<br />82®~t?1862
<br />3
<br />I
<br />Lerder's evritten agttemtnt or applicable-Yaw. Borrower shalt pay the sttrount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />meaner provided under paragraph 2 hereof:
<br />Any amounts disbataed by Lender pursuant to .this, paragraph. 7, with. interest. thereon, shall become. additional
<br />indebtedness of SoaTOwer'secarcd by this Mortgage.. Lnle-ss Borrower and Lender agtee:ro other terms of payment; such
<br />amotiuEe shag be payable upon notice ftotti Lender to Borrower reuuesting payment thereof, and shall bear interesf frottti the
<br />date of disbutxntestt ar the rate payable from t¢rrtc to time. an outstanding principni-under the Note unless'paymenr of
<br />irrsrest at each rate would be contrary to applicable law; in wh€ch event such amounts shat[ bear interest a*. the-highest rate
<br />ptrmissibk a®der applicable iaw: Nothing;coretained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action heTeutrder:
<br />$: ittttttpctls~. Lender may make or cause robe made seasonable entriesupon and inspections of 2hc Praperry, provided
<br />that Leader shalE give Borrower notice prior to any such inspect€on specifying tcasonabk cause tltercfor rclafed to Lender's
<br />interest in the Ptnpaty.
<br />9- Coaiea~. ~ proceeds of aay award or cla€m for damages, direct or consequential, in connection :with. any.
<br />wndcmnatian or other taking of t}x Property, or part thereof, or for canveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be pairi^ to Lender:
<br />In t€te event of a total. taking of the. Property:.the proceeds she€] be :applied to the sums secured. by this lt.4ortgage.
<br />with the cxcea; if aay, paid to Borrower. in ehe cveat of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrawer and Lender
<br />otherwise agree: is writing, .there shalt bt applied to the sums secured be this '.Norgage such proportion of the Proceeds
<br />as is equal kr that pmpartion which the amount of the satins se.-ured by this Mortgage imtrndiateiy prior to the date, of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />veld ti> Barrorvmr-
<br />If the Property is abaodttned by Borrower, or if, after notice: by Leader to Borrower tFiat the condemnor offers to snake
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fai€s to tnspnnd.to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />retailed, fender is atithoriad to cal}ect aad apply the procteds; a[ Ixnder's option, either. to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property nr to the surrzs sovrtd by this hfortgagt:
<br />fSn{e>4 !_ender and Borrirwer othenvrsr agt[ee in writing, any such application of pr-xt:eds to principal shall. not. extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the rao»thly irtstailments referred to in .paragraphs i and ? hcreaf or change the amount of
<br />such iasniintetrtz.
<br />li- larrowcrlVM Rde~ai. Extension of the time far payment ar mod€ficatian of amortization of zhe sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Leader to any sttrcessnr in intcrett of Burrower shaf€ net operate to txlease, its any manner,
<br />the liabiiiry rtf the original Borrower and-BOrrawtr's xocecssors in interest. Lender hall not lee t-pquired to cammenc,e
<br />pracecdinp, agait>at such attcctsaor 'or refuse to extend rims fur pa4mtent ar otherwise madify ;amoriizatinn of tho sums
<br />secured bythls Mr,ngagebyreasm, of anydcmaadmadeby theorigiaai.$arrower and.Bnrmwers successors €niatcrest:
<br />11. Fariert~ee -f L.swier Nat ~ Witi+rr. Am' fnrtitarance by Leader. in exercising. any right t,r remedy heteu»der. or
<br />otherrsr afforded by appiicahie law, shall not he a waiver r+f nr preclude the .exercise af. any such .right or remedy:
<br />'I'heptvcurtmtenr cf imraanoe ar the payment of taxes er other Irrns ar charges by Ixndcr shall.. nor he a waiver of Lender's
<br />ri;ltt to acoderate the ntururity of the indebttdaevs sccurtd by this Matxgage.
<br />32. RrirJin Ctn. Ali. remedm provtdcd in thn Mortgage sic :distinct. and curntilati*rc to any other right. ar
<br />temtrh under [his Mnnga`c os afforded by law cv equity: and may l+e eeerciscd concurrently, independently inr successively,
<br />13. S~ecesws sty AMiRtu iewtd; Jeittt ~ Sevrnl 13a6iKty; Csptbws. The covenants ;tnd agreements herein
<br />amtaitxd shall hind. and the rights trerevrtdrr shall ,Pure ic,, the xexlrectrvc sttccrssors and ass€gos of t.endcr and Borrower:
<br />subjetK fo the provisions of paragraph i7 hrnrtf Ali cirvcoams and agroetncnrs t,f Borrower stia11 t,e joint. and severer.
