<br />i~iC1~tTGAf~E
<br />$2---~QI~~~
<br />TFfiIS ?vfORTt=rAGE is trade thu .............`?th....... ... da of....M~Y.....................,
<br />19..&2; between the :Mortgagor,.... ~1a[ne.s„~, , fie) tzer,.?rt¢, ~n,i.ta _~,. ~el.`4pr,. hus.b,ar)¢ _ ~ncl„ _ , . , ,
<br />pjlfg, ... , ...... therein "Harrower ,and [he :vlcrtgagee,, . T,lc. ,Ftr$t, t`~d.47,Q,[)dl
<br />,$a;gk,Qf Gra,P¢,+~i~Pd,.Gran¢.~s.iarid,.~rehr;a~k~ ....:.....~corporationorgantzedandextsting
<br />under the laws of ....... Ns'pTa S.kd .....: ..,whose address. is ...: ....... ....... . .
<br />...............4Q?.vt~st .i_tlir'¢ {:r~,r,¢ IS].d,Rd> .Neprask~:......,.....(herezn"L,ender'~
<br />Wtt>:lt~s, Borrower is indebted n I.ettder in the principal sam of.:.Qt?~, {llllldY'[TSf. ~hQU,Sd1l~ . ~Pd, . , , , , ,
<br />N.oJ.l~4----.----.------=--. .......
<br />'~ .... --.. Dollars. which indebtedness is evidenced by Bormwer's:note
<br />dated • - - .:...... {herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balin:x of the inoebtedriess. if stot`sooner paid, dtie and payable on.. ~lUTtt'_..l; :2002 ..::....... : . .
<br />To Seetnte to Lender tat t5e repayment of the indalatedn~s evidenced by the vot.~, with interest thereon; the
<br />payment of ail other sntrct, with irtitrest thereon, advanced in accorda;ice herewith ~o protect the security of this
<br />Mortga~c, and the lxrformancx of the covnstiLS and agreements of Borrower hamtn contained, and (b} the repayment
<br />Qf knV fU[tuc 3dYaftCfS, with inrezcst thetti~In, made to Borrower by Lendez• pnrsuaht to paragraph 22 hereof (herein..
<br />"Fnitue Advances"), Banowtr dorx hercbv monga~, grant and convey to Lender the foitowing described property
<br />located io the ~Y af: ...::. ,1ia~ ~: , .. , , .. ~ .. _ ..:....... , .:..., State of i+iebraska:
<br />Tt~E S0t3THERLY FIVE FEET {~,_5°) OF LOT
<br />'£410: {2} ANfl ALL OF LQT THREE (3} IN
<br />NEBRi4SKA,
<br />w[M-,ls bas tree addre..s af... ....242 South Pine ........, . fzr`.dt2d. I.S7axu! , :,
<br />... Nehraska. 6FI~Q't _ _ .... therein °Proticrtt ~~dc7 n~`1;
<br />ToGFtxtA[ with adl the imprmenents now .,r hzt-aftrr ~_rcae~d ~m the trre~txtty. ern{ sil easem~at~s. ri,xhr,.
<br />atpSFtcnS~txxc. rextts. myalt~, mineral. nit and gas riehic and t~rr,tiG~, water. water iisr[<. aacl rater ,tucti. and ai!
<br />tsxtarxx novsur 3seraaftec aTtzuhcct to [hz propr:nl~. all :.tt Fvhiclt. inciadia: rcplarcmcnt. •!a. aildatc%ns [ha-rcto. ,bait 1'~c
<br />a~smui t;ti tJC arts! remain a i iif ihe~ r.,~-+ctip ~~urered h~ this'vit rt ~ r „€ r
<br />~ } r Wiz: ;arc :~ f r5 fo.,~~sn~ ~aet, r «Utt-old
<br />ester€,ertY (ot G:;. 4tazrktoid csta2c of ati Mtirtfa~c is ,,n a laaxcR:~!u~ 1 ~ e +rcn t f~r,crl t es !fz~ t n:~~rtrr.y" -
<br />9orrst~r sivcnanb that Astrnrwx:r is ?a~rf-afly seises v{ *hc saxt~ a:.rreh~ +nv~ w-~_• av,~ h:~;; f ~ rest!, ~r. ~narr_;r;~.•
<br />~rarrk. e<rrsstil' the Pn"~crip, ';ta{ 'ht Rrc>pcr:y }o aarrr i:crrnfs^ i ;.. red •.^;2t i3.~rrr - ,.:F a araty ra +iei':aad
<br />~,~ ixva4l:~ t}~ :leer ro ax fss;>~~5 :~~.ains. a.3 :o3aazi< arxi dectsxr~riK. s 3 ^,.°. _ . ...~. r~ a „- s, ,a: rr_, -., .. ~
<br />?i~,ta3 tat ~ s~-Ikees~te` rd e~: Seas :,, ~:acr~ i-~ ti ~~ ti, ,, ~:Ya>
<br />5~ ~ '7e ..a: 3: ,n .tt ~;! 1 r.c~ '~.: ~.r :. ,al .. St '~ t.i 7 r •;'}.~r tti
<br />-.-~ .axrr~.+°~ ~:., _._FNM¢erNF.lAt R31f~~iflt €tt4T~L>wgil3
<br />