<br />X61 To uae the loan tridencad. by eke note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />?) To pay when due all eases; liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessmenxs lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />againscthe property, including all ckarges and assessments in cannrcrion. with water, water zighca, andwater: stork. pertainiirg
<br />to ar reaxaaa6ly necessary to the use p£ zhe real prapetty dexribed a'oove, and all ta_xts and assessments levied uvon chin
<br />mortgage yr the Harr or env indebcedttess ltcrehy secured ur againu any legal holder hereof or of she note or of said in-
<br />delxtedness under the laws. of bTebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand reteipts. evidencing such.
<br />paymeaes:
<br />~$? To keep the mperty inwred as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and; at
<br />its request, to dtli.er stack policira cache Government.
<br />9) Tn maintain int~rorements in good" repay arrd make repairs xrgtlircd by the Gdvrrttment; operate the pmperty
<br />in a goad and hstslandmanlue manner; camoly with such farm tonsemtion practices and. farm and ltome management plans
<br />ax tke Government imm tune to zime may- prcacribr, and not. to abandon xhe proprsry, or cause or permit waste; lesvening or
<br />impairment of the security revered herr'py, ar, wiskauz the. wrtxen consent of the Government., cut, reirove., or !ease any
<br />timber, gavel, oi[, gas.. coal, or other minenls except as mar be necessary for nxdutary domestic purposes
<br />;Ill? To tompfy with adl laws, ardinaates. and regulations affecting the property,
<br />(11) Ta pay ar reitnbrsrse the Gnvcnment for expenses rcasanab}g• ncccsaary ar incidental to the protection ofshe lien:
<br />and.. priority hereof aad io the en£nrccment a£ err tkr caropliancc wide the provviolss hereof and tsf the Hatt sod any supple-
<br />mrntarY :egrce ?w•h ~x~;~cc :i .Fault?, including box not limited to costs a£ evidence n£ titleta and surveyof
<br />tlse ptopertg, tfi.a and ,•t:.r.•i,:struments. a['.ornrx•s fees, trusxres' [ees tours rases, and expenses of adver-
<br />rising, sellutg yd CLI+~c •re~tFie ptripezrv
<br />ill .'Je'Miter tb.r :.rooerrp »*sr am purxiar. thrrea£ ar itstrrrst therein shall be leased, assigned., said, trana£errttl; ar
<br />enrumxrcd ~rlu,-:aari =•s ,thsrvvix, '.rathout tttr wr+.xrn tansr.nt of the {;overnment. Tltr C',r~vrrnmrnt sltall 6avr the sole
<br />anti excluszve zi~hxs as r*, r : ,zee hctrundtr xa,;ludine, i+ut not iunted to the pawn to ,grant ronsrnts; partial releasts, suh-
<br /><xdinatxins, anc satistatitxtn. an.i nrr insurratra<>ldcr shah Dave eta}' rights, title o: interest in yr tv the lira. orany bcaetits
<br />heriaC
<br />1,3'' ?ct ail-teasonsiair csssxs rrtc 1:~.,vtramrnxand izs al;cats may inspect the prol;crty to ascertain whcthex the cnv-
<br />enan: s anu a!geemcnra caattaiscd ?cetera rr rn env stapplensrntary agreement are lxittg ptz!armed.
<br />l4r TF r c.,,.-rrntrunt rnat i:rncs s,r deter .he matt.rtty xsE. and rcnr~v and rt~hedule the payments on, the de 6i
<br />rvr r ~ '.hr rc .s.,' rc anr° c.rn s ~ <ss .r> zhe t rvernnrtnt scc;lred x1s ;h.is nstrumrat, 'b} release any~arty wkais
<br />liat,Se rr ~,z< •< 1 :r ,..: z2tta ta, he i:>ovrxmnr:tat. ,..ekasr partians ai rite pmpertyan whortiittate
<br />its tic . ,n,. ..,i,-r r.. ,. ~. r. w:' .s ender tau :nstrurnezi.. A,~x sod zll thts :ui anel wiSl be done wixhvux a£fectutp
<br />>
<br />tkt 3sem .,a u~rr, , ~ s r,rrmrr's ,,:.nti - .. , ~rt~,`::iability to xhe iovernment for garment of zhe
<br />ntrtxd: ,ir~t , -.i •r.:n ~nstrum . :~leca tfcc t >vrrnanr;tt sa •x, rrwtvt in writing; 'rii.rwFVEiY.'; any{orl>Karancckay.
<br />the C:o.erat~< .t ~ !xc .a :xauc v x>t.rn-rr. ,-,,-r.ztin4 any ., -cna-.iy an der xhix enstxument, xar antherwist affoxded by-
<br />apliliicab!e iaas•, tttali nut tc a warvcr<r1 <,r l,r<c::.:1o tier rxn;:x .:,v s:eh right eK remedy. .
<br />'I~ ;t .: an, •irnc r, v,~ll ac.r.= ~., roc ..;~.rr:~:r,c,.. c;ar !itam.:wrr may ix ahlctvobtaina.loanfmma:production
<br />.>r r
<br />cxc,i>t a x~ctr.,n, . f <unat:.ut: =.r •rxp• n.u-i~ :. .:it•c ~rvatrasrditanutce,'at reascsnahleratrsand tertne
<br />_. ~, ..
<br />far l4rans !nr =sa'niar ~, ,,.res ,,. _.:-a , .r~r. i;: _ ,_ _ .~?n .!ar t.;uvcrnmrnz'kreyucxt, apply leer and accept sutJa.
