claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortigagor hereby relinquishes
<br />all rsghta of homestead, all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of
<br />the Yor~agar in and to the shove-described premises.
<br />PIeUVmtm Ai.~rwYS, sad these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions,
<br />to wit:
<br />Yostp~r asrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from
<br />date at the rate of Fifteen ~rsd t7ne Ha i f -,per cxntum ( 15?< ~) per annum oa the unpaid balance
<br />nntt7 paid. The said pri~pal and interest shall be payable st the office of the Loam Guaranty OtScer,
<br />Vetiersas Adeoiniatrat~a Rraionai C,>~ae, I:ineoin, Nebraska, or st such other place as the holder'of the
<br />note may desi~ate,in writins delivered or [sailed to the Mortgagor„: in monthly installments of
<br />Seven Hundred Eighty [hie F, ~bj1t}tt°-Dollars (=7Si,~t(i ),catnmencingonthe First
<br />day`ad .3u 1}• , 29 ~~, sad continuing on thee:: First
<br />dt~ otT each montJt theeeattsr`un67 said note is folly paid, esoept thit,sf .not sooner paid,: the final pay-
<br />meat.of priaeipai and iatereat shaA:be due sad psyableonthe rirst day of `June ,
<br />?41:2. ;all aoarrdis~ to the"terms of x certain: promissory mts of even date herewith executed. 6y the
<br />said Mort
<br />The Yortsa~or furthes agrees:
<br />1. ilia riU pay .the iwtdebtedness, as herenbefare pravtdcd. Privilege 'ta reserved to prepay at any
<br />[time, without preminni or fee, the entire indebtedness or any partthereaf;nut leas than the rimauntof one
<br />itistailtaeat, or qnp huiadred dollars` ($100.AQ}, whichever i. leas, Prepayment in full shall be credited on
<br />thtt date recpvrd. Pa>'tisi prepayment, other than on an ntaf'ment due, date, nixed not be credited until
<br />the next follorinr installment'dtae date ar thirty days after w~ch prepayment, whichever iseariier.
<br />2. Together with, sad in addition to, the monthly payments of prsrtcipai and interest payable under
<br />the terms of We nott secured hereby, llbttgagor will pay to Norigagee, as trustee {undei the terms of
<br />this vast ss bereiaafter stated) oat the instaifateat doe dau of each month untiF said note is fully paid:
<br />ta) A swat eQwl to thegrottad m-tx,'lf artp, next duct ping the premiums that will next become due
<br />ati~d payable ran.polieies of fist attd other hazard ;nauranre crarors'ng the mbrtgagod property;
<br />plus taxes`and axs~t~nts next due an the mortYaged pruEx!rtg° {all as estatnated by thn Mort-
<br />. stzd o[ wpiich the ltlot~t~yror is natified) 1~ all sums already pair[ therefor divided by
<br />the autnbes of month[ to elapse before one awnth prior w tt,e date when such. ground ['ants,
<br />.premiums, dsxea and assessmenis will bQCOm+~ delinquent, Ruch sums to be held by Mortgage`s
<br />ttt trust to pay said gmand rents, premiums, taxes and special s,syessment.a.
<br />(b} The aaresate of the srrounts.pityable pursuant to suk,prragr~yh fat and those psvalsle on kite
<br />note secured here, shall be paid in a single payment +~ach month, to be applied to the f~.,ltow.
<br />irtg items in the orrddeer stated:
<br />(a) ground rents, taxes, aareasments„ fire and other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />(tt} interest on the note secured hereby; and
<br />4 ut l amortisation of t;'.e princspal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly pavmrnt shall, unless trladw_ good
<br />by the Yart~a:or prior to the Sue date of the twx't such payment, ~anstiWte an event of default
<br />under this snort~aQe_ At Mortgagee's Lion. ~tottgagnr w il3 pay a "late charge.. not exeeed-
<br />inR four per oentum (4°y) of say :nstent'.~'hen paid more than Fifteen { 15) days after the
<br />due date thereof Ua cover the extra expense nvotved in handlir.Q del,nnuent payments, btit such
<br />"hte eha.^ge" shall ant be payable. atkt of the praceetis of ~r~+ sas'~~ made to satis€y':tne naleb?~.,.i_
<br />news secured hereby.: unleaa'such praec~eds are sufficient to discharge the entire indebtedness and ,
<br />ail proper costa sad expenses secured hereby.
<br />3. !f the rota! ut the payments teade by she h(origagar under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding sha11
<br />ezeeed the aurount of paytae+tts acmaiip ;r.ade !n- She ltortgag~~±~ as t*iastee !or ground renis, t;~x<4s and
<br />assexsmes;ts orinsurarce pzeminms, as the case may ae, soch excess stroll be c reditedby the kfocigagee
<br />on suF~egaent payments to be made by the Slorfgagor for saci. it~3,:s or, a' ilort~agef's trpt.nr,, r:;af, ire
<br />refe~aded to 5forf~gor_ tf, havae~:et, stu;ts mcxa:tly p.rymer,ts she:: r~r~t lie sufficient tapay.sucl, itetrh
<br />aa,en tt;e xtarne tchail ~cume doh and x~syab~ie, titer: iTtt ~itiF=zgafiu., .a~, va Y; Yee t:~Y~a~,+.e , ,,,. -tom
<br />rr¢,y smo;mt accessary 2cr ~aic~ trp ttte deficiency 'xithi~ ih4rtp ~ ~dl d;r}< ,fsFr; 4:atten rtr~tt -. fr~;~: ;f„~
<br />Vnr[gt¢gec *tEatiog tflr a?,o~3n± of the. dNiiCr€nrr. a~~hich frotce may ha= grre ~;~~~ ;1 at , ~,,,~~
<br />Mt,rtg~.gOr stall tcou'z~r tcz the ~ortg*~s~?ee, za acsorclagce c~tL"7 ilia l5ra~:.s,r,n tSF. ,e ~~-t. ;+~'-v,
<br />i:rt p.a--ant of rY:c r-ntixe ar,:1e'ake,ln._„ .~ ~r~~eztetl r~eseL•~ [he ~i„ y,n~e_ „ .. u,tr-<~ 5ha:i. _ :i:
<br />ch±3 s;r.~;tna' o? suck ir,_i~ctr:~dncs s¢':,ii ,. .._ .,u: ~a,t .,t ?~P 4t~.z ~3 _, ,~ ;. r t';t .., ruing,
<br />,~~tRr Y2Yr, ~s~r,rasorzs of a: ;usa~ra;,t, ~ , r,,; 7i ~,,,,;- ..~!, .. `-j..~. ,c ', , ~r;~ [s,raes
<br />.. ,._,*. ~s.Fµ.-'~ ~t?le :r. ei lh. 3i;~ . Fei ~.. 7*~t~ 1._ ;..i`~4` .. c; c-, ,. g,: .. ~ s•
<br />