<br />'Ilfe aption and headia*t of the puagraphs c,f tills Ltnrtgage are for canvcntrncc c,nly and. are rnt to he tired to
<br />interpret nr define the provntoas hereof
<br />t~. Nr4Y. Ezcct,t for any erMicre tryurred under Ap}icable taw to be green in another manner, fat any not€cc to
<br />BOrrowtr pri>vtdcd fur in th;rs Mortgage ahrl€ t,e grten h, ma,:ing :,cell rotioc by ccrtitled mail"addressed to Borrower at
<br />the "Ptwpcrty .Address or at uxtt ahcr address a, horr_•wcr rr;a, dcatgaatc b}~ rtatiee to Lcadcr at pravidad heron, sod
<br />tbl arty: ntrticc ro Lrnaicr shall he g~vcn by cctsPxd r*:a:l. return rece+pt tcgttcstcd, tit Lendcc's addresx :stated. herein ar m
<br />srrt:h other address as l.cnder rosy desitnate h~; nc,trcr t„ Ba,rrower as pravidcd hcrctn, Any native Provided far in thin
<br />Mortgageshalf t+c deemed t„ hair been Frvcn to Aerr,~wcr rrr € ender uhrn given in. titemanner devignattdhcrein.:
<br />ig. Uta{fwrat r-Nert;a~r, 4arersi~ taw: ycvrrabiirY. 'i"hi, {orgt of mortgage cvmbiEt,.s unriarm covenants for national
<br />wC anaT rxxt•undeerm covenants >,ith limited ranau.mz by u~rnda:Ytnrrrn azoatrute a uniform •=rce;nlt instrnmenicover€ng
<br />r+ui pmprty 3-his Mongage shat 6e ~a,,~crned h~~ rhr i,w „f the gunsti~ctiisn ire whichtBt Pr~pcr•c is 6tx:ated: In the
<br />outer shat aay provru,,n or riau!.r of this Vtnrtg~tr ,,r •he Vnrc ~nntlrr~. with ipplicahle law, such canilicfshalt'nab n(fect.
<br />.,thee prn•.~sion: aF rh,~ NongtrFe ,°r +tec tirnc •~.h,:h ~.an he ,~~,~en c;lret withorif the r,~r,ftictingprovisioa,.and to this
<br />end tSr pri»rsinns of ehc ,tnrtgaytc arxi t}u 'wxe ..re :irc'.ercd .:, !+e ~.c+rerahie:.
<br />Ib. leernnver's Cry. Aorrowc; .haH n- !u-a•sncd ;• n~mrr:rmcd . ~,rzy of the tints : nd trf this Mortgage :u the. time
<br />~?f iaecniron .>r seer rrrordarion harcaL
<br />t7. 'Tt-anstcr of tfr ftererty; vwrwpi.ttt, .' a;i c,r ana ran :;,t :he Prapcrty or aninterest there€n is snldor transferred
<br />by tiarrow~cr wrhout Ixndt-r's prior Hritrcn :,~nsanv_ c~~crzidinF ~ dhe ~_;cation at a-lien or cnciimbranoesr:burriinate tc.
<br />t;,it ~teriaage. !hi tht crattnxr ,=i :, ;?~~r,7asc rnorr4 ~.c~:rit~- :,,trr:st 4nrhausehaldappliances: tcS a. transfer hvdevise...
<br />Jesceat or ;n• oTeration t>t !ass uplsn fhc .:cash r+t .~ ;. Mini ;ensue .•r ,!: nc~ t•.rant irf soy ieastnold interest of three years err less
<br />nw <ron;ainmg an ,.?otiaxr [o nurchase_ r.cn<]cr *aay. -- i.cneer~ ,rpt~cn_ dt~:iarc aft therums secnred'by tRi# Nlartgage to be
<br />,mmadiatcly due and payxblr_ lcndc: shall F.a,c wnascd •i~ - ~^non ro acctiera;c !r`,arisrr to ttte-sale'ar 7aosfer. ixnder.
<br />and ttx pcrsan to ~~hom the Property xc r' x xvd .,r transfc rc~ :~acF: aercemtnt :r: •.+riting that thecredi2 daf such-pcrxm~
<br />;~ satisfactory to Lcncier ar>d t'tet the interest p3vah9c on *14e .,rot ~c. need My :has N,tr>ryagt shelf. lie at saeh rate us l.-t~ndcr.
