<br />$2,.,_ t1 U ~ ~ s; ~
<br />Section 4 Clutbuildinas Prohibited. Nv out:-
<br />build3n~ or other atl~ached s~ ucrure appurten-ant~toa-
<br />residence may be erected on any of~ thebuile(ing sites hereby
<br />restricted withota t'.1e Cons~r~t in :~rriti~g of~the Committee.
<br />Section 5. Temporary StrLrcture. I3a trailer,
<br />base:nert, tent, haclt, garage, barn ~~r ather' outbL:ldng
<br />sha! 1 at any time iae used far h~:mar: iZabitation, temporarily '
<br />or ~7ermane^tly; nor shall any str~3cture a£ a te:zmporary
<br />Character be used for humanhabizat~an. Provided; however,
<br />nothing contained herein shall restrict Declarant or their
<br />assigns from locating, constructing or `moving a te:noorar•y
<br />real estates and; or canstrucLion office of anu buic3ing sate
<br />4r. the Properies to be used during thee:.period of the
<br />construction and sa3e o£ the Properties. Declarant or ttxeir
<br />assigns rray a1.so erect' and maintain-model homes for sales
<br />purposes and rental. ahd Lease purposes and may operate such
<br />~~fx-ice or oczces t'tiereir: fcir so Tong as they deem necessary
<br />for the purposes of setl_ng, renting or leasing the
<br />Properties.
<br />FiRTTCL£ tFZZ
<br />I S'iSURAP3CE
<br />Section I, ,nsurance. fi'he Rssoci.at ~::~n shall
<br />purchas~Y :assurance an the Csarunon:Area sn sue2-~ a^,rc.~urats ,+_
<br />Lt deErrs rc•.~sonable.
<br />Sec*_,an 2. Asrtiociation a5 Ac7ent, f'he ?ssoc~atian
<br />is hereby i rrevecably appo~.nred ~ulcnt zar eac~tr owner and'
<br />his morr..gayeF-:S ':o ,,d;us•,: z~;: cl~,irr5 ar:sinq ~.u:::cr irSSUrar2ce
<br />p©l zci es purchase d by the nssoci at i orz on t.ha iripreivements
<br />urr the Properr_;e~s and t.*.; erc:cute and deiive•r rrlf,i~es upgn
<br />payment of clairr.s wsthout jo;nder by t:hc: f~'~ner. ,',l;
<br />insurance pror.er~ds steal : k~f• app. led by t.},e Asso~-~at.: un
<br />°oward repairing r.he :yar,aq~., ~~;ifered; pr'uvirieci tr;,1
<br />reeonsCruct~on ,err . e_p,,; r St2.:i z riot. be corripuie;ury a~h.~re t.h~s
<br />darr~ag.~ excc~e;ds_ t,wo~~third l%~3) of rho, value of t},e buildie:rrs
<br />and i:rrprCivements. in ->uc~n .:asp , should ; h_ f)vrner .;, -°lr_c't
<br />not to rebulld, _t.ht: pracr~~-dS. dlar~g with t.'Yr~ insur%~nce
<br />°~ndemr<ity, if ar~y. sha? J. be- credited tr, r^acP1 Owner ir.
<br />accordance witi'i his pro : a?:a sharr_ of the loss u5tained
<br />L'y the damage err casual ty far v:hict: ,_he prc>cc°eds sor;<,l i be
<br />payable, erred said su^rs snnl? be `ors?: appl-ets tc~v:a:d satis-
<br />fa~tion of any recorded : ~rsL nrort:gaga against eact~r LoL,
<br />next ta:vard sat:s2'ac.:ion c,~f jrlri_or recorded 1iFns in order
<br />of their priorrty, next toward *_hc r,usi~ cyf razzing ttre
<br />~mp¢~ave-menu or any renar3ar~ts ?hereo` frotzr Said prer?.,ses
<br />and the filling and leveling o:~ sad Lot,andthe remainder
<br />shall tk:eri be t,a~d to such Omer. Ia case: t-he insurance'
<br />proceeds do not ecZual th~• cast of repairs, the excess cost
<br />shall be considered a ~tsaint¢•nance expense to:hse assessed
<br />and collect.~d by the Assoeiacicn fro;r, the Uwners of the
<br />da;aaged improve:nerits. 7n cases vi over-insurance, any
<br />excess p:~acc-eds of ir;sura:~c<_~ .~reived .,hall be credittd~
<br />r.a the 'rzorkiag Fu;ad for the. i~ssociatiar~a.
<br />Sc:ct.an 3. Additional- Ynsurartce. Bach,L.at Diviner
<br />;nay obta.r, ~sc:ciition~i r;5uranCe aL his expense, for his
<br />c~s.r, b,.,nefi ~.
<br />_~Y
<br />