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<br />~'?---)U1~~~i <br />I. '18.tiorgpsEor6avm~,ma,i~ee. awfottana <br />s. tie will pramptty pas the iadcbtednera eyidentxd bT raia promirorp sore at the time.and-fin the <br />traces theeeie,ptoided <br />b. TICe will pay all taus, aressmeats, watez rate, and other. governmental or municipal charge, fines, ar <br />iatpetti0ooe, f~ trltich proriaioa by nee hero made hcreinbefore, and will promptly deliver the official teceiptt <br />t&erefocto.ihe aid:mortgagea. <br />c. He will pay such eatpeaees and fees as may be incurred in flee protection and maintenance of said <br />property, iaclssa`ing the fees of any attorney employed by the .mortgagee for the collection o{' any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or for forerlomtrc by mortgagee's sale, or court. proceedirige, or is any other <br />litigation ur proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reaeonablo• incurred in env other way Shall }x <br />paid by the taortgrgo : <br />d For better atxurity o£ flee indebtedne.~ hereby secnzed, upon the tegvrst of the mortgap~, ire sus <br />ceron or aari~na, lee sltsll execute and deliver a supplemental. mortgage or mortgages eowetiag any pddition~,; <br />itaprovesatia, or betterments mrde to the property hereinabnwe; dcecribed :nd all property'aagnired hg , <br />it after the date hereof (altiafactn aatiafsctary to mortgagee). Furthermore,. should mortttagorfal io cure,. <br />amy detach in ihr pacmextt of a prier or inferior eutumbrance on the property described bythianstrument,' <br />trortRxgor,bcreby agrees to permi mortgagee to Corr such default. bat mortgagee is not obligated to do ea; <br />and aae6 adxancas shall became part of the indebtedness secured by thin instrument, subject to the same <br />terms sad ctmditom. <br />e. 'Girt rights. created by this conwevance.sball remain in full force and effect during: any postponement <br />or estenaian of the timcaf payment of the inslebtedntss evidenced by said pramiiswry note or any pan thereof <br />sawred hereby. <br />j. tie will rontiouousiy maintau haaard insurance, of such type or types and in reach amounus as the. <br />eoongaRee may. freest time to time require on the improwemenu now or hereafter on raid property, and <br />vrdl PaT [~P~T *'~ dot soy peemittms tbereCs. All iosttranoe shall. be carried is otewpanms a«eptable <br />ire aortpsaa sad the poiicies and renewal thereof shall. be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />las; pgoWa cheerers its [a+ar of and in fora srceptable to the mortga~ea Lt erect of low,;w.ottga~rr will gisre <br />itr~riialr ~ L writitt6 to sottg~ee, and sort6a[yee toad make proof of for if trot toads P~P'dT hT <br />rsst~s'r, and aeeh iasrtatsee cowprny eoneectsed is hereby authorised.~ad directed to toake payment for torch. <br />leas diaaetly to sartp~ee iaytead of to +nd mortgagee jointly, and the ieswtratsoe'protareds, or say <br />paet,tLasaa[, easy be applied b7 aortgagee a its option either to the reduetiaa of tba ndehtevl~e.. hereby <br />ase~ead tx to t6a` tastarstian ar repot of the ^roperty dauaged or destma!ed. In event. of faresebwm o[ this <br />aoel~. or ocher tratsafer of title to said prnptsrty in a:tingnialtotmt of tits indebtedneo ascnred hereby,,all <br />tiff, title, stet"tautest of the art6a~ttr in sad w cry-traranee policies then in force shall pr to the <br />purehaaer or tnortga£pec+or. at the option of the mortRa~ may 6c surreadcred for a reload. <br />g. 'tie will keep ail htuldiaits and other improwemeata on said property. in good: repair and condition; <br />will perani4 commit, or suffer tto waace, impait'ment, deteriontiaa of said property or any part thereof: <br />is the: event of failuro of the moRgagor to keep the buildings oa said premises and those erected an said <br />pesetas, or improrretneats thereon, is good repair, the mortgagee may make, such repairsu in its discretion ii <br />esay detsne teeceESary forthe proptar preservation thareof;:and the fall atooetnt of each and every such payment: <br />shall he iattncdatelr due. and payable and shall be seettretf by xhe lien of thu mortgat[t. <br />lfsr He xill cwt vohattarily crceate or permit to be created attaitnt the property snhject to thu mortgage <br />say lien or liens inferior or superior to the lies of this tnottga~ge wiihsrut the written consent nf'the mort- <br />gagee; ant further, be will keep sad maintain thesaoae free from thtclaim oCail PcrarsnaauPPlYmg laboror- <br />materials [or coearttdow wf say and alt buidiags or improvetncnts stow being:erected or to be ;treetrai un< <br />and ptrgnises. <br />i. Fie .vill not rent ar assign: say paK of the rent oC staid nrortgaEtd property ar demolish, or remove. <br />or sabstantially alter any boi3ding xithout tLe written consent of flee mortgagee: <br />j~. AH awards of damages in ebnrseetbwt witMtanycondemnatian forpublicnxofarinjnrytoany'of the <br />property anbject to this mortgage ates hereby aseiytaed and.srltxfl bt paid to mortgagee, who may apply s}ie <br />saws to payseat of the instlrllatcnLs let doe underasid sore, and snorigagee is hereby authorial, is the <br />name of the mortaaFot, to execute and deliver rand acquittances thereof and to appeal from any such award. <br />k. The mortgagee sheet leave the tight to iaapeet the nwrtgaged premises at any reasonable time. <br />.'s [lefaak is aa. of the cowemtnta ar swsaeFitio~ oC this inatrusneni or of the-note ar ioan agreement secured <br />herein shall teraigste the iaortga€pr'e right w fsoesession, ue~ and ersjortnent oC tftr. property, at the, option of tlic <br />essartgxgee or his sasians pie brinx agrt•tmd that thsmortgagor ahalt'hatie such rSglst anti! default). Upon<any auclr <br />defmft, tba ewrtgaaec .hall btxcsme the aivaer of ai6 of the erns and, prrfita aaxruiag after slofaaR as sectaritr <br />for tl+e iadeittednear tecuv. i 1eerEby, wi±h the right sn sestet upon .aid prssprrtp fire e8sc purpose oC callactinR each <br />revel aepi probes. Thin ittxtrnrad3tabaltoperate sy anassuRatssent of any sxattals:on said pmpcrtyto that extent. <br />