<br />
<br />4. Cattdeeattstioo, The pnn:eeds of ary award or claim far damages, direct or consequential, in connexion with any
<br />condemnation or athtrtakingof 2hr.Pmperty, oe part thereof, ar for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt !x paid to l.cndcr.
<br />In [he eventof a total:taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums steured by this. Deed of Trust.
<br />vials the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking of zhe Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />odaerwise agree in writing, there shat! be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is squat to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trost immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking tacars to [he. fait market valueof the Propern• immediately ptiar to the date of taking, wish the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to f3at'2'ower.
<br />If the-Property is abandared by Borrower, or if; after notice by i,ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to snake
<br />an award or stttte a claim for damages, Bonnwtr faits to rtspand to Lender within 3Q days afar the date such notice is
<br />mailed. I.tnder is authorized. to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's optioa, either to restoration or repair. of the
<br />Properzy or to the sums steured by this Dted of 3ntst.
<br />Unitas Lender and. Borrower otherw•ist agttx =n wiring, any such appticafion of proceeds to principal shalt not extend
<br />or postpanetfie due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I. and ^< hereof or change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />Ifl. Harrower?~ot Rtieastd. Extension n£ ific :ime for payment er modification of amortiTatien aF the sums secured
<br />say this Decd of Trust granted by !.ender to any successor in interest c f Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability. of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commend
<br />proce~ings against such successor w?r :(fuse eta extend time far payment nr cttteru•isc modify amortszation of the sums
<br />secured by this Dttd of Trust L+y reason o€ any demand made by the original Barrawer and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />! T, Forlrcarance try Lerrder ;Vol a 'W'aiver. Any S;trbearance by fender in exercising any right or remedy'hemunder, or
<br />t>therwiu afftarded by appiicahle taw, shztl no: he a waiver cf er preclude the axercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The proxzremrntaf insurance or the payment of taxes a: c+thcr liens cr charges b}. Lender shalt net be a waiver of Lenders
<br />sigh! tit atceieratt the: maturity of the atufebttdness secured 6y this t3ttd of Trust.
<br />i2. Remedies t:aarnlat3rr- Ait remedus prcvaed in this f~tt;i of Trust art distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remci€r• underthssf3eed of TrztsS ar attarded by taw or equity, anti may be exercised cgncurrentiy, independtrtty or
<br />sttcctssia`e1y,
<br />iJ. Sucecsetex atfd liasiRss Eoandt Ptaiwt sad !itverai T.iabilHy, C:aptioees: The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained sieatt bind; and she rights htrcundcr shaSS inure tx+. the respective successors and assigns of (.ender andBorrower;
<br />subpect"to theprtrsisiotts of parag£aph .", ht•eaf Atl covenants and atrrctments of Borrawtr shalt be joint and stverah
<br />The captions amdfieadings of the Paragraphs a€ =.nss eked of Trust art for ccns'tnitnce «niy andare rnt to Lt used fo
<br />inttrprct ar dtfiett the provisions hereof.
<br />TI. '•KtH4re. Except for .Any natscc rtgmred unzSer applicable .atu zo ht nytwtn in another manntr, zal any notice to
<br />Borrower pmvidcd for in this Deed of Trust shall!?egsv-en hro maiiingsuch notitthy ccrtifitdmail.;.ddressedmBorrowerat.
<br />the Property Address or at such other adetatsa as Bnrmwtr may designate by notice tea Leftder as provided herein, and
<br />b? any mice to i.„miler shalt he given by certified mail; return rtxeiPt requested, to Lender's addr=sa stated herein or to
<br />stxh other addreas as Lender may deatte Ay notice to Borreswcr as provided herein Any nouce provided felt in this
<br />C')eed of'Tntat shah be dccmeti to"have betty given tct Borrower c)r !,ender when glean ~:r the msnner designated .herein:
<br />l3. Tinitorm teed of Trtfak CGartrniegt t.aw, Sevtfabt7ity. this ftsrm of ctrtd of tr,:,t :o3ahiGes uOtlOrwOavmtll _a{p
<br />national use aetd non-umtarm covenants rvmh limaftd vatiatiaats by unsdlctian eanstitute f~f>ylllitK
<br />covcrang real prttpcrtp, 'Tilts Dc+td of Tnnt shall ^c g:•~crned t+r the law ,•i the u•,~d,: lean n c the >~~i"`t'irM~ted. s
<br />In the event chat arty prmtswnor ctatse of this iked Fa Tru,r or tlac':tintc x, r:c~s wash apps` i
<br />nu atTtce other ~~++rtwisioro of this Dtxd of Trost nr (tat. "-ntr which can set ~ .en ezlect Wtillti t.~~^prtfriatdn."'
<br />amd 1u shistnd the provtstttm of the Deed of Trwt dnd tnr 'xc)te are tiecfarcd ~: isc frvera6ie.
<br />tti. Ratrewer's Copy: 8=trrowtr shall be turtirx"etd a c;.ni,~rrtvtrl copy ta[ isle Note and ofthia Deed of Trust. at thttime
<br />nt ax~ttzaoe..nr after rccntdation ftefeof.