<br />krarr :n „i~tu ~rr.~ ..~ .- - - -.~ r ,.....:, .- - ?-, .;. are_i hrral>y ,cn t :a war 'ire any stockneetssary to tie
<br />p•.IJChaK(3 ~', ~~r~Yta l:: tie [!<': i ..i,.- ..ii i ~...i
<br />. , tar'r:ir ho ,,.c. ,1 .., .~..... ~.., ..,. <rr+ real estate. nx tandre any persona{ property or other
<br />s[c;t ntv rnxtrrrrir nt ',r ,i .r ir.a~:.r . , r, c-.,. , n n i ; . , . rii ar arcurntti i v 1Sorr+'rwer, and default under any suoll
<br />tY:3vtr trcrvrn rr,rr nx mr::z,6.J. s,~a ,raze ~soL::ir ':r.n,-i.:er
<br />1'~: tit!a 7l't-i) fit. F'.q i.7LT .K. ut :n •. r<.+,. I..,, ,. t~, s<.':a yc a•rv •,<du;+!ron :n thu irtstrtlmtnt sae seCtutd,by
<br />...
<br />:ku ::,ar.r:::nrns..,r u+, _;: ~nr rrt;r.:,.-cx a a ~,.... .m :. r ... 'urci .::,. n<,.. ,.:rnt..,r sh,auld any ouc ~>k'thr paxzics
<br />n,.rncd an Fl, .t ..>wrr !x i. ;.. ,•.: -.-an.,:...• ,,. _ i.....,~ ~. al. .:_ .~nc -i,
<br />,. •
<br />.., ,_., ~ onruc „fc:rrs!rnxrs,she t7ovctn-
<br />u -,i r ntc ~~z~andatsyindrhrodness
<br />tv thr t:.,vrrntraer.t h<xr:.F -rr:or<i: n, n<d ~ ~fr .i;;r ar. ;:,r aisle. ~ .~, h< a : e A..r,t :wr ~,etctlr .nd ;nv etaScrnablr
<br />,txp ns<s ..,r ;,ur .. ~,. n•cox ,. s..~ r ,r ~r-~r ~ s< rc~, i m apple c ,rt by it'.snd.
<br />prers..uoa of rota :r:#ru:or e:z .~ tt. ~.-e. ,t i.er c. ..n cc a.,,, »:.7 ut :usz kc ,: reu.: ~ :. utJ ,.p F: i.ra.ro .. h;.xm a rrcenmx.
<br />appo.nt<,t sot rnr ,rn;.e^ .. ,>: pa .,,. .., .,. ., .~ ;S: ,n. .., ,.r:x-~. Fi is .. ,tn:: n~~::r ~> pr: v~dtdlacre::n
<br />:Sit .~ .. I.- ~z e... .. -,i ,- ...r, - ae ..~ -~ r. _ i.. i. e ak'
<br />~ ~ ti r, ..
<br />i 3 ~ ~ ! rr it r t' r 1' , x h Y ., [b and rXI7Cn6rti
<br />:Hera rc ! . ( t c1:, t. !, •v i t . rc t .~ ~-. ' . , ! r..,. ~_uurt to l'>L
<br />sc f aa3_ hr is i•: ,d .r.! .>: t.r ., :r :r i .il ,.+bc#•trr4-,: ...- ~h: .., i<n,na. c u•e urrd : vr.In~ d n!erlor !tens of
<br />rc; •:rd rtAUUrd !,r !ati ,~ tiumnr•rn -:., ., ,~i %,c .. >,- it r6r c., ,rrninc^.: ~-~pt:~n~ arr,~ .:: h,cr :n dr ht tdnr5s nf1S+t1t.
<br />r„w<r owtnc -+ .r .. r :h ,. r, ,~.:. .•ala• ~ ..: St%:•naw.~r ?:r ~ r ,~::rr •,. nth vlsnf ,dl rxvav
<br />t9a rt :)t . he "rxvjmtj••a ! (:rive, Am[n Al t zy, t f 'C' Y - >~7 ..• 1 ..-,eK t'Jrt - . t it rr;;ilni nr~'a aharr
<br />,., is< F,urt~ yr ;.ter --c . rrdnrxap .uc.: arx rs~.rtt'- >>,ichs 9~_ w<r - .r r.r, r .t. ~ .4r r.ovrxnment, in che'
<br />.:rue. p:cxribrd ahnve
<br />FU, P_rre,wrr s~-.: zhar the {`rrasertxaxrr nl v,•f7.ar r r±~- (•rc sr f r., -a•ar a, pravtdrn{; Ir+sr
<br />vaIa.as to a, appease!- h, nc~csd or azamsptwn k rhr •n {x. x,~:h F .ins .nay <nr ;.i ac.non !~ adrt`iti~rtna!: }•
<br />is+dsrxvnt ..: Ivarcm~ •hc am.--azrsx the-crct{.~ .hctin 3, 4.. 7 » r_n m~ bebro, t ~ Frrracrrhinganv nxhtr
<br />stacat< at !z-axaIx>r... .: ,x#lrnria~ anyt~x-vf s~3rntpcx;a > .,rs..saon ~o,llnbnn;t am t3-cc~.:auro~xuc. ~ 'ri limeClv;q rhr
<br />r r
<br />c.>sakt¢m. witch the •~sv+.xRnnenx er» by regtaatkxa ;na+~sc. :r<ctudia, the interest r;rtz iemay c}ulxge, as acez+detir>n aC
<br />.L"p icvptz: a transfer „s :bc: propezt7rto :a rxcwRaarrowr. ?io:-o w'er cxprrs~vwatvre the lrearfit ~:t soy srich Statedws.
<br />
<br />
<br />