<br />
<br />9.. Candemnaaion. Ti?-e proceeds aE any award nr claim for damages, direct ar .onsequcntial, in ennnection with any
<br />cardemnatian or ocher taking of tha Property,. ar pan thereof. er for convc}'anec in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and. shalt he paid to [:ender.
<br />to the event of a [c~tai taking of the Prcrpeny, She proceeds shaft t>a applied to the stains secured b}' this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess. tt any, paid to Btarrovicer. in the cl-ent of a partial taking of the Property, unless Barrower and Lender
<br />otherwiuagree in writing, there shah !x appiie,3 to the surrvi secured 6t' this Deed of Trust such proporrion of the proceeds.
<br />as is. equal to that praponian wfiich the amount of the sums secured by this Decd of 'c'rust immediata3y prior to the date of
<br />takingtnarsto rbe fair market 1'alne of the Prapen}~ immcdiateFy prior to the date o#' caking, with floe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid tc> Barrower.
<br />If the Property is aban.Mna-d by Barrower°, cr if, after notice t?y Lender to Barroµer that the condemnor offer to make
<br />an award. ar saittc a claim fee damage±:, 8a .wer tails tp respond to Leader within 30 days after the daft such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to ntiect and appi} the farcrceeds, as t,c;adcr's option, either ir, restorauon or repair of the
<br />'.. Pra~eriv or is the sums secured by th3, Deea9 of Tntst-
<br />l;nles [.ender and Burrower atiaerw•~sc agree. ir. wr,ting. aril +ueh app:icatic<n of pracceiFs to principal shaFl not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the m~nS3:Iy ins:al9mants refesreG to ir, paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar change the amount of
<br />such. instaftm=nix.
<br />76. Borrowec X04 Raleaied. E+uensian c b~e time tar garment or m .dific-ati!m of 2mort3zstion of the sums secured
<br />by-this Dced of Tnr=,t [{ranted by i ender to arr4 su.^ccssor in irtere t ;+' Borrower shat; not operate tt: release; in any manner.
<br />s ra 9iabitit}• of :hc arigma3 Barrower and t}nrrawe?s succecvor. s: irterzht. Lender shale neat he, required to commence
<br />rracaedtngs .egainst such sucxwsnr :7s ;rfue ;a extend tune tc,c patittaent ar c:the;u ise modify amortization of the sums
<br />securedh}'. this Deer! of °F"nrsE h'. reau?n -+ .m tit-.maad made cy the original Borrower anr_4 Horrawer'.s successorsFninterest.
<br />i i. borbearsnrr. by L.rndrr !ot a vi'aivcr. Aril it rbcarancc law' Lender ir, t:sercising any' right ur remedy hereunder. or:
<br />otherwise afforded ha a{apica~c taw c " _ a waiver ;,f ur pretFude clae exercise of any such right or remedy,
<br />T3ze pmcc:re~ment s • inszaranee or tt~e ~~_ n _~ r .trier 9 ens a- cita gcs 6;~ tsndar shah not be a waiver of Larder's
<br />tight to accetera;c .fie tnaiurit} +t +'re .. ' cdna ;, and. ;h,s r7eed u; T„ts!_
<br />12. Iteexdiex Cumalatli.e. >,1 -emr:isea ~ ~ .o-ad ,n this F?eed of Tn°it are d+stinct and cumulative to any other right.
<br />or re;mec:v ender ihsc)rcd cal '['r.,~.t .... v.'r;oed -w or eouitl~, and mev ire excrtisce{ cbncarrentlt'. independently or
<br />strCCa."S3f Veili .
<br />i~. Sorcrswn awd kcsi~trx Bound; faint and Several I,iabitity~; C'aptinm. "Fhc~av'enants and agreements herein.
<br />cnnlainesi. shaiF ErsnG~ anG ah~e righas peeve riot. b.eii inure te,_ +he rrsl>ectrve r:.:rrsars and assigns of Lander aadBorrower.
<br />subpxF in she provriionx .ri paragraph E' h rt ::.+i ntn~ntn 3 t «kreenacnis of Bo;rinver steal! Fc joint and several.
<br />'The ca{xiirsrx and 1sea+3rngz of ihr nsracrap}s+ x , 'his Dcrd s : T r r.r .ere Srr s, r,aca+ence trrNy and are naF is he used to.
<br />interpret .r, .define rPa.: prc?s~seuns.}aereaf.