<br />IT. Ttaawler of flu Tro~erty, eittaww~fMa. tf alt <,. an) ;cart of the ProPtrty or an inttrat therein is sold or transitrrc6
<br />by Borrowwer withtwt 1.endtrs prtoz wr~ttrn , ,°asnt, exc+ixi,nK .. ~hc crcx:,.,:t of a lien or encumbrantc subordinate to
<br />this C)oad of 'T`ract, t hi .the cttation rte a. z»xrch:eve ?r+~ncY <- ,r„} ~r~icrrsi f:~f h~w~chaid a}rptsnnces, i c l a transfer by dtvist.
<br />~dercem or by nppraUOp aCl9tvaupon;he death at a ac}.n[ unar,; ,,r : ! : ttw grant of ~Ry ieaxhalii intcrtat of thrtcyears or less
<br />not tantJrrv,rta an npttnrz ter purchase, tender may. at t t?niict i : Ps,,,r,, dc~lare .,';s ~!it sums vtcured b#' this [lead of Trttat to be
<br />ammed,arely diet And paraipie: t.tttdcr.-shxtF.tase waivcdst~l+ ., pt„~n to accrirratc il, pnor lei the s:tit or transfer, i.,tndtr
<br />amt ttw pcrwn ,,, whtnar she Ptoputy 1v ra be waW or iraasttrlF~z :cash agretmtnt in writingg. that the credit of such persoia
<br />rx aatnfactor) t~ t ender ettd that the eottreat payatrit trit the s,,ms ta:s:uatd by this Deed nt `Tfttst shall bt at skich cafe as
<br />L,eitdsr fitail rcstucs: I! r trader tiff waived the optaan to acceftsatc provsdtd in shit Paragraph ) 7; and if' Bormwer's successor
<br />an iaMtru has exnueed a isr;iteri i,sum}~ion atiteemmrxccePtcd in writingbyIxndet,. Lender shall release Borrrnrcr from
<br />alt bhL4atecsns undo a» [aced ,,t Trestared the t~:ott-
<br />i; l..r~tderrvercises such .•pi„rn '., scx..eteratt. i_ttxicr •~is:a4i mail Rarmvvernnticc afacceltratian in accordancewith
<br />Patzrgrsph f~ htreot tiuch aot,ce ahaii lrrtDVidt a~xrnxi n! n)7t+e>"v than It}fiays fromtheda:te the nr?tict isrnaikd-within
<br />which Borrower may pay the surrtsdectartv'- due f flotrowufaits tapay suchsumsprior to thetxpirxtiortofsuch:period.
<br />Lender may, ivtthcgrt fefrther etnt,ct or demand nn Nrrrtowtr, invztiie any rcnux4ics ptrmittcd by parygraph tg hencof.
<br />?view•l'nirrattsi ("'nvt~vr.wra Barrtswer anal i.ttewkr further rxtvanant avid egret as ftitiotrs:
<br />111. llet°cletalfs~ lleete~ie,c. ~:acayt ~ fros#ierl h ~araRraPk 17 ballot. o~ borrower's brnci ai (tiny cnvtfuW ar
<br />ot: ttleerrsrwtr m fgii C)aed of Tetrff, ittcirfirtR the tortasw4 to pay, wPtes decwoy stores stcersd by fhb Dttd
<br />.f Tratl. [.eaattr'e#sr-tn atr7derafisri shall trail evict io Eareawa;as ~esr.idt~ in pt~aRra~i 14 hetaof sprtHyiutti 41j the
<br />brerelit t2l rle actiaai ra~riset fo crate star! lireaclr„ t3) a date, sal ks lhsw 3p days stoat the dolt Ylre nMite It mailed to
<br />iaefewer by wlit,i satii breaa•M -wtesr br tiered; sad. (t) tlur faiilare to rest aiteh brdtelt on. m..beFore the dafe aperciRed
<br />.iwt#e:aaitice snesy..resnk iw~ of the sews aecevdby ttsi: Uetd otTrtwst asd salt.. of. the P'r'operty- The feotke :
<br />sliieaY turtlfer bderef iwriower of ttsc,riRltt to rcietRatt ostler acteltraioe acid the ~ to briffR s count actbn to assert
<br />flee :aoanexlsleatt of s detarsk ar: awy..oltatr +aetewse of ltiorrawer to:aeteltratiss artd plc. it tlue breath.. is aol curd
<br />as. ~ttdarie thtdsttsTtteiified ta.[6t eo8ct, t.ewder atT:,tadtrs optiin nny. deriareall:~ ihe'aterm xeured 6y..t66t LNeed
<br />of Tfsst 4 -r i+rneiLMe1y der iW. ~yyaide wklteW terti,er demand awl way tarake the. paver of sak swd.ey outer remedUss
<br />pawewftN of utppticaMitt her, tesdcr sitalC be tfsitleA to ealietit all reasonable caab and cuptsats lncarted is paraettng (tit
<br />ransediarpeoridad bf thlti paftf~rapb 3i, hfdsiietR, bM wN lieNed ta. rerowiMt aifeirocy's lets.
