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<br />~~ ®Od~goS <br />'Flat: 5©txtii Half of the Northwest Qucz-ter (S zNh~6? ; the. I~rth Half. of the.. Northeask <br />Qu~ster (NtsN~a) atx3'FAts Doe {1} and fi«o {2) on the Mainland in Section 'Pn'~'tty <br />5i.~ (25) : all witt; ?tccsetions thereto; in Ztrvnshi~ Nine (9} I~r*,-h. Fange <br />ZWelve (i2} west %f the 5th P. M., Hall CYxmty, ~lehraskar subject to <br />;aortgage is favor of Equitable Life Assurance Society of the <br />IInitec3 States in the original amount of`5245000 recorded as <br />Document X77-004.184 Halal County Nebraska Register of Deeds and <br />sur,~ect to mortgage in favor'of'Farmers Hcsme Administration in <br />the original. amount: of SlStl, 000 recordecl as Document #79-001581 <br />Hall County Register o'f Deedsr <br />togrtha wa.S ail rigLxs, intereatx, caarsnrxtu, hertditssnenu and apgvtrteaaatcea xl%acunto 6ebng~ng, the rtnu, issues, and <br />gto!'rts x.Sereof and nrvenuea and income rhetefrotn, all. impmvetraents and personal property now or titer attuhed therein of <br />seasonable nrcraaarv tc the ux tftereof. including, but nor tunircd to, ra~ez, rcfri};etators', clothes washers, cltathes dryers <br />or carpetiu~ pur[Aased or tirutced in whole ar itt gaxt with loan funds; ail water, water zi~lttss, and water stock ppertaining <br />tl:cteso, aaa ail paYttsrnra at any tune awut$ xo Eiarrower by vtrtvr c+f any sale, lease, carisfer, conveyance, or condemttation <br />of anY part ritereat` or insrna thae~rt-all of vvvk4ich ate hereva called ••tbe propaxy" <br />'TCS HAYE AN()'Ct) fiC1Lp thepxopetty riatatite(>oawertsmcnt and:'ats assigns fottwer in fee wimple, <br />BpRROWEREorilurcowex'self;.Botrcewex"sheirs,rxecutan; adminrwtratms,succesmr••sandansip~nsWARRANTSTHE <br />TiT't.E to the propeztr to chr Govtrtim+sae lost all tawfttl claims and demands svhatsocvcx cxcrpt any Betts, encumbcaaces, <br />tasemcnt a, rcsenatinnt aQ catrveyanccs led hereinsbove, and CC)YENANT5 ANt? AC; }2T.E$ as faUow's: <br />' l To pay prvmptfy w{sen due anq indebtedness tc, the tarettfinent ltaxcby seeumd and ca indetrtnify aad sour narm- <br />l~as rise Cam.-~ernmtat s~ainst luu ender irs ~nautwr~t erf gaymtnc ot" the nine bV reason of .ny default by S+xrawer: At all <br />tiix+es vritea chc note is held ~a an vwrcd It<stdar, ~rrtrowsx ritsU c+ancir+ue to moire pagmencs on the note xo for:Govcrnme»t, <br />as .vllectaon went for the hai.ier. <br />2j To pav to the (;o~etnmrnt scu h fees and otlterthargea as may now tsr htreafter k+c rtqutred by regula¢ons of the <br />F armea Name Admuuatratian <br />3; (f required by :he Govnnment, zn make addtstsnal rnonthlq payments of l/l w of the eseimatsd annual taxes, <br />+ s.~-:+-nu. inaicranec ptemnrms and other ctsar~ea upon dto morr~agrd premises. <br />tit 1i'6eth« w not the noce is maurad b. ri~c +:;<raernn~at, the G~xmrnmeiet may at any tirxtepay any other amotmis <br />.rqutred 6ererrt eu EK paid by H«rUwrz and not pa:d b, hsnoaverwfr_n due, ~s wellas any errors and espensca £ar tl,e pre- <br />sexration, protection, or end«cement of chic lxn, u advarssts fortltticcu~tt..o#':;Botrowtt.All such advances xltallbexr <br />interest at rite rate home by the rx~te w!tich hay tlsc highest mtesest rate.: <br />{5) All adsanca by rtse l;cwernment as a:scribes in ilsia instrument, with interest,: shall be immediately due and pay- <br />oboe bq Borrower to the C:arernment wuhout dcrosnd a: t}er place designated in the tattsr note and. shall be secured hereby, <br />No such advance by she Go.ernmrnt shall :elievr Homzvrer from brtaeh ofBotro7ver`ssavenant to pay.:Such advances, <br />with itttrrcat, sisal? Fr repaid tram the iuat raiIsble cclkc:ions received from Bacrower. Jtltt:rvrise, any payment made by <br />Rrmowrrr maq br applied nn the noce yr any lodes>tcdncss cu the Cuverntnenz xcuxed hercb}• is; any order the C:avtrnmrnt <br />determines. <br /> <br />