<br />Id. ~ioiHC. fury ,+ env nou::e rrqui<ed vnrt¢r upPS,:ar~s ,av: ts; #+c t*iven ir. another manner, t.«{ am'~ noucttu
<br />Borrrxvrr ; ~..,dc,r i;~r ~e ih~x (3tacF o! ":'rust shai3 he a,vrr. F~. .. •,:ch nnzice hY a:ertitied ms+f aCdressed to Barrawar at
<br />the P'mpern~ a`cxlrrsti n. as. sucteviur addrs~v as Ba.YOwe; mac +c.;Rna~e by nczSiae tqa F_ander as pnwidad herein. anck.
<br />tb; .any ,.>>t,<r ?~ ..n;icr sha37 be gaven try ~ertatied ma,F, rctur+a s.. c, pr requeaud, try i,cro<#ctc aodresr stated hrrasn ar to
<br />clop r;her ~~7re•.. :,> €,enl,+rmay ufcxr~,nata trp rv+-rinr r<~, 8r?rtoa-er a. pr„ividad hercrn, Anv notrir ;arovided far m this
<br />De~9 of l ru. r ~ nai+ -~c deemed t;.r ?save ?xcn {„over: ,c+ 7~lorzcwrr -r t radar wf7an ¢iWen +re the manner dcsigtaated herein-
<br />. lS.. s ailorm Urrd o! 1 rerxr; !,;grrrnioq.3 xw; 5evtrabiliFy, i Mrs +.»n: ...-.. ,~ rrzr.z ce,mhenes ran,furm covenants for
<br />rutas3nal uu .., a3 ..,n~longt earl Ci~tarf.^.t wi9h ;~~; +i f.~cf var,atr.~fl's , ~:~.a ~~ad i. v M~ :°na7auFC 8 unofctir n't ;tei'itr3tF 3nSYrilmOnt
<br />cravcrrnjq ~cai ;~r..pens i..s r`rt-d ?-:u3t ° , he ¢•.'erntai hr hr tti c i ~., , whoch file Pro(>anv is Iccated.
<br />1n tipc ¢sen^. thy[ riot' prr.~~"an err lxuu of h.e Je,d nk irsst .r h_ •... _. .. ,t ~rpp,~cahFe cave, such conflict shalt
<br />char aRec: ,~.9~, rfcrva~onz ni rhea FSccaf of is ui; ilr tht !tiatte wh h .,. ?w". soave:, Uira w ~+f,.•ut the cr7nflecitng pruvmsaaa.
<br />anti '.u rho Cod tt;c ;•ro.-ss,nnx a7 iht ~l7eCd ^' i~ntat :orad StaC tiotc axe sr.i.arrd ' ~ i7e ~,.-'~rrahtO_
<br />lf- f~rrtraatr'v 4:aPy. yor~r.vvat s:rs~; ca- ru,rs~vnatt a eoarfcrrtracd . •;~? .. ,+-r V.~i.~ ~~,.at. of t''?rs d?red of `frost ar the time
<br />azt u:cczaum rx rho rvcruGatKtn trarao#......
<br />!7° T~tr~frr ut rMr Prt.prn,r. Aw.euerNew. It ail nrsa~• ;,ar~ ,,'. ,h,~ f'ropr+ts ,+r arc rn7c~sa Ihercm +s staid pr transtcrred
<br />ti~ 8orra+vcr ~,rn,rur :.oc: r -~-i+te. ~~ r_r,i u+Hi, rv:~ .. ~fre vy~!rnn sf a tern or aacunthrance ~sulu+rGtnatetr,
<br />rho teed .,' S r yet. ±. ha < t:,,n ,rt v p'+rcr ,e cc n ... +•: est i.r; hcauxht)9d athpp7ianccs tc1 a ttanSfea by dCVrbC,.
<br />dcecrnt or by .perat.an t 15W ,,r+n rtw ~.te~Ff, ,t , rn atria ,. , ..the grun+ . 7 :any teastlavFd tnter~t of there voa_ is or I~
<br />.wt cunl~in~r+p a °.. vt~an r. ;•ur,,^a:,r I rndcr aea~., .~+ I ender ~ ~=;n .. dn!a:,' ci. the vumx xe[utcil to thri l~kcd o~ 1 rust to be
<br />emmaJ,aie;? tsar ~"d p. :+i,:r s"rs,• .~.+,~ -, ,s, ~~,: ~~n ~ x,,:aierata +f, goon' ?tr the aaalcaar transfer, L,endcr;
<br />grad :hc grruu+ ;+. w1r„rn rYrc I'rnrr, ;y s ..~. r.c -~:.f ,~r :.- n fret:; : a, h ux•CCnt+Cxtt in writing Yhatdbe cradit taf such person ~.
