<br />~)~wc)r,~~>
<br />narwithstandirz~ the fact that the viall so cons~ructed,
<br />thro;~gh error in construct_~~on or settling of tine ;~ra1S, .na~~
<br />not be l~.-~cated precise .y o-, ':he dividing Line bet~reer~~ the
<br />lots. Tc> the extant rot incansisi-.2rLt with the provisions
<br />of this Frticle, thv c~er~eral rules of la.e regarding part}~
<br />~Nalls and :iiabil.ty for property darr.ac}e Sue to nPgliaence
<br />or ;~;illful acts or omisslor,s shsil apply t:her~'~tc.
<br />Section 2. Destructions by E'.re ar ,G~ther ~.ast:al t~v.
<br />if a party ~~rall is destrayed or darraaged by £ire or other
<br />rasual.ty to theextentthe sameis not'co~rered by ir7surance,
<br />any Uw~ner .vho i'1clS used 'he r;all iriay restore it and -;hr_31 i
<br />have and th.are ~i~s hereb}° cr,=atad: an easerzer-t o ,~er -.he
<br />premises of theadjoin~ng landowner r"or he purpose or
<br />construction a£ said wail, and if;any:,other Cu~ner therearter
<br />;Hakes and use a£ the way by coen•nencement of c~;nstruction
<br />on his premises adjosning said ~sa1l, such ather Owner shall.
<br />carrt,rzbute to the cast o£ restoration thereof in the pro-
<br />portion of which the adjoirlina Uwner uses the ~.oa i 1 r~ithot:t
<br />preiudice,however, try therighbof any~,suc'.~ O:aners to call
<br />for a l,,rrer contribution from the others ~andex any rule
<br />of law rey3rding liability for'negliclent or .~ri.Jlfui acts
<br />or amissctns.
<br />Sec. i.on 3. y3eatherproofing, f~]ot.aithstanding
<br />any other prcvzsian of this Article, an t3wner vitro by his
<br />negligent or ;villful act causes the party wall tca be exposed
<br />ro the eLerlents shalt. 'near the whole cyst. o£ '£urr~ishinq
<br />the necessary prai:ecr,;az~ ,against su~:ts r?,emeTZt:s.
<br />J E'CtlOn 4. r'~: ght. ~o GoIltrl bU tlon E3unS `JJ ~... t.h :.Land.
<br />?'he righr_ of any Owner to cr,n~ribut~ian from, ~:ny tether f~w2ier
<br />under this Article shall or. appurtenant. 'o Ltic~ land zing
<br />shall pass to such Owner's ~,uccessor~s in :t.1c,,
<br />Scotian Arb[rznt..on. jn the evr:nt of any
<br />c:sg~ate arrsiny cor;cerr+~ng a party walk., or und~*r tt~~ Fora...
<br />visions of this Artic3~~. ,:ractr party shall c~htivse c>.;~~
<br />arb,trater,and much -~r5itraYOrS sh,-~iir.-hoos~one addi1:iorr,~]
<br />arbitraCor, u~~,dthe :.er~.s~c~:2 shat] ~~• i-,y a majorit,yaf-.x11
<br />the arb:.traY.c~rs>
<br />' x~Ft', . ~. i, t~ V i .
<br />GENERAL. N1:5'iR I t:;'1' I OCAS
<br />S°ct:on Awnir;~~:- ?dc irrr.;:~ti or ,un sr_ Seri:
<br />of any Cy~pe shall be affixed *.o ~;ny b;_:;di.ng or sCructure
<br />within the Properr,xes, •w;r}lout, the syritter, consent ~?f `.he
<br />iammittee.
<br />SecY.ion 2. Livestock and P~iuL+~ry Pr,~~~it,~.-i_Led..
<br />Nr3 animals, Iivnstacic or pouita^y o£ arxy k.rid shall b~
<br />raised or itept on any properry rn-the r"rr~pertze-s, ~•xcAl t
<br />household pets, and the Boa%~ o. i~irectors mdy establr_sn
<br />anc3 revise f*'or:~ ~i!rme to __;r;e ruses ~:.n+~ .~qulat_<ns i.~mil.ina
<br />the Ecind, nutnoer anti ac':iv:*._ies cf such N_; s.
<br />SC1C t_l.Un 1 i~G?` iilti C .1~+ ~./ 'rJ fi'i} -'I_sS tJ r~
<br />cffensi.+e ac ..r~i±y sh~,i oe a -c,a,c~i ~~n-k.ite !-r<~h~i ,.y, r.vr
<br />5i~a11 amp *rash, ashes cir other rc.:use o~ Lf ro~~rri. ~~l.n'ed
<br />_.x~ du:~ped ur:rar, 3riy •~ aec,r,r Le, i ldir}g b .._ r,~r sy~ , i, ar.y r r,: n,a
<br /><,
<br />e-rer be ~aan~~ hilzch ~aay oe ~r bcres~r.r2 rn ,an ~ewyarx_ ~:; >,u' <;anc
<br />_` ;
<br />