<br />-`~-R5 LCH ~ R"C'S ~_s6N ~~'° l } ~+ 4 tl i G3 Huffn•an art-' :elt~nt.WOtf. Walton.: Ne ;846:,
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<br />~ ie-t ;:r>rad ~ Diet ~ R
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<br />view Age.-In>xustri al Corporation, _l ac. ~~,,a;,utDou~ias r. Harrington and
<br />- ~ ~
<br />Jolene
<br />.~,j,+ :-.East Hi~hwaA U 5. b, P.l~ fox 116 Rotr{e 1~- t randrlsar><cl, FiF.b13 Ol
<br />_. - .
<br />4 ~ N>,rton, kansas 6 bs~l
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<br />2?-'1-%31 t,onstrtrction and erection of sin .-- C~Z991 OC ~ ~•
<br />----- -~~_ _~ . -- z ~ ±x'L~ ` horse . <t a-i is-.. and lining---- _~
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<br />-- -'-1'-3Z_-- site a_~_,~aistin~,laarsE horn watt _. _._ -- ---- -'-- .___--
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<br />' "• ?umt~er lattar and'`ma+-erial~
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<br />---- .__ ----------- - - -- -__. _ -__.___ 1 r'T,al.. Dt1E , ~ ~ , 99.7- 00 -j
<br />Stan ot.-Ka:ySAS _
<br />'V o rt o n ~ tt.
<br />...... _-.-- i:orwt~ Lek' :~qe .industrial
<br />' 3~Gmsr`, ~ r_t_helln~ `',ire Pre~sidenT of i:orporation [nc.
<br />__-.z _.. ..... ''errq prst
<br />drlr t~an~, nw iris •wtlt mqt rlwt ti,r ~o*tgtnwp tze~wea:rd xc.~rwt ! xcrrk. bar, sk:! .....-.. ..... ........... .... ~~
<br />water+alr, asd aw0-ot~ttwrwtt u trrt n>.d c~rr[ brat sa+wt rrnr dart one l.~rjnrrNrd and ?unsishrd b~. the urdntigrcd
<br />fo, tlu rad_~ou~las E..13arringtan an.i .,~-,Lune ~:. i3arri_i~tcrn
<br />_ _. __. _._ .._._..-. I
<br />rwdn aR-_aral..._...-_ __-.-._ __. _. rortrult wiLh_ L~AU~1;~S .i, HarrinRton..._. _,_ __.....
<br />~~.rtl<~,.constructiRn_anu' erection ,,;~ six i" x ~0' '.iorse >talls, and
<br />.Lin.i~g..si,:~ ui cxlstin~ bnrsc; ba-rrz w-.it?~~ t' Iui;abcr, lab-or and lnateri~ls
<br />or tte ?nlLrecnwy lpr, {wrfr or farrrl rr( :awd, i~,-.-' ...,...._.._. '.
<br />._....._. - ..._-i.See Exhibit. ":~." ~:hicta.is _:~LLac.tif•.:. ae:eto anti. _ _ _ _..._ '
<br />_..__ . _ try rein-zrR~.e rna,ic a ,parr hr~rraf)
<br />Tkat rst tht ti+re sand ~nr±rar! uet rw.a;'r .nrd i~~~r owd +nsten,:is frrna-r ;rd cnri dcbs~rrtd trta•rexrdrr _....~ ~~~ -
<br />~1111~;.2.5s._E~_~farr.~. Lan. S.elsi ~ 41yn~ F; . 1~d r r. d ~ ~' L OP. we rem rtit ouwrt~of ,aid firrmti,rrr
<br />...and,..L.h;tL. ~tilsglds~.. Ei;i.I.rszyt.vr3.. ~Ijhl'a Eittrrzngton Farms eras
<br />scti.ng• fer the t)r.-n~ers __, .
<br />hat tbt daft ~f tlw lxrtt stew r+wwunrd awl deatwrd crw Uer_ ei~b e r Z 1 ~ 19 ~' 1 and tha
<br />_.
<br />dare o/ thr last urw ryas -.('~,.~? run rti__ ?r.> . ~=r S.~'- _ _
<br />:?Gan! f+rtlttr ttattt 3ltat sad Jahor ~.ts 4e.fo..wed ow, urd +natrrut/s acvrr lnrrtishrd 'or, dc/rvned at, and r1,ted it ,
<br />toed b~rldiny ov prtwisct ~+ swd hetavtw t7rt dolts tpvt+prd.
<br />That uke pntet crtorgrd tltereJor ~r fun awd +easo*ayla, .ina that rhrrr it Hare- dr.~ nn soul cer~~rrt the tuft v; ,
<br />-
<br />~ ~~ i3uS'h~ID tiI ~, i?~?RFb `vhV~'ETY-OlvE' ~hT1 N(0/1tJ(1 f ~ 5 ,99 S . CO i -- - - - --- - - - _J-?ollrrs, lha: .ririo' ,
<br />-.°.----_~; .nc3ustri~31 orpara,ion,
<br />.- _ .. ..,. .:lairru ~ lirr rn line said yremues jet rnt foil ^mostnt aj ,
<br />sa+d aeeexwt• to-asr;Tlss s+uw ~f F_ ~...~~.Z... J~--- _ - _. _ .':,y<tncr s,~th (~sirrrtt :hnror ~xl :he lrgal +rta, I
<br />,,'row tJv_ I ~t~._. day aj_.. E~brUar'/ ,q 8 ` and further o~(juznt says nor-
<br />' _~- l _ _ - ____._ _...
<br />,~
<br />- - ,,
<br />N IIIE ~'- wad it my !"iFSacr .ate rruerr,,Yo ~ejore mr tf u... ~~ rt -
<br />w~~- - - -
<br />`•ee rtrcrsc node far ztutrucaiaas t 'r'otarH~ P~a.~~.
<br />=-i~sij _.... _ _ - _. _ -...... - '^ :.i~.e Fte~rxier ~ ikv :.. t~ti~r_e= c:f nJ t.;.-u;-: .h<-
<br />-. ten:? cacr:cdwl is ii<x,1~. _ rel. e~c s;.~e..
<br />s;.. .. 1.
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