<br />is saisstacturl i,. I crier; anU :he, Vx natereat ~s,.anie n.r per. , n,+.~.,curcd ht thin F~,~rd z~d.'Trust shall'tX "at %uCt1 ratC as
<br />1,-eCridtr shat rc:;uC17 1(1 c~. ulcr Sox ~•«arvrd ;nr .,:++,.,,, ~.• ~.. c,r+sic pnra u!ati i21 Ihas. paragra ph:37m and if Borrower 5 5ilt'CC53af
<br />an mtcr>ts: `„> rz~r:nr.t « :.--+ten s~u--aa.:crr, .r;,r~c+ner•; sc<ep+ra ~,<tng by t,_cndci Lenctrr shat! release BorrowerYrtsm
<br />' act ar+;rffa+tvn uz.;rr 'ten ilccC :~! i rm. _:nU :hs: '~++tc
<br />L' Lrrx}~rr air •_-.c, +.;rn u~r-r ;, ....._ w~+< < tn~rr. ~-."-~. ti.>rrt:wrr rnrticc of ar~ce{eraiinn to accnrdanCe with
<br />prsa~raph +a ',erre+ s ~ azl:rr .tint c,r-no _ ~:,+ :i,an 3t7 duYS from tha date the nt'uiee is ntaitcd within
<br />wt:,ch F6,rr,>.,~cr ., .. pat ~~,r sums air:darcd Juc.~ Usti. r~,.wcr t.,+? to pay. suchsums prior to Fl'aa axprratian of such peritxi.
<br />l"soccer ms,, •n.+u^ ;usher tea:,~.e +:, .tnraand Cara E3.,,« ~w¢r. z,..~.^r any remedies pcrrsutttd try paragraph IY hereof.
<br />ti,.r..r...~er~r+.t i ;.vrv,,xr4. Bnrro+arr sod i..:eaufcr turttur-cyavanantand agree as fee!{rpws: .
<br />175. Arrrkvrlww; Rcwaeiies,. Excerr ar<peos°idediat paraRrapte l7 heteoi,.upraaBarrowcr`s breacfi at any: ravetuat..or;
<br />atcreseswaas a.r Bomawer in ifiii ERrrr1 of Trttet, iaetwdiw~.tine rovcwawts to-part' whendisc anyxurnx secured bythMihrrd'
<br />ai ira..+° I.rn~r prmrttc rK•retaaatiarw bait ana3liwtire io Burrower ab.Oro:ifitdln piinrraph i4 hcraafslsectfyirtR: fl)tfic.
<br />brtrae'le; l2t rb+r as'tlaaue se+@waied ro a-aaresmcb brrwcb; ttia dour: aeot /aa tbaa.3Q days (reap for deco the notice is mailed ro
<br />/wrra+erv. By .. k+sA.snct7Frreaeb ewvxt br rured;aaad !•t)tktK.tw+ttrre Fo cure seep brtacfi auar Ixinrc tha. date sprci8ed
<br />is iba w7ice usag rerraq iss acreieraliwnoi ttsesaups secaued 8t' thin Ifrsd ut 'Trust Gard sale of Ibe Property, 'Thcnsrtiee
<br />sue.. tarMur ia/aartn Bovrnwer a!' fha rt~kt. to rciwrrtata triter arcalarat/ow and the ri¢bt to btieeg & court :action to asser±
<br />for atoiraegcwra r7f a detatisbl w' any attaer aitieape of.$orrowrr. tla aca^eierwtiaw and sack. if .thee bitiach. is :nat. rur¢d:
<br />arw wr btriierr3be dose syeritiaii w t!e twtiix, [.sprier su1-xeder's aplwua may dec4are at4oT the sums secunai lit'thl4t)edi
<br />oC 7rsst twbe iuy tlwr ippt pwyablerritttiwtfareierdat~ad apd smryinvtsi[etfx power gt' sale grad any olfier remedit~s..
<br />rtrwtittad by.. orrice obis ts..- l.eaiier shish be etntireat Y eaeRe+rt all resaotgrMe eersts apd axpewts Ltsenreed in pongirs~ ,tfiB
<br />reawedleu }n+•iietd In tbw t ii<. iwrlwriiwt. bwt not Btnitad ta. reastiwtbit atlarney's (`sea:
<br />H tAe rawer or ,tact 7s asfaierr, Trtrtue+u siwr tei:ord a notice of ddarait iw aaeb crwaty in wbicfi the PropeAy ar soma
<br />1~ tfiemf b {w:aeted •wd statY ~ s,L saarb tratict is the manner prrtcribad by apriir.'stik law to Barrtrwcr card to the
<br />!+~~ trreacriUed Et' aryKroiiciitw.. A6ter ttte liqua at swrta tiaweas aiay be re4ured by. npplicab9a taw, Tru>atee shalt.