<br />if Mir power eel sale b luvaltd. TfliAlt tahsY record a wallet Ot delatdt hr tack eattnfy in which t}to PrstperYy or same
<br />part therreat k located fed sltaN sash tapirs of rich natitt iw the manner pftescribtd by appticabie,iarr to $ItfMwK sad to the
<br />+~~ t.1~`r+'ied ley appiieaiYie law_ rlltu: Iht lapse rte. such fiiac as away berx'aired byappfirablt Liw, Tritslee shdb
<br />ghee priia',aot3tt of ~ to tt.e ~etxa^s. lard: is the mawwtr prtscrlbed by appficabk. taw. Trwleq withast demand an
<br />lwreowter, sYalisell Nft ~°wPNh' ill ptsblfe. ovation to the fiiRhaafbidder ar-flit time awd plats sad nwder Iht ttrroa. dtesiKnattd.
<br />kr the fsalleeel ark bet tsne ar soar ptcels asA M stfch alder as Tresttt may dettrmlwe. Ttvaper rsay paslposc ask of aiJ
<br />m'aafy pact! d the Prsperty by psbllc swno~etentesf at the liaise lord phict of fmy Qs¢riowdy RrhedtAtd:stek. l.,ea~~r
<br />Lcstdet's irsignct say prmeltme ~ Property at arty sate.
<br />('pow rttripf wt paytttrrn4 ail for print: bld. Trasleeshall: ddirer to :the pnrclearer 'l'rmatee's detd roareyiwX the. Piptrty
<br />saMi- Tit recirab iw the T£eMee"s deed siai0 ht -r'~ ftwric cvNFeete of t!x troth ol.tbt sfattmcwb -made. thcrtia, T'rirNte
<br />tlulE.t~fy the proerrdi at tht sate in file IoNowieeR order ta!~to fdl rrnaeor.We coos and txptsses al tht tt.dt, iatluding, hot.
<br />uni Rwwed to, "I rwee'a feta crt wmlatvrr flsri.~~, Qf i T rr€ the Rrossswle Pr€cr. reiwtuittt atfarnry's ltcs sad casts a#
<br />title evi!Atw[e; t61 !n aY votes xtCNfrd by thin i?ewl of 7`tttat; aed te) the txress, if snk, to Iht t+trsrin ar prrsarut Ecytaiiy tntN6td
<br />tbsesaw.
<br />lil. tlMrnwtra Rghf cs Rtieeitate. Ntitvnihsfandirtg I,eritSer's acteltrazinn of the stu^x °.rxc,rrxi f)y this Deed of Trost.
<br />~rra*«tr sh~aii haw_• t?x right tc, hnrr a,ny prrR-ceclin¢. bc~;titn try €,tnder to anfortt al i ._~c±1 ,y# "1 ftaa_3 c9ivcontiaoted at
<br />enq hrrat pnor ~ , ts),- car;ter fc« uc::,,r cf !,! t!tc tiirb dapt?eftxr, the sate of iiu:Prt>gtt:~rty PuxSUa„r r.c cite ±zowtr of sak cnntatrtcd
<br />,,, tPo 6Y.eti ~a Trt,~a or a ~:) cntrq e4 a ~r;gmra; eat<,ri;in~ thew L?ccd of Tryst if: 1.,~ Bosrt~~r r rvv, Lento ail duma wi4isfi wt~ti!td
<br />t`C. rtMn ~.t-C •.it>dCr 'h,~ : )F' ! .`! r r.~3 .!',+. \niC ..nzt nQF.ta sCCil£: net t ~'°:«re: Adlanctc. ii ;,'tt. t.ad na 3£CCtie ratfti: (?I:rVrftd:
<br />, ,
<br />,
<br />ltil!f;`fw{' ~.' 1`^; •. ~~) Fr'T.ll'iT[':4 „( .:;.y iFlnar :7"CnufltA S#F dRi~.ttmt:3ti5 c*f Bi75"rr~'+^l ... ~!ned R'*! *.lri5 fRttci ~ t l rS'<':
<br />~i .o,ar. E~ ~tahcr cixrr~sct ~, c, r~rct'# tr)+ l.ccxott at€d 't ~. ~stt.•~ es± r_nt.~rcin_ ~-r covenams atlas aarrtmen~•. err
<br />-c a ,.
<br />p»r... wYr . .. €irri`, .mot an 1 ~r tnfcnrmg Ixrrter s try Tm~at'£•, , -_ ~.-. ., yr: vrdc°zi it ;, arae'tP~ ' R
<br />3
<br />:v-r,-s,t _ _.. ,.v m...•-,5 r. rr a>u~af~ atvcrr-rte x fc~±'st asxa3 t3; , . ~ _.., ,.,
<br />Y ttra£rm+.cr ,tnF~es . ~ ~r d_ens9rr may
<br />-«et.,, ,~--., .~t s r. , rrt _< d",~r~, e# of 2"runz. t. eaas4tr: ,rxterr. at ,,, et+r t": +~:,a^.n'~ ..err ..rr'x ,~ ".•a ~ "..
<br />