<br />_ tfsc suttts ~c~eureai ft}' this Deest of Trust shall cantinur unimpaired. Upan such paymetu and cure by Borrower. this Decd of
<br />Trust and the obhga[eorts secured hereby sfialf rcma+n in full fork and elTect as cf nn acceleraoc~n had arcu teed.
<br />2®. Aaignmrwt of Eteins;~ippointmeerof Reeeiset; Lender in Possession. As addhmnul sccttrity hcrcnrdcr. Bbrmwrr
<br />-lnaeby assignsta isnder the rentsofthrPraperty; prov.idedthst Borrowershail. prior toaccrlrrution-under paragraph f
<br />hereofor. abandonment of [he:'Property,have-the rsght: to collect-and retain+uch rents ac they became durand payable:
<br />Upon acccieration under paragraQp iR hereof cir abandonment at the Pn~ptrty, lender, in persona by agrnr cir by-
<br />judu;raily appamccd receiver. shah be entitled fr.cntcr upan. take possession of vnd manage the Property anJ to caticct the
<br />rents of the Pmprr[ymeh+dtngthase peat dt+c, Ali rents colicctrd by i::cnder or the mcciver shall ix; upltlied first to pa} ntent
<br />of the cash of management of the Pra~ny and collection of rents, including, but nM lirnired tn, receiver's fees, prcmiirms
<br />On rcrsnct's bands and reasonable attorney's fees, and ihtn [o the sums secured by this Decd of Trust. [.ondir and the
<br />receever shatthc liable tci arcountoniy for thcise mms ac~i[aliyreccived.
<br />21. Fufurc Advances. Upon request gEHarri7wer, t ender at l.cnder's aptian. prior to toil rcconvcyuncc of the .Property
<br />byTntctec'taBorrow~cr, may make Finure~~dvaiices ro Batrciwu. Such Fu?ore Advances.. with interest ihereun.shafl hr
<br />cecurct] by this Decd of "LrusE when evidenced by promissory notes atating [hat said notes are secured hcretty::\t nn time sh:[It
<br />theprinctpai5tnuuntafthc indebtcdncss:secumd bythisDccdof Tnnt, not includingsumsadvan.:edinarord:tncc ficttwith
<br />to prated the: ucuri[y of this Decd of Trust, esceed'thc nnginat amatmt of .the Note plies US S 27 , 268 49
<br />22. Reconre_y9nct. Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Deed of Trusr. Lender shall request Trastre to rcamucy
<br />the Properly and shattsurrender this Deed of 'Trust artd alk na[es evidencing rndeb[cdncss sccurtd by thi Decd of l'rust
<br />to Trustee 7ctntee shall reconvey the Property u'ithnut warranty and without charge to the person of prrs~,ns legail~
<br />cnriticdthercto. Suchperson orpcrsons shall. pay akhcostsof r rordation: if any_
<br />Y1; Sabstitatt Trustee. 1_ender, at i.endci~ option may from time m time remove Trt:sire and appoint a xirresor
<br />qu.,lee toisnv'rniuecappain~d'hereonderby an instnament rrcarc}rd in [hecountp in ~"hich this Deed iii. Trost is reaxdr[i.
<br />Without cr.oveyan4r of the Property, the tiuccessor trustee shall succeed to atF 3hc title; power and dutira anferred. [ipivr
<br />thc'Tntstec he:ernand'hy applicabre law:
<br />2a. Regtti!si for:Votices..' Borrawer requests?hat copies of the notice of dciauft and naucc i~f sale be srni. to Barre=wer's
<br />addresswhichis tkre Prapeny Address.
<br />iir Wfsvtss lYt~ttRFaF',Borrtnver has cxecyt@d ilia Deecl~ 'Trust. ~., ,-~~ 1
<br />j ~~ ~2. 2`fieasme ~r, t,ois A.,,-!Borrow
<br />G'O 5. Gar' :. ) Voecks, Judz A. -aarrnwe.
<br />ubert, ~i hate2 ! iveubezt, Brea J. .aortu++e.
<br />$fiFTEOE ;~iE BRnSXw, ... ~a~,.~ . .L.~ounit' ti5:
<br />fJtt titu T7:1wiT da} of May . ic) 82" , before tnc, the ugdrrs~pnt:d. a ?tiotary Pubbrc
<br />dui3t +urmmrsarartcd and qualified far aaid c«unty. pcruartatly <amc '+"•~~smeY~F.,. Lrel3~ezt D : s ; ~}Tea;~tney r, '
<br />t~~.5_A.and '~'oecks, t',a;rY:F & voeexs,..~tuii A.ar+d. taeubezt.+ Mf,G?~ael..rl,~tc,Nt~s~~:rt~wfi ~c~~s~'~~c~
<br />idrnU+Caf f?cl^srrnks f whcxr etamr4xi arc suburibed tti [itc f`rircgatng instrument. and 'acknowlcdt;cd the xcaktiun
<br />thcrwf to be . the x tnluntary act ,[nd deed.
<br />Vrs[ness my hand and notarial Brat ai urand .Island : _ in sai~f count}. th,
<br />date aforesaul,
<br />~._~~ c~
<br />tNp Ct>mmtssian exp[rea~ ~,/
<br />O~C P'~ZCY . .. .
<br />Sarzy L. 8 rt« uoi~c
<br />REQUES'i" f`f:}It R~CYr~t Ek`A~f'E ~ ~~
<br />Ter TwtsrEa~~
<br />_.. ~..
<br />7"hc untiersrgncd rs the hvfder csf the na7ty or n<xes secuted b}' ttr[s Ucs-d srf "f ruhi .Said nertc or notes, tr,grther
<br />with aflcrthier truiekstc~dnrsf cured by thinT3ee<f rs# Trutit, liav~ hcrzi pasd in Yult. ' Yau ;[re hrreby`dirorted ti+canrel
<br />said. name errttotes an~thrs DceK# of "Cta+i. wh;efi arz c3eitv2s~ h+•reh},an[t icy xe~anvey. without wnrr.rnty.:,li the
<br />estate now held by yiau urtdee tht3 [~W ul-Trcre< 1+> the pers<trrcr persons lcgrily cnutieri thr:reto.
<br />Date: ... , . , .
<br />"1
<br />IRS <'~ !.w^~ ^rT1
<br />N ,^,y d ~
<br />.SialcC aicaw fns ;.,fix at5s,vsli Fae uraers~~y ae„o'i+yry',"Z~- ~~_s ~ ~~y
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