<br />RiMr pasbBc n.Mice nt slie to Ma. pecssns wer! ip tha manner peeur#be6 by appiirabie taw: 'Trnstac, a~4ifioer. dcmaed an.
<br />beetve.er, iigil se5i the Proptttyat Mobile awa'tiww to ifae t+gttaes6 biddn u ttu time apd piarcc ap6 vender thi terns. driiltnatad
<br />ar floe srirticr ed 4ah iw owe as rtswc paresis awl. ~ sreb eerier av Ttasteve may drtermiwa. 'Trustee may pastpuwe atik of aB
<br />ar set' raacel of tart Armrrrerby ya#BewaMwamc~raed at ttsetime. rend place of anyprcvi#su•dy scbrdtded sate.. c,emler ar
<br />C.rwdar's th,.iRroec rarer ptwcit~it tht PrwpteAyNany sate.
<br />i arc. rertapt rxf ¢:) uerwl Ar ti.r grits. bid, Trwirict visail rhirver to the parctwstr Tnestve"5 deed convr,~inyt the Propefiy
<br />s~dat. lAr nriaais io tFae Tragtrr'c da!t~ abwil bc:piiiaa facie r+:dr rice otthr. trMb of tine statecwan4e triode iirerein. ~Trnsiee
<br />sutdl acppi. she #rorrr~, „f ehc isle in tba iaNarcriws~osdtr.ta) to sllresrraaottrderrrsts and txpetyes oftfiewle,iracladia7„ tiut
<br />rwt tiMraw.{ rn, Yrr.stee'd fern tar nM rwocr draw ~t v: -. "~ ai the grass sahr. prase, reasonable attarts+ey's teas andcaats of
<br />ors evtriesrre- thi ac alt ,unav vrr-rrrri by rkir' wf Trust; atwd 7c7 tbt rsr>~stF, ed nay, to the prr++Fap or. pcrsattts kgaByrnt&ied
<br />ts, lre+ro..er`r itigh7 t, Rrewaai;. 'vctwrtt,7#na=og Lcrr(~(`s acackratrcn of the zirms s~curcd try 7hra-T?ced of ?'suit.
<br />- ~rytnx~^:°r .k,x . ~ a.: ; ,, na°t +:• * .rr z ~ ,mxrs_d,r+s; Argtan }cp Lctttitr t, u,)urct- ,h,: rkrrd of `Trust s7?saantint7ed at
<br />rr.~ rrnr p+~~~ Srr-._. t ~,x,° t ,± Ftth ~>,. tT!„rr-r#ac~a{t axf .he p -w; n-; t"'r~;,a ,. to tfse fa!+wa:r n{ sate aantained
<br />.n rhea 63rraer. r ,;, r.. ~ , r•trv .rE s.:d>rre:n + ?;; sh,< i:c••,.l Trtrd; ,. u.,•,c ,?a..~. t ,.riot ell ,..ut~. whr:h wauE+i
<br />6e` iseN :Fri:. , >dea -r,,.. f ~crJ ,,, 7.a :•.r, ti ,, - j.,.la +r,ra+~ Fu+i,tre ,1~.ar. ~_- ~.:..i ~ .clerataa'na txxtrrrcd:
<br />v
<br />+
<br />,f,r W~1E n_~«.-.r _c.-r< .sir 3,r a?z~~ ,f a<a : ,1 ~. , ,~,~r.~,.rs :~. :^err,r.:nii Y~..: r:,w :. -... ,+ .,v~ „-:..f ~:~1' #rtaxl:
<br />:,., 7i,.. ~r,w~. i u - ,r-: ~,.rh.n x~Fr . .~-r..>•'.. ,n. <r ~ h'+ i ~...;n; '~ "„ .,.:,,-, .:,,.:: .,, sr*i ~. ,: ,l rscr+r~.eryts a+f
<br />Fy,;r sti w.,•r :.. _ _ ,., ._ . let-~ . , ,.. n ...., ' v .. ,..,+i- ~ ,
<br />~, ,t .: ~," •, tgragts 1~
<br />+
<br />h~P tR t .-:~~ '. .-. t z,a~s.. .t'r:S?tar t4,~. :: rS~ .. ~.. n t~ v:M ,,Y4tr - ~4Cin avftt
<br />,
<br />.._=i '. + Sfrn'i: C .....t .~ I.nn -. -. .'.. •:.~ cf }T~_:. ~~".. ,..~. .., ,y. iC t [r t
<br />