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<br />HilD-5214rt <br />A1a~cfi E467. <br />'Foss<,ly F`NA-2Tg0? <br />82~ t)tJ~l~`-~9 <br />and all bnldia6s and fixtures erected>or to be arected thereon or appnrtsnant <br />f thsreto. <br />?he Local Antharit~ hereby declares and aclmovisd6ea that during the ezisteace <br />oP the trust hereby created, the Govsrn~ent and Ehe ho3dsrs Eros tine to ties of <br />the Bonds,: Bstt~ndias Bonds, or<Peasnsat Yotes issued'or`to be issued pursuant to <br />tLe prariaions of the Aanual Contribntio>3a Contract,: havr boon trantsd and are <br />po~stassd of an iatersat in the shave dsecrbsd Project PraPert7i 'PO 1dIT: <br />?ba right to ragn>;e the Local Authority to grain asised of the title to said <br />property and to retrain i'rose transfarriat, coaraping, assitnina, Zsaaitst, aorttaaint, <br />p}.+dsia8, or at~ez~rise encnsab.rint or pemittin~ or snlYeriat air transfer, convi~ance, <br />assi~sat, ieasnt, aortas, Fledte ar other ancvabraace of said propertT or ati <br />part t}:areaf, aPP~rtenances tt~reta, ar a~ rest, rsnanes, incoas or rec£pts <br />tYei+straa or is ca~nnsction tharsrith, or any of the bsasfits`or contribatioas ;ranted <br />to it by or pnrsuaat to thr Aannal Contr3hnti6as Contract, ar aqy-iaterest''in aay of <br />the ease ezcspt that the Local Authority a~ay fly, to the extent sad in the aanasr <br />prnrlded is the dual Coatribatiana Cottract, {a) lease drellints,snd other spaces <br />sad facilities in and fr©3ect, flr (b) c~vey or otberrise dfspose of aqT real or <br />parsoaal property rhich iz dstaradaed to be eYCSSS to the needs of aqT Pro3sct, or <br />(a) coavey or dsdicats land tar use as atreeLs, alleys, or otMr pnhllc rishta-of-wTa <br />and pact eassitsats for Lhs estahlishrnt, operation, and aafntsaaaes of pnb2lc <br />utilities, ar (d)-eater into sad psrfani contracts for tbs s:le of deellin~ Waits to <br />sritbers of ttla~it faailiea, as authorised b7 tbs Uaitsd States Houaint 1act.of 1937, <br />lit U.S_C. ILpl, sit or {z), rlth the approval of the i}ove~snt, release say Project <br />ahich 3u'not they financed by an issue ar laanea aS Boatla ire. the trust horeY~ <br />craatdc Pro*1t1ed, 'LLaL nothiu~ hs:+sia oontained aha11 ba constivad as prohiblti~ <br />tbs ccarelsn~title to ar tbs deliT~ of possession of any Project to t}r~ <br />fiaverr~sat pursnaat to thellt~iai Contributions Contract. <br />?he endaraaa~nt br a duly authos°iaed officer of the {1o~rernaent (i) upon any fioa- <br />vayanq ar transfer aade bt t!r Local 1.uLhority of anq real or peraooal propertT ' <br />which'ia d~terrRined to be sxtasss to the needs of any Project, or (2) upon say <br />iast~aeat of etas»gance cr dadi.cation of propertT, +ar anq interest"chagrin, for use <br />:a streets, ai2gs, or ether pnblie rfghis-of-way, ar far the eatab2lah*sat, operatiaa <br />sad aaintenaap of pablic utlLtsa, or {3) upon anf laatrtinetxt or <br />coa'rsTiat a dwli.itu wait, or an interest tbarela, .:o a slabber of a Leaant`fasail~, <br />ar (h) tips any iaatrmesot of release Wade bT the Laval ~iutbority of and Pxo'set <br />rhicb ices ant Lhen bees f4nant»d by bus iaaw or iaeues of Banda shall be effective <br />to release snci- p>tuperty Eras the Lr+sat hereby. created, <br />Hbsn all indebtedaesa of Lt>y Local Authority to the tNnrnasnt ariaiskg under.. <br />tAe ArnuA3: Coatributituss Contract bas barn fhily paid sad :eben all the Ronda, fie- <br />tuadiat Ronda, aAd Peraaneot liotee, totetber with interest -thereon, have been Yhlly <br />pa1d, or aoaS.ea safticisat for the pays~iit thereof bars been deposited in trust tar <br />such payraeat,lA accardaRCe Frith the respectS+~s reaalaL:ons at tLs Local Authority <br />autborixias the isauance,af su~3- Bonds, Refundint Bonds, and Pen~rnsnt Notes, the <br />trnst.her+eby created shall terainate sad shall na longer be effective. <br />~iathita~ herein caataiasd aha-ll be caaatrned to heater upon Lhe balder or holders <br />of stye of the Banda or.fieftu:ding Bonds,::ar et the coupana appertainiagthereto, yr <br />acrlr holder of the Psrwanent liotsa (ether-thee the G~sveazs~exst) anT right-ar right of <br />aetian or pr;pcesaing by trtsich the Local dnthority aieht be'deprived of title to or <br />pcseeaaion of any Project. <br />2f>t iiE?1(855 F,..the ICt:ai Authority hp its officersthereuato duly-authorized <br />has caused these prsaeats to be signed is ita::saa~e seed its corporate :seal to be <br />bersuctta, aSf'aosti and aLLested this day ai '_~f~ , 1 4 <br />}tALi. ~43liY liC3l;Si:3C; ~ti"l'f~iC)f2I"f'Y, alsca <br />known. as HdG~51Tv~ AL7'PfiC3RI2"Y OF <br />f.~ilL~, rise <br />~~~r,=: <br />~~~~ <br /> <br />_~_ <br />