<br />shah requcxt :i ! u,der has x-a:ces~f the t~ptrnn to aceeler;iYC provsded to :his para{;raph..3~. and. if. Bercower's satrctssen :in
<br />:ntettst hat executod a written assumparen ae;.xmentaccepicd in urit,ng ity.I.ender:l:.eadrr shailre{case:Bnrrawerfrom all.:
<br />obligations tinder this Mcrtiragc acrd the .'~e:z. -
<br />!C ~ curler r,crcius such apt,c ~ to au_elerare 1 extaisr chat{ main Harrower nsttcc of aceritration in accardaner with
<br />~aragrapt, !~ hcrrc f- Seuch nonce sha€r sroa,th :, {~t ritxl ,•foat less than 30days fr4m..the datethe..nutircic :mailed withtn
<br />~-h refs &xr[rNCr cusp nay the s,ms declared dec. I r Ronow'cr farfx o ; ay s+,,ch wems prrc,r?t+ the cxpiratii>a t~:t ~.ucfi pcricxl.
<br />icnder;nav, x,tit!,ut further ~?ti;r ~,r,l•marx+. ns Bs+ro-.."er ;,vnkeanYremediespermitted by paragraph 1Shrreof.
<br />'`tou_Cv,roana+ t~<t3~ w,trs. Bor:rssvxr and l.r'2aer +u^trc~ ,~ervc~nsnt and agree as foilnws;
<br />il, AccehrtiBa: Resedin- Ezccp :4s provided in paraai•aph; 37 bee,eof,:.upnn $a,trowrr's hreyK.kaf a»v c»vetunt ar..
<br />a~nnnetent of !<wrowtr is tfk lforftatte. itvclutlrttR the rovetnarrt'stsr pay where dneants+rnrs._vernred by this ~IortR:aae..
<br />Lastin ptlam M xrel<rtbw ,ltuit mss{ Potter to 6t,rrvwcr as pmrirerd In tiara~anh tA'kePtvrF slixet(yi~s ill tfe breach:
<br />l2l tft ac3ign re~rired to t-rrr surf breach; fJl s date. rx,t ksa. than ~ Aays from the date the uglier !ox mailtti tn. Barrowver..
<br />br wf4f track freacf aitaM.fe rated; sod t4l tfat failrre to cure .urh nrcseh on or fri'.orr the Aaft Specified'. in lfe mNict.
<br />Puy neMll iw tort.'+eitMA4w of tlx sins xrvreA by thin ~llnr+aRe, forrrlasarc br itrdlc:a{ pruceedir~ sled sak o(=thc' Propthty..
<br />l-its tttttlte niaW frttfer intMat ~nernwer nl rbr ri;M to r,riwxtWe aNrr acccirraru,n and the right [a axeisrt irrtiee fnrecNmsu.[c
<br />frtrcesdlwE eft ~•esibart set ^ tlefatdt ar ear afhrr dtfrmc nt B.rrrnwer to wccterata,n sad farecloraen... l( the: brcacf
<br />is Ir,9l catrtF n w befrrnr :ere ate speriGtA M tM ttwlrr. i<nder at Lrndrr"s ap<;s,r_ nuv sictlarc. alt vl the Ktens sra~rtrvd hF...
<br />tide /o fe ImatediaHi~ deco srttl p?r shte witfnrt further terrtrarrJ earl rna>; (.,rerM«e by ,itrdiei~. paersrdiasK:. txtrdrr.
<br />rdtFl Rt taWied to tu5lrt't M wcf Mor+eetiiwa rrk ex~rwwx <a{ fcrcdanvce- sxiurliea, ben nor +imiti~ t4, cones: of daemmentary
<br />eatnMare, atlafrrtc~ treat tNle *r>.oN-.
<br />!~. B'+rr+swer°e Rini t» lteaaM~e `~cw•..it r nd ~ 1 3c•'•: a > r z rh • ms "r~c.tred h'S'. -.es 7wt.•.rr~sxa,
<br />4igr,^r y,ezc; ebm:: h,~.x ieu~ :bg.>~za t~ `.awe :,x,; >esitcn'G~,.E• ~x s:,,z- e_:rsla .. ,< < ~ , ~. , ,
<br />- - , ih.. ...4d at an:~~ t, me
<br />}~~~
<br />