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HU C~-52193- <br />~.a._n l95'. <br />fE'~•m~.i:. PHA-22S6p <br />AECLARATtoN OF TRUST <br />~~~ Housing Authority of Halt County, Nebraska <br />(herein callei ca u , a e ,^,orporate an po t c, <br />created aad of^~saissd parsuaat to and in accordance ulth the prav3sions of the <br />larw at the .State` at Nebraska , aad the anited Statep of <br />~1~aritea { Terrnsemt" parsosn o sited States lionain~ Aot of <br />2937 (b2 iT.S.C. LaU2, at ~.j and the Dep~rtaeat of Housing and Urban Deselopssat Act <br />{~ U.S.C. b?L) entered~nto a certain contract dated as of Auaust'12 , 19 31 <br />{herein calldd the 'AnAUaI Coatribatioas Contrant~j' proTi.din; for a loss sad for aannal <br />eabtributia~s to be std b7 the tioneiasdnL to aaxlat tb~ Local lutharity in tinancina <br />ja~7 for-rem honai~ project J~9 and <br />i~3, ar at tlte'data at the ezeaitio~a of Lhia Declaration of ?rust the Annna3 <br />CentriLations Cmtt+at aoryrs cer+Ls3n lov-rest ttanaixya in Lhe City of brand <br />!stand , Caant' of H$t3 ~ State of Nebraska <br />e~iei~ will prar3de appioziaatt:>J "7~6 dwel2inaa; sad which for-rent <br />~~+[ +~ he lmoim as /gro~eet llo. NESS-at?f?3-DCt5 7 /fYxtxlt~atxxXXXXxXXXXx <br />~' =PP Le7,r d zas, Probe Na. <br />+PP Lell- dw sa,' +-nd Pray t lio. <br />eith DIY dnsll ~; aed <br />~S, tir, Local Authority ilk propors to fssue and deli~+sr its Ponds sad <br />1'ea~seroL fetes to aid is financial the Pro~ecta froe t:sje to tiad:provided for <br />ender eir terar of tla 4raa1 Coatr~.batioas'C~wstreet to ritich Contact refarrace is <br />~ eiad~e foe dafinitioos of the 9aode, Votes, and Pro,~scte, ' and (2) say <br />flow t#.ea to tir isene sad da3l~ar ite ob3:isatlonat {herein called "Reibadiaa Hoods^) <br />to retlud wid Bands eskl Pe:iaoest llogeY and <br />1iiL.i, Mc!- Project ial aogai.sltioa of the site or sites thereof will Laars <br />4e.. tlaanoed tti.Lb tye o1 tba Hands andjor sdtsa!ras b!' tba Qov.asaera~t on <br />aaea~t of tha lean p~^ovidad for in 'the +~nal Contribatiana Cantraet, a~ the' Ponds <br />aide: P'et+saoent Botes rill be seesred {l) ~nrally, art pled~ea at specific-amounts of <br />k tllh assns! eo~tribetiaeur payebL to the Lacs1 Authority b~ the Corerixwnt parauaat to . <br />laid Caotract; and {2) b7 a pl~e of'witai.n' re~eows of the Projects financed by <br />an, ieeeM or le~uM at Hotels to: the extent and'. in tbs. aarmsr dsacr#bed in-the Annstal <br />CoakrfLntiae~s Ccsntract noel thn resolutane of tbe,Lacal Authority authoritir~ amch <br />rf.aas- noel le~aneet lfotee: <br />BOIi,>?HHl~Bi, to'assriiwr:tea tFvtiti~ent and the balder ar holders of the Hands, <br />irttadi~:lends, or Per~roewt Rotes, and eseh of tbae, of the pertoreance :the <br />11aa3 authority of tba eew~snte rxeitained-Isx the Amasl Ccmtributioaa Contract sad <br />the resalstiona of the:.Iaeel Authority suthoritiag the iaanaaee of tlfe Ffaads, <br />Relbtidia~ Hnsds, ar Pe~oent Motes, the Laca2 Aatltiority does hereby c-cimoriax3ge and <br />Aaolare Chas it i• p~osNSSed at sad holds is feast for tYs beautit of the 3ovsrneuant <br />and said boldtrs of the Bonds, Rwtnadi~ Honda, or P'ennnent iFotea, Saz• the purposes <br />hereia~,!'~er stated, tles fol.lovn; rssaribed real property situated is thee. <br />City of Grandeistand ~, County <br />at Ha:ii ~ State. og Nebraska. <br />?4 ' <br />T`he property seC forth on' l::xhibit ~ at:Cach~~ hereto axad made a part ~f. <br />this t3eclarattQn o€ 1` <br />Projectlfo. !~C~6_3-G(~5 <br />;- I .. <br />