<br />±he ~ m ~c,. c,l 'rp'rhEc Deed-.,' Trusa cha3t contrnur-unimpaired.Upen streh payment andcure by Burrower thisDeedoL
<br />Trutir : reel ,hc ni cat~nns x'c,:rcJ hereby shall remain in Fuil force and eNect as rf no acceleration had occurred.
<br />2t1 hssi(Cnmcni o€ Renls: Appoinrmepi of Recei.'M fender in Possession. Asaildit,ona{ secunry hs:>tt+nder. Burre•.s•er
<br />twreb , ,:er. ,< 1 ,.::der :he rents c>f the Property; pruvtdtd th;tt BorroSver. shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph t H
<br />here, i or nbard:.ra,•rn: n! the Pioperty,fiaie the. right to-cottert and retain +uch rents as•they become due .and payable.
<br />L van ac ~~ 1 too ~dcr paragctph IR hereof ar abandonment. of the Prupeny. Lender, ,rs person, by agent .~r by.
<br />iu[i r al,p apps in~ed rcui rr ,haN bt entitled to enter upon, take p~wsession of and manage the Property. and tocollect tht.
<br />r^n , f th i'rr~-rr•n~; :nr.-rudretg t;;i,st pas[ dtie Alf-rentti. ca{!erred hy~f..ender or tht recc,~ershall be appltzd first top~.,ymem
<br />of th ;t, „l n ,:rlcmrnt c:#" zhe Property and callcrtivn of rents, including, but not limited to. rrcei~•er's fees... premiums'
<br />«^ r~;.~ .er\ h n:i- and reasonable atturncv's tees, andtitenta the somssecured by [Stir deed of ?rust: Lender and lbc'
<br />rccr ~c•r shun !ce liable t~, accaurt only for these renu acrualiv rtceivcd
<br />1 Future AM~anets. Upon request «f Borrawi*r: Lender. as I:ender's opvon, pour to full. reconveyanec of tree Property
<br />by fnstc, :;, Boar:±wer. maymake F;tture Ad:^arrcr~3o Berrowrr. Strh FutureAdvanets;withinterest thereon. shall be
<br />xcc:,rrd h} th„ Deed of Trrrst iuhen tvicftnced by pro,missarv`-notes slating thatsaid notes are sccared Fterabv. At no time ;hall
<br />the princiGal arnaunt of the ittdcbttdrtess stcuretf big thi¢ Deed of Trset. not including. xtims advanred in accordance hercu;th
<br />to prrtcu ;h.~ secuniy'of then Dced of Truu. eareed the original amountuf the :'~otepfus E.tS S 47 nOa,QO
<br />~2. Recntwerrace_ L?pore payment afa1! Burris ;e.urctt b}' rhrs decd t?f Trust, Lender stroll reques(T.r rs,ee to rece~rvc~~
<br />;he Pr:.perry and .hat5`sitrrender thts f3eed aF Trcn .:red ail natea e~ldcocing ndcbzcdirecs secured by .his Decd of Tnsl
<br />t., Tra,tee C r:xtee sfuii reconves~ the Property'. w~thau2 Warranty and without charge to the person or person, ic~ull,
<br />zntrtk~3 tftcrcra, Strch ptrsan orperwns sttaft poy a3t eosxt of rerixciatian. ,f an}
<br />..J. SubRtNrk Twstee. E.ender. at L:ezxier's aptran, may trnm timt to urtm rema,~e Trustee Bred appoint a c,:cccs~«r
<br />trastee ,., .,rev l'rrrsteeappornttd htrturrtlet h: an instrumrnt rc^cnrded inthc ~onntr in~hrete this died ofTrust i., recorded.
<br />Wnbout cxu+~ea~,nct of the Property, the`ss.;t~essnr~.trusitr =haft ~uc~eed t,a at! the title, ~powerand .duties conferred upon
<br />nc~ ilmree herc:r, and dy applicatik Saw,
<br />~~. Aeyraesl lor.T.t:otiets. Burrcrwerrequcst~s tharrapiesni thr, notirr of defauhandnatice pt salt be-sent"fo Borrowers
<br />~dd:rsi whrch :, thr t"mperty Address,
<br />:~ ~i r hiE;S r4•'ftEaeoS. E3ot'mwe* has rxecuted this Ehcci rif Trust.
<br />,C.. C. ZndLStrias,..Inc. ... .: .......:.......
<br />--BarcowN
<br />C.=, Wagtte s3nlck ?resYdert -'-,tiorrowar
<br />$TA'tl Jr !VEBReeKA. ,... EtA ~,3. ...: ... ... ~Annt}' SS:
<br />C)n th,s lt.'t': ..day aF ;tray. 29 B2 . before me, the underst~rd. a 3~iotary_Public
<br />doh rr,mmis~,onccE and yua[ified Ear saKf.count}. persottalf} came ~.. C..Iaduat;Kies, SnC..arti
<br />.Shaz],t°ne J. H,olck, 5ecreta,TYjTi~asuzex,
<br />to snc known to he the
<br />idcnuraf penonOe) whos,^ namcMl ~#t sutsserttxYf to the forrpornginstramzni and acinnowltdgad the rxecutir~n
<br />thereof to hc. .her , saluntary act and deed.
<br />Wooers my hand and n,xarial ual of GF.a,tSr~ ~5~-??ld in i.atd cauntq, thv
<br />r~~ ~ A' ~
<br />My Cnmm ,~ t
<br />IIIf1glIAE~~i. *.,. ...... . , t ~ ! . .. ,
<br />~~~~~~ kit _ard H. '•lat:tk@ wotxra„o:,c
<br />k1;01_ C.S i S UR ttFC'Utiw'F;YANL'E
<br />EuTttusrt:e
<br />The undcrstgnrd is rhr 1u31etrr o) the noti rr m+tr, u•currd by tats Decd of Trust Said nett nr notes, tosether
<br />wnh all other tndehtednrtis secured h. th,c E)ccd r>t T~rv,t, h;:+•c txcn .paid m fuEi. You arnc~rrbc J,rccted iorunceE
<br />s;txT Hatt „r nntr, :rod this Ehrd of Tru4t_ which arc delivered htrcbyr and to Erconvay, without x~urranty,sit the
<br />citrtc new heW br tau under rh:. Llecdaf trust tc ehc pcr•A,nor pcrscrns iegally'rntrtlcd thertto:
<br />Darr.
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