<br />t32~J~:;}133
<br />3. 'The mortgagor ~vecaota tend agrees that if he-.hall fail to, pay valet indebtedner or any past thereof when:..
<br />elite, or shall fail to perform any covenant or agreement of this inefrument or the promitnory nose secured hereby, the
<br />entire intlei+tednesn hereby secut~ed shall iromedaateAy bemme due, payable, and collectible without notice, st the
<br />• tsptian of the mortgagee or assigns, regardiena tti maturity, and the mortgagee or hir aeris;tte may Itefore or after entry
<br />sell said property without sppraisemtrnt (.the enortgsgor hmvirig waived and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of
<br />apprairrment)
<br />!ti at judicial axle paisnant totlte provisionaof28LI.5:C.2U01fa); or
<br />(tt) at the optim of the wort, tither br autxionor by eolicitston of sealed bads,'for the highest and
<br />btw bid complying with the terms of,sak and. manner of paymead sptecified is the published aot-a of rate, 5nt
<br />giving four weeEi Dories of the Sims, Eerine, and place of such sale, by advertixmeat not Ices than once
<br />during euh of said fouz weeEa in a newspaper published tar~irtributed is the county in which said property
<br />is aitoatted, ^li other ttoticc'be'sa~ lurcby waived by the mortgagor (sad 'said mortgagee, or anr> ptason m
<br />bdtalf of said mortgagee, may hid tirith €Ite unpa;d iadebtedner evideaoed, by said hotel. Said sale shall bF
<br />held at or oa the: property to be .old or at the Federal, rnttnty, or t:ity txtarthottee for t}at county is which the '
<br />propttxty it located. The awregagec is hereby anthotved to ezecute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />dtnlivtr w the pareliawr at such sak a sni6cieat eonveyaace of said property, which conveyance: shall twntain
<br />teestalr • is ere 6appeaiag tsf she default: upon which the execution of 'the power of sak. herein granted
<br />derpt+ads: sad the wid asortgager hereby: coetrtitntea and appbints the mortgagee or nay agteat or attortsey of the
<br />taoettagee, the aEtat end attorney in . fast of asid mortgagor to make atxh recitals sad to ~cctatt said :..
<br />oaavera>.oe sad heir coswualo red agrees that the r~it>Qla ao;madc shall be effectual to bar all eynity or
<br />t•iFbt of redasptioa, I,aareatead, Boxer, and aU other cxemptioasof the mortgagtrc, ail of which arc hereby
<br />acprerlr-waived sad cabtreycd w thte mnettsagtee: or
<br />tn) take nay other appropriate aMitxi pnreuani to state or Federal statute either in state tir Federal
<br />..court or utherteiaa for the disposition of the property:
<br />1(A ere event of a sak as hereinabove provided, the :morigatyoe or an}', penan in potweerion ender the mortgagor shat!
<br />these beeosae and Ire tsaaeb holding over and shall forthwith dclives,possessiom to the purchaser at.such rate or be
<br />wmararily di.po..ra.ed, is aceordsnce with the provisiooe of law appiieablc to tenatita holding over, The power
<br />sad ajteocy hereby [noted are coupled with an iaterM and. are irrevocable by death orotherwiae, and-are granted
<br />w +raswuhriive ~ tlw rtetttedis [or colkrtioa of raid indebtedetne provided by law.
<br />4. '11te p•eeaetL iaf s~ wlt of t>1id ter im atecordatwx with the pteeediaR paragraph. shall be applied fiat
<br />i• pry the ew and ettrea.e. o[ wid aJti the eapenaar iaearrtd by the euart~r~ee for the parposc of prntectinfi or msin~
<br />taiaitag raid Froperty, and rcaaanabh! auormr}•s' fer+; werotsdly, to pay the iadebtednese rrcored hereby: and thirdly,
<br />to par awy wrphu or rscras is rhea perswt err pcrttons Ietcally entitled thereta.
<br />Sa to the swat said peapattr is rld u a jatdiciat tereclasare ask or pursosarto the pssrtr of vale Iterrieabove
<br />rd Ire. puseeais ate trot afeie.t to par the'tou! indebtedasss seeared by thin n.trttasett and evidenced br
<br />strid pe~atatiaseer r+aea. the mel~r will be mtitkd to a dt6racoey judgment for tlty amount of flee drFcitnry wit6awt
<br />ssgpni a ypraiwewwt,
<br />S In the event the mortlcagorfails to pay soy Fedenl,'atate, or local'tax assrsrment, ioconte tax or othertax lien,
<br />tlrsrge, fee, nr other Cfl:perne chasxed alcwast the property, tlu wortgagCe is hereby authorized at hie option w pay
<br />Ire rants. Any war ao paid by elr terortgagee shall be added to and beroate a part of the. principal' amount of the
<br />indebtedaese evitleered bs raid nett, subject to the snack terms and' +~tmditions. if the mortgagor shall' pay and
<br />disrbartpe the indebltdaer evitfineed by raid promissory notes and :shall pay rush ewtns and shall: dfsehargq all. taxer
<br />sad !lean sad the coma, fora, and experaea.of makitrR, tmforcing, and exetarting this mortgage. then this martgage'
<br />ttMi! kte eaeesled and ru.rraelered.
<br />7. lire co.eaaap httteia enataittted shsQ band nerd the bme6u and advaatapea shall inure to rho respoetive area
<br />eswaes and aaeipr of the parties 6ateto. ~3rec.er used, the rinRviar aaat6er shalt include the plural, the plural the
<br />siapLr, sad tis are al nay gasdat shall inehstk sA genders.
<br />3. 3Ve saner of nay tw.enaat hteeew or of.thc obhg•eton aeettrtd hta-~y shall at am time theredter he held
<br />m ba a wteiver of the versa hcneoE or of the nott weenred hereby.
<br />9. lacawplisnce..ith sectiea 101:1{d) aftlre Rake and Rr~rlstiorr of the .~iatall Harmer Adatiaistration [I3
<br />C.F.II. 791.1 f d h 1, this irrsttv~t is to he cenrtrued and a nfortxd in aeoordaace-with applieabk Fedt»I Iaw.
<br />I9. A judicial deene,r, order, nr judpweat hold"
<br />rug any provision or ptartiast of thin -irutrnntent invalid or tur-
<br />tnrfarcts<ble shall net in say way itrrpair err prtxlude the rnforremeri of else rnnairdng proviaiota or portions of
<br />that iastrn~enl.
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